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Editor Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor(@)pikecountytimes.com
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This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.

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Congratulations (and thank you!) to Jermaine Thornton for 20 years of service here in Pike County.
Pike County Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 9:00 AM
Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street, Zebulon, Georgia
Town Hall Meeting at 8:45 a.m.

Click here to see the documents that have been uploaded with the agenda on the Pike County government page.

ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will meet on Wednedsay, April 10, 2024 at 9 a.m. for a regularly scheduled meeting. The public is invited to attend. There will also be a 15 minute Town Hall Meeting at 8:45 a.m. in which members of the public can speak to commissioners without signing up to be on an agenda. This is not part of the official minutes, but it does allow dialogue between the public and our elected representatives.

This meeting was attended by Commissioners James Jenkins, Jason Proctor, Tim Daniel, and Tim Guy as well as Chairman Briar Johnson, County Clerk Angela Blount, County Manager Brandon Rogers, and County Attorney Rob Morton.

[Note from the Editor: Pike County Times is providing accountability to the the County Manager and the Commission as a whole by broadcasting each meeting on FB Live. Quite a few watch as the meeting is ongoing and many more after the meeting is complete.]

You can watch the first 1 hour and 24 minutes of this meeting on Pike County Times' FB page at https://www.facebook.com/pikecountytimes/videos/747249157516922

You can watch the motion to adjourn with no action being taken after executive session at https://www.facebook.com/pikecountytimes/videos/390347373838667.

1. CALL TO ORDER ..... Chairman J. Briar Johnson

2. INVOCATION ..... Keith Ford

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ..... Chairman J. Briar Johnson

4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))

CM Rogers asked to add an Executive Session germane to Personnel. Motion to approve with addition. Approved 5-0.


a. Minutes of the March 26, 2024, Regular Monthly Meeting.

b. Minutes of the March 26, 2024, Executive Session.

Motion to approve both sets of minutes. Approved 5-0.


a. Employee Recognition for service to Pike County.

Jermaine Thornton - Sheriff's Department

Jermaine Thornton was recogized for 20 years of service in our county. Public Works Director Todd Goolsby praised Jermaine for being reliable and doing everything that he is asked to do.


a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments, and a summary check register.

• Department Reports

• Financial Reports

b. County Manager Report

Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:

• General Fund ..... $1,405,740.73
• Fire Dept. Donations ..... $9,846.34
• Cash Reserve Account ..... $74,095.40
• Jail Fund ..... $30,058.11
• E-911 Fund ..... $186,791.36
• DATE Fund ..... $36,325.72
• Juvenile Court Fund ..... $13,983.34
• Residential Impact Fee ..... $244,497.97
• Commercial Impact Fees ..... $24,985.54
• C.A.I.P Fund ..... $220,664.67
• General Obligation SPLOST 2022-2028 ..... $1,317,076.87
• L.M.I.G. Grant (DOT) ..... $23,065.72

c. County Manager Comments.

Had a meeting about broadband through ARPA. Pike is in the process of trying to get some of that funding for the southern part of the county. Conexon is holding some areas of that part of the county that they are not expanding to, and that is causing some issues with grant funding through Highline. It is making the per mile cost extremely high. Reached out to Rep. Beth Camp to try to work through this.

McGriff, the insurance brokers, gave him some news earlier this week. There is a 10% increase in health insurance costs. Aetna came back at 15.8% increase. McGriff talked to Aetna, and it is now 8%. Can go out to bid if you want, but he doesn’t recommend it because it will likely go 10% or more.

At the last meeting, discussed surplus for the Dodge Durango. More info was obtained, and it needs to be a surplus on Gov.deals.

Recommended vehicles for Tax Assessor, and we have done that. They are out using the 2 vehicles. The Crown Vic quit on the day that they got vehicles.

Parks & Rec has a vacancy on their board.

Master Plan Committee met with Falcon yesterday to discuss the 238 acres.

Spoke about GTIB (Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank) roads and road projects at last meeting. Submitted infrastructure on this. Feels confident that this will go through. Will advise when there is more information.

Cook and Wildwood Roads have had ongoing work by Public Works. Should be done soon.

d. Commissioner Reports.

Jenkins. 3 calls in the past couple of weeks about how efficient and active Public Works is to their complaints about roads.

Someone complained about water department. Rogers. We try to help with this when we can by reaching out to the chairman. We have offered some help to them with answering the phones, etc. Chairman Johnson. There is a part-time person who answers the phone. I will contact them and find out why the call wasn’t answered. [Note from the Editor: Johnson serves on the Water and Sewer Authority.]

Pedenville Road filming. Did we receive a check for that and how much? Rogers. They paid for 2 loads of gravel for the Porsche commercial. About $1200. Jenkins. If they are going to make money from our county, we need to get payment from them.

Johnson. Early Voting April 29-May 17 with election on 21st. Pike County Extension Agent is here. Farm and Food Directory for the county is ongoing through the Extension office. Deadline is the 12th to go into the directory. This will be free to citizens. Hay, farm related items, mobile tractor repair, etc. will be included too.

e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners.




a. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Keith Ford with Christ Chapel on Thursday, May 2, 2024 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. for National Day of Prayer.

Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.

b. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Edward Alexander with Concerned Citizens of Pike County and NAACP Pike County Chapter on Saturday, June 15, 2024 from 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. for the Juneteenth Celebration.

Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.

c. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Dan Dunnahoo with Pike County Arts Council on Saturday, July 20, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. for Concert on the Square.

Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.

d. Approve/deny Crown Vic to be sold on Gov Deals.

Rogers. This is the Crown Vic from the Tax Assessors Office. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.

e. Second Reading of Pike County Ordinance 35.09 Financial Policies, Section (B) Purchase of Materials and Services; Contracts for Public Works and Road Construction; Subsection (4)( j- o), the distinction between regular contracts and road construction related contracts for services and materials and mirror the state law requirements for the Public Works road contracts.

Pike County Code did not mirror state law. Last page has yellow highlighted areas for changes to increase limit. State law is $100,000. First reading at last meeting. Second reading is this meeting. We can tweak this at any time so it could be expedited to help with road work. Motion to approve 2nd Reading and adoption of financial policies for Pike County Code. Approved 5-0.

f. Discussion of road contracts.

Rogers. At the last couple of meetings, we discussed road projects and possibly having contractors to help out with paving. Reached out to 5 different vendors. 3 said no. 2 per ton prices. $16 and $10 per ton. Todd Goolsby and Rogers went through the roads. Picked 3 roads to help expedite. Resurfacing only. Concord Road, Pilkenton Road, and Oliver Road. Would like to start with these.

Concord - $66,399
Pilkenton - $15,185
Oliver - $15,115

Up to 27 road projects. $96,699 total for these three roads. In addition to the cost that you looked at earlier. You have SPLOST funds available, and I recommend moving forward. Johnson. Trying to get asphalt down before November. Nothing against our Public Works but just trying to get this done. Can add more roads if needed after these roads are done. Will reevaluate at the end of this project. Local company. McLeRoy and Quality Paving. Jenkins. What would it cost the county if the county did it? $96,699 is an extra cost on top of what we would pay if we did it ourselves. They provide machines and labor. [Note from the Editor: So in case you're reading this and don't really understand what this is about. The County Commission is discussing whether to pay an outside company to repave roads on the SPLOST list instead of waiting until Public Works can repave these three roads so the roads can be paved quicker. It will cost an extra $96,699 to get these three roads done quicker. Why this needs to be done is such a hurry for these particular roads or any roads at all is a question that you can ask your commissioner. Understand that our ordinances were changed to allow this to happen without using the regular standard of advertising and bidding out this contract with closed bids to make things happen quickly too. It was also said that we could mirror state law in how things are done. While I am still not happy with spending almost $100,000 of money that could be used on other roads to get things done quickly, I asked for and received more information which answered my questions about the process to obtain these numbers. It took asking the county manager not once, but twice for the information, but y'all don't want to get me started today because there is always more.]

Concord Road. $703,382 is estimated to repave the road. Add $66,399 on top of the regular cost of the road listed prior.
Pilkenton $158,778 is estimated to repave the road. Add $15,185 on top of the regular cost of the road listed prior.
Oliver $108,128is estimated to repave the road. Add $15,115 on top of the regular cost of the road listed prior.

Guy. How much will this move us forward? Concord Road. 4 weeks. 2 weeks each for the other roads. Maybe 8 weeks ahead of schedule. Rogers. Best estimate is about $7 and $8 a ton for us to do the work. Motion to move forward with those 3 roads mentioned with McLeRoy for the $10 per ton. 4-1 with Jenkins opposed. Jenkins. I need more information than what we have.

[Note from the Editor: On April 11, 2024, Pike County Times sent an Open Records Request to the county asking for "a copy of any and all documentation including emails and texts to the companies that were mentioned with regard to resurfacing from yesterday's meeting." CM Rogers left for 2 weeks of military duty the following day without responding to the open records request. According to state law, Open Records Requests are supposed to be filled as soon as possible with a 72 business hour time limit with some exceptions--none of which applied here. (Sidenote with a little history: This isn't the first time our county manager has chosen not to abide by state law. He redacted part of an email that I asked for by public records and refused to give it to me for months, and only backed down the last time when I started making phone calls on how to make a grand jury presentment to Superior Court to ask for a judge to look at the violation and make a ruling. Extra sidenote: Yes, I contacted the Attorney General's Office and AGA Jennifer Colangelo about the matter but received absolutely no reply. Apparently, their job has changed over the years here in the state because AG Thurbert Baker's office helped me obtain information by open records here in Pike County in the past. I shouldn't be forced to look at a lawsuit against the county as my only option to ensure that our county commission and its employees -- mainly the current county manager -- follow state law. But apparently there is always more here too. It hasn't always been this way, and I look forward to a time when public trust is restored.)

So back to the open records request that wasn't filled the first time. I repeated the request for the same information on May 2 and received an answer by email through the County Clerk on the same day advising that Public Works Director Todd Goolsby is the one who actually made the phone calls to get per ton price quotes rather than the county manager. Goolsby confirmed in that email that all other paving companies besides McLeRoy and Quality Paving declined to participate based on their existing work loads. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making sure that state law was followed this time. (Another sidenote with history: Anything involving the county manager is being looked at to confirm that the truth is being told completely (because a lie by omission is still a lie -- think fireworks check http://www.pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BOC7.26.22.html) and that state law and county ordinances are being followed in all that he does when he represents our county. Rogers came to work for our county on August 12, 2020 with a contract that expired on June 20, 2022 and was not renewed and remains in his job position at the will of a majority of the Pike County Board of Commissioners. Click here to read his contract: http://pikecountytimes.com/secondary/brandonrogerscontract2020.pdf. Pike County Times questions a little of everything these days, but if it involves the county manager, I look at it twice or three times to be sure that he is doing his job well. That is what a watchdog does. A good county manager would do things in a transparent manner that would give me nothing to question and give answers quickly to show righteous intent. If there is no smoke, I won't waste my time looking for a fire. But there is a ton of smoke right now. More on that at the next county commission meeting on May 15, 2024.]

g. Discussion of Pike County locally owned bridges.

A list of 6 bridges was given to the county with a request from to prioritize these for the DOT. Glover, Milner, Howell, Shackelford, Pedenville, Zebulon-Hollonville Road. We only rated the 6 that they asked us to rate from worst to best. Public Works Director Todd Goolsby helped pull together a chart that included traffic counts for the commissioners to review. Motion to approve these 6 roads for bridge repair. Discussion. We don’t know why they picked these roads, but we did what was asked of us. Approved 5-0.

h. County Manager to present the FY 2024-2025 Budget to the Board of Commissioners.

Referred to the email sent out to commissioners on Friday with good news and bad news.

Email from CM Rogers to Commissioners on Friday, April 5, 2024: "I have attached the budget summary and the worksheets for the budget as it stands now. I have both good and bad news but the bad is much worse than the good, and this is going to require input from you all so that I know how you would like to proceed. Somewhat good news is even with the increase in Fire and Tax Assessor we are only estimating a $982,599 increase which is an accomplishment considering the reassessment alone is estimated at $400,000. This I think I could work with and present options. The bad news however is that the difference between revenues and expenses is $2,597,256.00 in the negative. A big part of this is due to not correcting the millage rate the last few years and using fund balance to offset any millage increases. This number will continue to follow us until it is addressed and a decision is made to cut our services or increase the millage rate. I have very little confidence in how the digest is going to play out this year due to the reassessment hanging out there. I would guess that based solely on the sales ratio numbers if a reassessment was completed the digest would increase 10%-12%, which could result in an additional $1,000,000 in revenue without any millage rate increase. Even this happens we would still be looking at roughly $1.5 million needing to be cut from the budget or millage increase which I estimate at somewhere around 1.8 mills in increase.

I know I have not sent out any updates for the last couple of weeks but this is really been the only major item that we have been working on. We will have to spend time discussing this at the meeting next week but please don’t wait till then to throw out ideas to me. I would rather start now and have answers for you next week. Otherwise this could require multiple SCM to work through this. Give me a call or email me if you have any questions." [Note from the Editor: Kudos on the communication shown here. I'm applauding the good when I see it and calling out the bad as well. I applaud the good because I want to see more of it!]

Total expenditures is only up $982,000. Tax Assessor’s Audit will include $400,000 and Fire Department will be going from 12 hour to 24 hour. Would have had a reduction otherwise. Revenue side is not so good. Last couple of years. Discussion that we would be short. Went from $200,000 to a million dollars. Trying to minimize usage but going to be $200,000 to $300,000 increase. We don’t have the revenue to cover these expenses. We borrowed from ARPA before, but if we use fund balance this year, we have issues and have to borrow again for the fund balance in November and December. Prefers not to use fund balance. Difference is $2,597,000. Asked for direction on this. Could cut out these two projects that have been proposed but doesn’t recommend this. Johnson. This started about 3 years ago when he recommended certain steps, and we chose not to do what he recommended.

More discussion on house sales and tax assessments. There are a lot of unknowns right now. Concentrating on operations and trying to continue service level where it is. Daniel. 3rd party evaluation is going to cost us about $400,000? Discussion. Can they do this themselves? 5 or 6 employees in there. The new evaluation will be boots on the ground at every house in the county. Some may go down and others up. It will measure the square footage on each parcel. They haven’t been doing that already? No. And that is why we are in the situation that we are in with a failed audit. 38-42% We are between 28 and 30%. Feels like we need to be doing this inhouse, and if they can’t do this, we need to look at replacing them. If we have that many people, it’s a waste of money if they can’t do this. Discussion included the Georgia Department of Revenue Audit. Rogers. We are looking for this any day. They are likely going to say that a reassessment needs to be done. Daniel. He was asked about a reevaluation when they interviewed him. Proctor. I don’t want to budget for this, I want them to do it. Johnson. Asked how this will be done. Rogers. Probably determine based on number of parcels. If we use our people, it will take longer. A 3rd of the county each year is doable with current employees. 2/3 or the county won’t get hit like the 1/3. It would be better to do all at once. Johnson. Our staff should be able to handle this, but up to this point, they haven’t. Flyover is $18,000 a year in a 6 year rotation, and they fly every 2 years. That cost is in the budget for the Tax Assessor Office. Rogers. Doesn’t want to underestimate on this. Guy. Every piece of property assessed in one year. Daniel. Doesn’t want to make a decision until he sees what the Department of Revenue says on this.

Rogers. We are only accepting the presentation of the budget today. There will be more discussion. We were not expecting what we are seeing here and will likely need a workshop or two on this between now and May 28th. Any other thoughts on this?

What about Fire Department going 24 hours rather than just 12 hours that we have now? We are doubling our response rate every year. Call volume was discussed. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. We are discussing having fire fighters on call from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. It’s difficult to ask volunteers to go check smoke alarms and possible false alarms when they have to get up for work in a few hours. We can’t put a cost on human life. $296,000 increase from last year. This has been done over 3 years. 2 working during the day already. This would add 2 paid fire fighters at the station at night. Fire fighters help set up landing zones for helicopters, etc. so it’s more than just responding to house fires.

Clint has been a big help this year. Breaking out per employee costs. Defined benefits have gone to each department, etc.

Motion to receive the proposed budget from the county manager. Approved 5-0.

[Note from the Editor: The proposed budget for the the 2024-2025 year has been presented to the county commission. At this time, the county manager has only scheduled one public hearing on May 15, 2024 at 9 a.m. rather than one daytime hearing and one night time hearing, but hopefully this will change so the citizens can ask questions and voice concerns (if needed) about the budget and what it contains. At this time, there is $2.5 million more in proposed expenditures than there is projected revenue to cover the costs of running the county next year. Click here to see the original proposed budget summary and complete proposed budget with line items for each department: www.pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BREAKINGNEWSproposed2024.2025budget.html]

10. PUBLIC COMMENT - (Limited to 5 minutes per person)

a. Teresa Watson to address the Board regarding Residential Impact Fee Assessment.

[Note from the Editor: These are Teresa's words that she read aloud in the meeting. ]

In 1990, the Georgia Development Impact Fee Act (DIFA) was enacted into law. DIFA significantly affected the way local governments in Georgia pay for public services and facilities. Impact fees are one-time fees charged to land developers to help defray the costs of expanding capital facilities to serve new growth. DIFA enables local governments to charge new development for a proportionate share of infrastructure capacity it requires. The Act places restrictions on the categories of capital facilities for which new development can be charged. It also establishes rules under which impact fees must be calculated, collected, expended, accounted for and administered. Did Pike County ensure these rules were followed when you, as a Board, tripled the impact fee last year? I would like to receive assurance from you that you adhered to the requirements under which impact fees are assessed and/or revised.

For comparison’s sake, please consider the following chart (in alphabetical order):


Does Pike Co.’s position on this partial list of agencies utilizing DIFA fees make sense?

Generally, the impact fee for a Single Family Dwelling is less than 1% of the cost of a new stick-built construction … in our case, the house value is $465,000 so the top impact fee assessment should approximate $4,650. Yet, our one home with no County services has been assessed an impact fee of $6676. Look at Pike’s impact fee in reference to our surrounding counties/cities. Does this make sense?

Ours is a single-family dwelling that will require neither water nor sewer capacity as it will be on a well with septic. We are on a 36-acre tract that was part of my parents and grandparents homeplace. My son will be the 4th generation on this land. We could have subdivided and realized a hefty profit, but we simply wanted to build a nice, modest structure and just go home. We have no small children to tax the schools or Parks and Recreation Department, and I might utilize the library a time or two a year. Roads and law enforcement will be the sole public services that we will utilize. Again, I ask … Does this make sense?

The level of services provided by Pike County, as compared to others on the above list, is minimal at best. We will have no county water provision, no county sewer collection or disposal, no garbage pickup or refuse collection, no fire protection other than volunteer which inflates insurance rates already to a prohibitive degree, no GIS, no Animal Control, no housing service, no electric or gas provision, and no transportation services. So, again … does this make sense?

To more than triple the impact fee at one time in 2023, from $2204 to $6676, is a great amount to digest for the average homeowner. It was stated in an article that I read that Pike County Manager Brandon Rogers, in February of 2023, “noted that Paragon recommended the increase in residential impact fees four years prior when not as many houses were being built in Pike.” Paragon Consulting informed me on April 1 that they did not recommend the amount of increase but rather only provided some oversight as to the percentages disseminated to the seven different areas – Library, fire, SO, E-911, detention, parks/recreation, and roads. They simply helped the County figure out how to “divvy it up.” Was it deliberate or just easier to misstate how the county arrived at the exorbitant increase to more than triple the previous impact fee? Does this make sense?

Is the object of increasing the impact fee by such an excessive amount at one time to deter development in the county? That is how it seems, along with other statistics. The median property tax in Pike County is $1750 vs. an average of $1452 to our north in Spalding County. There seems to be a method to the madness. Now, does it make more sense?

Respectfully, I understand that you, as a local qualified government, have to ensure that development in your County – my home County -- adequately pays for its infrastructure and services, but I respectfully suggest that you don’t have to assess single family homes on larger tracts in rural settings with no services in the same manner as you do for a developer of subdivisions with smaller lots and density. Some jurisdictions have a graduated schedule with single-family residential at the bottom of the totem pole and more dense uses graduated up from there. Yet, we in Pike County do not. Does any of this make sense? Probably not, but we can make it make sense … if only we try.

[Note from the Editor: I'm am going to include a link to the January 31, 2023 meeting when this was originally changed. I am also including the following note from and a link to the March 13, 2024 County Commission Meeting in which I dived into a complaint that Pike County had not followed the rules when changing our Impact Fees and included links to open records documents that include a marked up 2006 Impact Fee Methodology Report and a vendor activity report that shows how much money we've paid a vendor to look into this, but I can't find where we walked through the complete process with a new Impact Fee Methodology Report, etc. My opinion on this hasn't changed regardless of whether the county wants to discuss this anymore or not. Choosing not to discuss it doesn't mean that the rules were followed. And again, the county shouldn't have to be sued to get them to follow the rules. End of current note.

Note from 3.13.24 County Commission meeting follows:

"History. The Citizens Advisory Task Force (CATF) was used as a committee on this when it was first passed in 2006. Public hearings were held back then too, and a study was conducted at that time prior to the vote.

I'm including links to open records which includes an email written by County Manager Brandon Rogers advising commissioners, etc. that former Planning and Zoning Administrator Brad Vaughan did work on updating our Impact Fees between 2018 and 2022 with Paragon as well as links to previous CIE's, the Impact Fee Methodology report that was written on with proposed changes for an update, and other items that were considered when changing our Impact Fees from $2400 to $6700 last year. (Yes, you read that correctly, and I've gotten a phone call on it just this week who is building a house here in Pike County and was horrified at the amount.)

I looked for an official Impact Fee Study and didn't find one. If that is incorrect, someone please advise me on that, and I'll be happy to include it on here with a note in blue. The county is doing a current study through Ross and Associates. Why this wasn't done last year before the change in Impact Fees, I don't know. I do know that it doesn't look good because it looks like we are doing things backwards.

My thoughts? If we did not follow the rules on this, we need to go back and do things correctly even that means returning all of the money that has been collected to this point until we can get things done correctly. And transparency in government is vital to keeping citizens informed as well as citizens taking the time to get informed on what our representatives are doing on our behalf."]

Click here to scroll down to 9d to read about Impact Fees when they were passed to the current amount of $6700 in 2023: http://pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BOC1.31.23.html.

Click here to read more about Impact Fees a year later in the March 13, 2024 meeting: http://pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BOC3.13.24.html.

b. Ray Grizzard to address the Board regarding the overlay.

Sent a packet to the county with a survey for his property. Has asked for information on this and been passed from person to person. During the revisions of the overlay, were businesses, etc. made to go by the overlay after the fact. Has grandfathered, etc. ever been used in zoning? Questioned whether this would apply to some and not others. Feels like this falls under categories. Inverse condemnation.

Under the 5th amendment of the constitution, government is required to pay restitution for takings of property. This property was bought before the overlay was put in place. Doesn’t think that he has to pay a $300 fee. Will take this higher. Feels like this has been taken from him. Feels like being asked to ask for a special exception is a taking of his property.

If he meets the requirements, he doesn’t feel like he have to get permission to fight the 400% increase on this. Feels like things aren’t being done the same for everyone. Submitted his information to be a part of the minutes. Doesn’t want special conditions but wants to be treated like everyone else.

11. EXECUTIVE SESSION Re: personnel.

10:32 a.m.

Back in session at 10:47 a.m.


Back in session at 10:47 a.m.

Motion to adjourn. 10:47 a.m.

Agenda subject to revision.

[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]
