This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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This meeting was attended by commissioners James Jenkins, Tim Daniel, and Tim Guy along with County Commission Chairman Briar Johnson, County Clerk Angela Blount, and Interim County Manager (ICM)/County Attorney Rob Morton.
1. CALL TO ORDER .................................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION……………………………………………………………………………Ben Maxedon
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))
Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
a. Minutes of the September 24, 2019 Regular Monthly Meeting.
b. Minutes of the September 30, 2019 Special Called Meeting.
Motion to approve both. Approved 4-0.
a. Employee Recognition for service to Pike County.
Jason Caldwell has served for 5 years at Public Works. Interim County Manager (CM) Rob Morton told Jason that he appreciated his service. Public Works Director, Todd Goolsby, said that Jason worked at Pike County Parks and Recreation Department before Public Works. Todd said that Jason was dependable and soft spoken but that people listen when he speaks. He thanked him for his dedicated work for Pike County. (Photo of Jason above.)
b. Vanessa Wilkins from Promise Place is requesting a Proclamation to be signed for Domestic Violence Awareness in October.
Vanessa Wilkins, Director from Promise Place thanked the Board for having here at the meeting today. Promise Place was established in 1987 to help prevent domestic violence in Pike and Spalding. It provides services for over 3,000 women and children in Fayette, Spalding, and Pike Counties and has also reached over 5,000 students in domestic violence prevention. The month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. She also introduced Sarah and Jesssica from the Zebulon office. (Photos above of Vanessa and supporters of Promise Place.) Chairman Johnson read the proclamation aloud, and it was signed. Vanessa thanked the Board for their support.
a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a
Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments and a summary check register.
Motion/second by Commissioners Daniel/Guy to approve the reports, motion carried 4-0.
b. County Manager Report
Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ........................................................................................... …$367,646.28
Fire Dept. Donations ........................................................................................ $6,044.74
BOC – Jury Account………………………………………………………………$0.00
Cash Reserve Account ........................................................................ ….....$107,473.05
Pike County CD Special Revenue funds………………………………………….$0.00
Jail Fund ........................................................................................................ $32,387.81
E-911 Fund .................................................................................................... $51,559.58
DATE Fund ................................................................................................... $52,460.95
Juvenile Court Fund ....................................................................................... $10,837.97
Residential Impact Fee ................................................................................ $738,060.91
Commercial Impact Fees ............................................................................... $83,355.61
C.A.I.P FUND ............................................................................................. $180,836.34
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2016 .................... ..$272,902.92
L.M.IG. Grant (DOT)………………………………….…………………..$170,955.22
c. County Manager Comment
A detailed report was given to all of the commissioners.
LIBRARY. $50,000 was approved in the budget already, and Rob asked to authorize the final amount specifically for shelving, etc. for the record. Since already earmarked, the commissioners gave the ok on this with the final amounts. Motion to approve the final $26147.60 that was already earmarked for Impact Fees for Library Expansion. Approved 4-0.
[Note from the Editor: There were a lot of details in the Post Agenda on this item that I am going to add vertbatim.]
Interim County Manager Morton noted the first item in the report that needs to be clarified is related to the Impact Fees that was authorized or discussed for the Library expansion. Morton stated when the Board approved the budget in May, there is a line item for $50,000.00 of Impact Fees to be used for the Library expansion. It was not specified that was included the Budget so the Board did not make a specific motion about authorizing Impact Fees. ICM Morton noted previously when a contractor is awarded for the project, it is brought to the Board so it could be specified and specifically addressed. Morton stated a resolution is being presented today to authorize the remaining $26147.60. Morton noted the Board has the resolution in their packet that specifically and previously authorize the $23,852.40 for Karr Construction to do the work and that left $26,147.60 in Impact Fees. The Library needs some framing and shelving to finish off the project, as well as, there were little add-ons that was over $800 in contractor fees and also looking at the possibility of including the signage that is required if enough to cover it. ICM Morton addressed the Board asking them to approve the remainder of $26,147.60 to be paid from Impact Fees toward the expansion project and improvements.
Chairman Briar Johnson asked for clarification that the $23,852.40 was already approved, if the $26,147.60 was additional.
Interim County Manager Rob Morton replied the Board approved the $50,000.00 when the Budget was approved but it was not explicitly addressed in May, it was only implicit. Morton stated which means there was not a discussion when the Board voted on the last reading of the Budget regarding authorizing $50,000.00 Impact Fees for the Library expansion. ICM Morton stated a couple of months ago a resolution was brought to the Board for Karr Construction contract. Morton clarified for the minutes that the Board has authorized the entire $50,000.00 specifically rather than implicitly so that would be the $50,000.00 that was intended for the Library expansion.
Chairman Briar Johnson asked if the approval for Karr Construction was $23,852.40 and now we are adding another $26,147.60?
Interim County Manager Rob Morton stated the $26,147.60 is not for Karr Construction but for the acquisition for shelving and additional materials. The additional work will be done by Brandon and Gail to finish up but also hope to have funding for the possibility of signage improvement.
Commissioner Guy asked if the $26,147.60 was already approved to go into the Library account.
Interim County Manager Morton replied it was identified in the Budget, yes!
Commissioner Guy asked if the shelving was going to be around eight hundred dollars. Interim County Manager Morton replied no, the $841.92 is the additional amount to the contractor who came in at $24,694.32 per his invoice. There were a couple of add-ons, one being $100.00 and one was $741.00. ICM Morton stated the remainder of the money is going to be allocated toward the shelving; we will get bids and pricing on the shelving. Morton noted he has some of the estimates but does not have the final numbers yet; otherwise, he would be giving the Board those specifics. Morton stated we are intending on finishing the project within the $50,000.00 that was intended as part of the budget. Chairman Johnson asked for clarification that the $50,000.00 was not explained, it was just in the budget.
Interim County Manager Rob Morton replied yes, technically it was approved and I would rather it be on the record that the Board approved the entire $50,000.00 specifically to be paid out of Impact Fees. The library has it in there.
Chairman Johnson asked if the $841.92 increase, if that was a contractors increase. Interim County Manager Rob Morton replied we received a change order that showed $100.00 and another $741.92 for some additional work that was done. Once the Board approves the $50,000.00 total, the additional $26,147.60 will cover the additional amount from the contractor. Chairman Johnson asked if the additional $841.92 from the contractor; if it was something the County asked for the changes or did the contractor.
ICM Morton stated no, the contractor submitted his final invoice.
Chairman Johnson asked if that was the contractor’s idea to add the $841.92.
ICM Morton replied yes, the $741.92 was for extras include additional material to extend the addition a foot both ways. The extra span required the contractor to use 16 foot 2 x 10s on a 12 inch center instead of 14 foot 2x10s on a 16 inch center. The ceiling joists also had to be change from 14 foot 2x6s to 16 foot 2x6s. Rafters 2x6s also needed to be increased from 16 foot 2x6s to 18 foot 2x6s. The price reflects additional material cost. Labor cost remained the same. An additional $100.00 was for stucco patches on existing structure.
Commissioner Daniel noted the entire $50,000.00 was already earmarked.
Motion/second by Commissioners Daniel/Guy to approve the rest of these funds that were earmarked for the library expansion out of Impact Fees, motion carried 4-0.
[End of Verbatim Addition.]
REQUEST TO USE LIBRARY PARKING LOT FOR CHRIST CHAPEL EVENT. Rosemary asked permission to continue allowing Christ Chapel to use our parking area for their fall festival. We’ve doing this for years. Question about liability. If there is negligence on our part in an accident, we would be responsible much like our roads, but otherwise Christ Chapel would be responsible because it is their event.
IMPACT FEE RATIO DISCUSSION. Int. CM Rob Morton said that he and Brad Vaughan have been working on modiying Impact Fee ratios. He said that we need accurate population numbers to go further with this, but we are moving forward toward changing this methodology. There is $14,482 can be used for this and it could be on an agenda later. [Note from the Editor: County Clerk Angela Blount noted that Phase I is $7,100.00 and Phase II is $14,600.00.] Rob said that this could be addressed now or later. Commissioner James Jenkins asked if we had bid this out. He was told no because last year the commissioners approved the contract with this company. James Jenkins made motion to approve phase 1, look at phase 2, and the $14,482 be earmarked from the Impact Fee Adminstration Category. Approved 4-0.
Fall conference coming up and he and Chairman Johnson will be attending to accept the CDBG award next week. Public hearing on October 29 with regard to the receipt of the award. We will be looking at a resolution for accepting the award and inviting everyone tied to the award to the meeting.
Commissioner Reports
None spoke except Commissioner Jenkins.
Commissioner James Jenkins said thanks for a job well done on Melville Brown Road. He said that residents are satisfied with the work. Rob said that they are finishing up on this project this week. There have been a few snags, but they’ve worked through this following all of the procedures including pipes in driveways, etc.
He also asked if something could be done about the intersection of Melville Brown and Hunter Roads. He said it was a dangerous location. ICM said yes.
d. County Attorney Report to Commissioners
There are some code violations that will be handled today.
a. Discussion of Concord Fire Station
The Mayor has asked us to wait until after the Concord Jubilee to do any work on this site. The materials will arrive after December 1. We are moving forward.
a. Consider one appointment to the Pike County Parks & Recreation Board to fill an unexpired three year term, set to expire June 30, 2021. Applicant has met criteria.
Becky DeGraff and Preston Sharpe were the applicants, and it was noted both were present. Ms. DeGraff was recommended because of her long standing relationship with Parks & Rec and the second applicant would be available for a future seat. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
b. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Jimmy Vincent with Montgomery Lodge #31 for a BBQ on November 9, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
This event will be held on November 9 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is a regular event and recommended approval. Motion to approve. Approved 3-0.
c. Discussion regarding Animal Shelter Board of Directors.
ICM Rob Morton and Chairman Johnson met with Walker and Ruth Chandler on September 30. The Animal Control Board would be an advisory, unpaid board to oversee this. What number would you like to establish on this board? David Allen has asked to be a part of this. Ruth Chandler would like to participate too. We are going to go through the application process on this. It was decided to have 7 members with each municipality to have an ex-officio (non-voting) representative. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
d. Approve/deny request from Keven Sasser of Peach State Aerodrome to use Impact Fee credit in the amount of $3,696.92 to construct two airplane hangars, permit numbers 2019-09-339 (Hilltop 1) and 2019-09-340 (Hilltop 2). There was credit given for work already done. They are asking to use part of these credits for these projects. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
e. Consider Tax Refund Application from Alex Long Smith in the amount of $212.74.
Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
f. First Quarter Budget Amendments.
Working on some of the revenues and expenditures to keep track that we have covered all of our expenses. These first quarter amendments include excess SPLOST. Instead of waiting until the end of the year, we are keeping tabs on this and ask for approval for this now. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
Motion to adjourn. 9:38. a.m.
[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]