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Notes for the Board of Appeals Meeting 10/15/2020 6:00 pm
By Guest Columnist Cassandra Hettermann

ZEBULON - [Note from the Editor: I do not have time to attend meetings all over the county. If you go to a city or other meeting and would like to send your notes to Pike County Times, please contact me by phone or text at 770-468-7583, email at editor (at) pikecountytimes (dot) com, or on Facebook. Thanks to Cassandra for these notes!]

Scott absent

Brent made motion to approve agenda, John seconded, all in favor

Public Hearing:

SE 20-06 (old girl scout property) applicant asking for SE for livestock within a named subdivision. Brad said after reading the application info said that it was to re-instate text amendments from 7/31/2018 that doesn’t allow livestock in a named subdivision. No one came forward in favor. Ms. Francis lives next door and questioned fencing and what kind of animals would be allowed. They own 10 areas there and like the peace and quiet. Rob said that each lot owner once bought would have to come before the board for approval as to the type of use they want.

Brent questioned by no one was there to represent, Brad told her he could answer any questions. She asked what kind of animals? No answer was given. Ron made motion to approve and Brent seconded, all in favor.

SE 20-07 Applicant asking for SE for car lot and automobile alterations. Trent (applicant) came forward and said that it would be basically collector type cars, modified cars and jacked-up trucks. He said that he knows that it the property is in the overlay district and plans to landscape accordingly ( possible palm trees).

Heath Coker (owner) spoke in favor stating the revenue to the county and asset to the community.

Brent said that it was ok with her because it has already been a car lot. John made a motion to approve and Brent seconded, all in favor.

VAR 20-09 thru 20-11, Ron made motion to combine. Newton Galloway spoke on behalf of the families and presented a power point to the BOA members to help explain why the variances were needed.
Tract A: request variance to reduce lot size in AR
Tract B: request variance to reduce lot size and approve road frontage in AR
Tract C: request variance to approve road frontage in AR

No one spoke in favor or against.

Brent said she visited site and can tell the houses and driveways have been in current use for years and understands why they want to correct the lots.

Newton had given a page in his power point with suggested proposed motions: Bonnie made motion to approve page 5 in power point and Brent seconded. All in favor. Comments: Brent said to remind everyone that meeting dates in November changed. BOA Nov 5, Planning Commission Nov 12 and BOC Nov 19. Brad said that with those dates he will have time to advertise up-coming applications.

Ron made motion to adjourn, Brent seconded, all in favor (6:36 pm)

Proposed motions:

VAR-20-09 (Bell Tract; Tract A on plat; Motion to approve variance on tract A to reduce required minimum lot size in AR from 3.0 acres to 1.688 acres.

VAR20-10 ( Mason tract Tract B on plat: Motion to approve variance on tract b to reduce required minimum lot size in AR from 3 acres to 2.421 acres and to approve access to Hemphill Rd as shown on plat.

VAR 20-11 (Bell /Norton tract, tract C on plat; Motion to approve access to Hemphill rd as shown on plat.

Submitted 10.16.20