This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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Town Hall Meeting: The room was almost full tonight as many came to protest the Zebulon housing development on Hughley Road. [Note from the Editor: I don't usually get to attend Town Hall Meetings but came early tonight to be sure that I could get a seat. I have to point out that the Pike County Commission has no say over what is done by the City of Zebulon even though the city is located within the county. Each city has its own appointed representatives who represent the people who live within in their cities. Town Hall meetings are open to anyone who wants to speak before commissioners prior to the meeting though these Town Hall Meetings are not part of the official meeting.] James Quick spoke on behalf of the Pike County Concerned Citizens Council, Inc., a non-profit group formed to fight this housing development that would allow 3 housing units per acre. They have a petition with nearly 900 names against this development. (Click here to read more about this housing development including its history that goes all of the way back to 1999.) He said that this project "will raise taxes on every property owner in the entire county including a shortage of school taxes. He said that it now takes approximately $2,270 to educate one child per year in the Pike County Schools, but that taxes on these housing units will only bring $800 per child--leaving the school district $1,470 short per child with a difference that will be made up by property owners outside of the City of Zebulon. He asked the Commissioners to stand with the Pike County Concerned Citizens Council, Inc. He was thanked for speaking to the commissioners but no questions were asked and no commitment was made to support this cause. [Note from the Editor: There are several references these speakers later in the meeting.]
Others spoke against the development as well with arguments that included the impact on the tax base as pointed out above and the need to bring business into the county to using the sewage line availability that would be used by the Industrial Park. Bobby Blalock said that the first 100 houses will be put onto this 6 inch pressure line that runs down to the Industrial Park so there will be a need for more infrastructure if business is to be able to use this sewer line too. Another speaker said that there is Whitfield Subdivision is right there that wasn’t completed and can’t get filled up and that Whitfield II has never been established. [Note from the Editor: Whitfield HOA put out a post on Facebook after the meeting saying that Whitfield I is nearly 95% built out and denying that there was ever designs for a Whitfield II.] Rick Rickerson said that he worked in Spalding County for 30 years and watched as development came in there with these type of developments with homes on 1/3 acre lots. He said there were a lot of promises made before these developments came in and things didn't work out that way because these are some of the biggest crime areas in Spalding County. He said that if things don't work out the way that the developers promise, you can't go back and make them tear it down. Speakers spoke to commissioners until it was time for the meeting to begin at 6:30 p.m.
All five commissioners present along with County Clerk Jo Ann Wrye, County Manager (CM) John Hanson, and County Attorney Tom Morton.
1. CALL TO ORDER....................................................................................Chairman J. Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION……………………………………………………………………………Ben Maxedon
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE...................................................................Chairman J. Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))
CM Hanson asked to remove the first item under the public hearing (9a) because application was pulled today. Motion to approve as amended. Approved 5-0.
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
a. Minutes of the November 12, 2014 Regular Monthly Meeting.
a. Greg Parrott from the Diamond Club of Pike County to request a proclamation to recognize Hunter Strickland Day in Pike County.
Greg Parrot spoke on the behalf of the Diamond Club. He’s know Hunter Strickland since he was 6 years old and watched him as he grew up and grew as a baseball player who was on the team that won the World Series and asked that December 14th be declared Hunter Strickland Day. Not too many will be able to do this and he said that we may not see this again in Pike County. Greg praised Hunter Strickland, his family, teachers, administrators and coaches that got him to this point in his life. Motion to approve. 5-0.
Motion for the Chairman to sign the Proclamation. Approved 5-0.
a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments, and a summary check register. There are no Department reports as they will be provided during the first Board meeting of December. Revenue/Expenditure Statement, Detail Check Register is included.
b. County Manager Report
▫ Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ............................................................................................ $1,310,780.99
Fire Dept. Donations........................................................................................ $1,200.67
Cash Reserve Account................................................................................. $236,813.16
Jail Fund ........................................................................................................ $38,839.69
E-911 Fund .................................................................................................... $35,689.76
DATE Fund ................................................................................................... $35,062.99
Juvenile Court Fund....................................................................................... $18,150.03
Residential Impact Fee ................................................................................ $267,513.11
Commercial Impact Fees ................................................................................. 11,429.00
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2011.......................... $2,447.59
L.M.I. Grant (DOT)..................................................................................... $233,054.97
c. County Manager Comments.
Two interviews were conducted for the Fire Chief position on Thursday evening. The committee will meet and choose the new Fire Chief next week. He said that these 2 candidates are from Pike County and he is pleased with those who stepped up.
New County Commission Orientation began early today and both Tim Guy and Tim Daniel are in the meeting. He said that it went very well.
He said that he is part of the Diamond Club and that many are excited about the upcoming Christmas Parade. He said that Hunter Strickland is a good example for our youth here in Pike County and said that this will be a great time for our community.
CM Hanson spoke said that he met Mr. Harold Williams some time back as the county has been working on Tanyard Road. He said that Mr. Williams sent a thank you note to CM Hanson about the work done on the road. He read it aloud to commissioners and said that he appreciated it.
d. Commissioner Reports.
Commissioner Bass wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving. She said that she enjoyed being a part of the orientation today and said it was nice to be able to spend time with the incoming commissioners. She said that they will serve the county well as commissioners. She addressed those who came because of the decision made by the City of Zebulon about the housing development and said that the people in the room need to know that the county had nothing to do with the City of Zebulon’s decision.
Commissioner Jarrett wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and holiday. She got a call about Howell Road and Cook Road and asked for those to be looked into. She said that she also enjoyed her time with the incoming commissioners today. She thanked those who had come to inform the commissioners and said that the commissioners are here to listen and appreciated being informed by the citizens tonight.
Commissioner Powers wished a happy Thanksgiving as well. He said that we have a bunch of muddy roads and that he knows Public Works Director Todd Goolsby is working on them.
Commissioner Jenkins thanked everyone for coming out. He praised Commissioners Jarrett and Bass for their job as commissioners and welcomed Mr. Guy and Mr. Daniel on as the incoming commissioners. He said that he echoed what Commissioner Bass had said about the county not being involved in that decision but said that he appreciates those who have come out to show their support for what they believe in.
Chairman Johnson welcomed the new commissioners and said that he looks forward to working with them. He asked CM Hanson about whether the commissioners can participate in the parade and about participation with county employees and staff. CM Hanson is going to look into inviting the employees and their families, etc.
e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners.
County Attorney Tom Morton wished everyone a good and healthy Thanksgiving.
a. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input on REZ-14-07 – Southeastern Real Estate Development LLC, property owner, and Robin Cochran, applicant, are requesting a re-zoning from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to P-I (Professional-Institutional) to allow for the location of a group personal care home (15 residents, semi-private) on the subject property. The subject property, located at 2556 Flat Shoals Road, has approximately 600 feet of frontage along the northern side of Flat Shoals Road. The property is located in Land Lot 247 of the 9th District of Pike County, Georgia. The property consists of 10 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel #016013. The property is the former Grace Rock Community Church property.
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
CM Hanson asked to remove this at the beginning of the meeting because the application was pulled from consideration today.
b. Discuss/Approve/Deny 2015 LMIG Project.
CM Hanson said that Williamson-Zebulon Road is the highest traveled road and recommended this for the first item on the list for use of LMIG funds even though it will use up most of the LMIG Funds. This was covered in the Roads Workshop. This has to be approved for resurfacing and patching prior to December 31, 2014. Hemphill, McKinley, and Old Meansville Roads are also on the list but will be secondary roads since most of the funds will be used on Williamson-Zebulon Road. He said that patching sections on these roads could help with the life of the roads.
Commissioner Bass asked about the success of keeping big trucks on these roads. CM Hanson advised that he has spoken with the Sheriff and the Sheriff has asked other law enforcement authorities to enforce these no thru truck roads. He did advise that if the final destination is on this road that the trucks can be on the road and that there is one trucking company on Williamson-Zebulon Road, but that there should not be a large amount of truck traffic on the road. Motion to approve this list with Williamson-Zebulon as the primary with Hemphill, McKinley, and Old Meansville Roads as secondary roads. Approved 5-0.
c. Approve/Deny road equipment lease agreements for 2011 SPLOST Road Projects-county wide patching.
CM Hanson said that this will help all roads around the county to get some patching done by the county and will help improve the longevity of the roads in our county. He said that the payments are even a little less than what was anticipated. He said that if we decide that we do not want to keep this equipment past the 18 month commitment (which runs concurrent with the SPLOST) and will be a $6389.38 lease payment per month.
The county is looking at hiring a Road Superintendent that will head up this project in January. The major part of this patching will begin in March because there has to be a certain temperature but said that we need to get this lined up in January so it can be delivered so work can begin in March. CM Hanson said that this patching program will allow the county to work on roads all over the county. The county may utilize flagmen from the probation program as well as using employees from the Public Works Department. This will be paid for with money from the SPLOST. CM Hanson checked into the legality of leasing this equipment through SPLOST. He said that if we get into this and find that it doesn’t work, we can call Catepillar and have them pick it up. He doesn’t anticipate this but checked into everything. Also said that Catepillar would train our people as well. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
d. Consider request from Don Hanson of The Diamond Club of Pike County to use the courthouse grounds on Sunday, December 14, 2014 for the Youth of Pike County Christmas Parade from 3:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
e. Consider Parks and Recreation request for In-Kind contributions to proposed bike path.
Director of Pike County Parks and Recreation Kevin Teate and CM Hanson discussed the Parks & Rec Authority’s request for approval for a bike path. This will be a memorial for Jacob Woerner that is being headed up by Clay and Debbie Woerner as far as the grand writing and fund raising goes. It was noted that this could be a way for other families to make dedications to loved ones with Parks & Rec. The project was approved in a special called Parks & Rec meeting last night.
The Recreational Trails grant could be used to make this bike path into a reality with the county helping through in-kind donations of work to help get the path completed. It will be a mile long asphalt bike path between the baseball, softball, football and soccer parts of the complex and would connect the walking paths that are already there. There are also other partners with the project including the school system. Debbie has grant writing experience and has done a majority on the work on the grant. She also garnered help through a design firm and has received donations toward this project. The specs have been drawn up already and it has been discussed with the County Manager and Director of Public Works already. If the county will help support this through grading and scraping with in kind donations and helping laying the topping on the path.
This does not assure us of getting the grant, but it could be eligible during the next couple of years. The county will be reimbursed from the grant for any materials purchased but would help out through the use of county labor. This is reimbursed at 80% from the state with a 20% local match. The fundraising has already begun and will continue through the project. There will be landscaping along the way, benches, and trees in memorial for anyone who would like to donate them. The earliest that this could begin would be July or August of next year. Mr. Tom Morton spoke on behalf of the Transportation Committee and said that the state program recommends bike paths and that this would fall within the state’s parameters. Commissioner Powers asked if the new equipment could be used on this and was advised yes. Motion to approve. 4-0-1 with Commissioner Bass abstaining from the vote.
10. PUBLIC COMMENT- (Limited to 5 minutes per person) – None
Motion to adjourn. 7:21 p.m.
Agenda subject to revision
[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]