This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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This meeting was attended by all five commissioners, County Clerk Teresa Watson to take the minutes, County Manager (CM) Bill Sawyer, and County Attorneys Rob and Tom Morton.
1. CALL TO ORDER .............................................................................................. Chairman Doug Mangham
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ............................................................................ Chairman Doug Mangham
3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. 50-14-1 (e) (1))
4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A.§ 50-14-1(e) (2))
Minutes of: Regular Monthly Meeting of March 27, 2012.
a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments, and a summary check register.
Brief presentations will be heard from the following: Kevin Teate, David Allen, Jimmy Totten, Mike Grant and Todd Goolsby.
Update 4.13.12:
Pike County Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Teate - Said that the Daddy-Daughter Dance went very well and says that they look forward to offering it every year as it grows. Click here for article and pictures. Said that the opening day parade for baseball, softball, and soccer went well. Said that they appreciated the assistance of the City of Zebulon Police Department and the Pike Sheriff's Office for ensuring a safe route and Pike County Emergency Services for being a part of their parade.
Planning and Development Director David Allen - The Dollar General is open. There are new home permits coming in. Lot 3 in the Ethridge Mill Office Park will be the first to take advantage of the reduced Impact Fee with a warehouse coming into the county. Planning Commissioner and Board of Appeals have meetings coming up. The construction for the Molena Fire Station is starting. And advised that Brenda Shaw will be leaving Pike County this week. He said that she was instrumental in providing an atmospher of respectability in the Planning and Development Department and she will be missed. [Note from the Editor: Best wishes to Brenda Shaw. It has been a pleasure working with her during the past 3 1/2 years.]
Update 4.14.12:
Pike EMA Director Jimmy Totten - Pike EMA is working with the cities and county on ordinances to put in place if an emergency is declared--curfews, mutual aid agreements, etc. There are plans to ensure that EMA personnel can get reimbursed if they go into a neighboring county and help out during a disaster too. This is part of the 5 year mitigation plan that was began in 2009. Deltalert (reverse 911 emergency system) is part of this. They are examining hazards in our county and ways to resolve them based on section 39.02 of our code of ordinance. Also planning another reverse 911 test call in May. This will be a simulation of how a call would go out in case of a tornado with the call being placed first to residents in Molena and spreading through the county. They are working on lining up meetings on community disaster and glad to hear that several churches are moving forward with their part of the emergency plan preparation.
Pike County Emergency Services Director Mike Grant - Construction began on the Molena Fire Station on Monday. There is a crew of 12 inmate workers from the Georgia Department of Corrections working on the project. They are hoping to have it operational in 3 1/2 months. He said that a voter from Commissioner Jarrett's District called him about the situation on Bagwell Road. They said that a family member had had a stroke and it took about 45 minutes for emergency personnel to respond because they came in from the wrong side of Bagwell Road. Said that when he visited with them about this problem he also noted that many people in this area did not have their addresses documented by the road for emergency personnel. After meeting with home owners, he took information to Wendy in E911 to flag these homes in the CAD system so emergency personnel can use this information in the future, but the overall problem is still there with a road that is split and both sides being called the same thing.
ISO classification in Molena should be ready in about 4 weeks. He was asked about salvage vehicles and said that the vehicles are ready whenever the county wants to sell them if that is what the commissioners want to do. CM said that Todd will have some equipment to sell this summer and that all could be done at the same time. Commissioner Collins asked about a county wide ISO inspection. Mike advised that it would cost some money if it was done now because some additional equipment would be needed, but that the county is covered now and is working toward another county inspection. Said that he doesn't think we will need to pay for a consultant this time and would like to see this done before long. Advised that they have been working with the CM on a prioritized needs list and are moving in the right direction. Also said that turbo drafts and tankers will be included this time. He said that the county is in real good shape and that the past SPLOST helped a lot. Gave kudos to Director Todd Goolsby and Public Works for the preventive maintenance schedule for the fire department.
Update 4.18.12:
Public Works Director Todd Goolsby - 52 work orders have been completed. 32 vehicles have been serviced. Major patching is being done on Sullivan, New Hope, Brazier, and Tanyard Roads. There has been 1 driveway, 1 timber, and 1 utility permit given. There is one mower crew working and other will begin going out next week. When asked by Commissioner Collins how many personnel short he is in Public Works, Todd replied 7.
b. County Manager Report
• Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund - $1,479,741.28
Jury Account - $0
Cash Reserve Account - $1,000,770.41
Jail Fund - $30,476.30
E-911 Fund - $86,345.24
DATE Fund - $12,639.80
Juvenile Court Fund - $27,009.68
Residential Impact Fees - $284,212.76
Commercial Impact Fees - $16,515.01
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2011 - $481,479.88
c. County Manager Comments: The work on the Library Parking lot will start the week of May 1st. Have received the low bid for timber cutting on the Public Works land and that work will begin in two weeks.
Mike Cartner from J.W. Spratlin presented an update on the Courthouse renovation. Said that steel erection will begin next week. Said that the upstairs demolition was going well except discovered that someone has previously removed a loadbearing wall around the elevator area. That was supposed to be completed today after dealing with this problem. He said that work is progressing ahead of schedule.
Update 4.23.12:
d. Commissioner Reports
District 1 - Commissioner Carol Bass asked about the money that has been spent on the elevator so far and was advised that the company required a deposit before beginning the project. Commissioner Bass said that there had recently been a wreck in a county law enforcement vehicle on Eppinger Bridge Road. She advised that she began inquiring about it several days after it happened. She said that the Board of Commissioners is responsible for the inventory in the county and was advised that the County Manager did not know about it. She said that it was unnacceptable for the BOC not to know about it. She said that any department should advise the county about a loss like this. CM Sawyer said that he thought there was already a policy in place to notify as expeditiously as possible. Advised that he would check on protocol. He was asked what would happen if a county department did not notify him within 24 hours of a wreck what would happen and he said that they would be fired. The County Attorney said that he was not aware of a policy on this. CM Sawyer advised that the current status of the vehicle is that it was wrecked but has not been turned over to insurance at this time. County Attorney Rob Morton advised that the Board could entertain a motion for he and CM Sawyer to look into the current policy and if there isn't one, they could bring one to the BOC for review.
Motion for the county attorney and County Manager to look investigate policy on this and develop a policy if there is not one in place. Motion passed. [Note from the Editor: The Sheriff is a constitutional officer who is elected by the people of the county first of all so a professional courtesy of a call would be called for here and calling the CM is a professional courtesy that I think every constitutional officer gives already. Secondly, the facts of the wreck show that the officer was reponding to a call for assistance from another deputy and did wreck the vehicle. The officer involved in the accident is ok. The Georgia State Patrol came to work the accident and it took almost a week to get a copy of the accident report from GSP. As soon as the report was faxed to the Sheriff's Office, it was faxed to the BOC for their records. It would be better in the future to send a memo so there will be no questions or accusations of what was done and what wasn't.]
District 2 - Commissioner Tamra Jarrett said that information on burning of solid waste at Public Works was placed in her box as well as a $3,000 fine by the EPD. Said it happened in February and wondered why the BOC was just now hearing about it. CM Sawyer said that Pike County has burned excess limbs and trees over the years and it has never been a problem but someone called the EPD with a complaint a couple of months ago. The EPD came out, said to stop, and clean it up. The fine was because the county has been warned before. He added that this warning was before he became the current CM and before Todd Goolsby became the Director of Public Works. Commissioner Jarrett said that she would like to be notified if there is a complaint in the future.
[Note from the Editor: Here is the information available about the EPD from the BOC Office. My thanks to the current BOC Office personnel for always making information available to the press when I have requested it.] From the March 28, 2012 memo: 1) Landfill Closure - Notes that there are costs to comply with the additional requirements from the GA Dept of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Devision (EPD) assessed to Pike County through Geotechnical Environmental Consultants who are the current engineering consultants that will monitor, sample, and assist with post closure of the Landfill. It will cost approximately $29,986 as the BOC was told previously. He advised that Pike is currently in compliance and that the work will need to be approved by the BOC. 2) Underground tanks at Public Works have to be removed and the county must use above the ground tanks for diesel and gas. 3) Public Works has burning large trees on Pike County property for some time, but as a result of a complaint investigation, the EPD visited on February 9, 2012 and issued Pike County a violation and $3,000 fine with cease and desist instructions. Pike County can no longer burn downed trees or any type of solid waste. A citation was issued February 15th. Pike County was issued a form letter (this is exactly the same as that of CTS 67358 City of Williamson EECO Cover Letter 2.15.12 according the computer path saved at the bottom of the page) that said there were documented violations of the Georgia Rules of Air Quality Control and that Pike County has "previously been warned about openly burning of solid waste". It also advised that the Expedited Enforcement Compliance Order (EECO) was "being issued as a an amicable resolution of the violations" and advised that there could be an initial penalty of $1,000 plus and additional penalty of up to $500 per rule per violation each day that violations continue and that there could be a maximum penalty of $25,000 per day for each day if the violation continues. This letter advised that the county could accept this EEOC settlement proposal agreeement or if the county chose not to accept the terms of the agreement, "the EPD may choose to address this matter through other formal enforcement methods". The county was also advised to give a written response 15 days of the receipt of this letter detailing how it had removed the remaining solid waste (Re: trees and limbs from storms) and ashes "in a manner acceptable to the Division". On February 20, 2012, Pike County issued a letter to Unit Manager Scott Henson in reference to their form letter from February 15th advising that all ashes and waste had been disposed of in a manner acceptable to the EPD and that the county accepted the $3,000 settlement with the check enclosed. The letter was carbon copied to Todd Goolsby at Public Works. The EPD then sent a letter of receipt acknowledging receipt of the $3,000 and sent the final settlement to be signed by the County Manager from Georgia Dept of Natural Resources, EPD Division, West Central District Director Judson H. Turner. The signed, final copy of the Expedited Enforcement Compliance Order and Settlement Agreement was sent to the county on March 23, 2012 and presented to the BOC through the March 28, 2012 memo previously mentioned.
CM Sawyer noted that Williamson had the same problem around the same time (as noted by the Editor above with Pike and the City of Williamson apparently receiving the same form letter for a $3,000 fine) because of 400 miles of trees coming down from storms coming through Pike County. Public Works Director Todd Goolsby said that they were trying to save the county money and keep the limbs and trees out of the landfill. The Commissioners were advised that storm debris will not be burned in the future.
District 3 - Tommy Powers had no comment.
District 4 - Commissioner Don Collins said that he heard Brenda Shaw is leaving and wanted a certificate of appreciation presented to her before she left because of all her hard work in the county. He also noted that he was present when the City of Williamson separated all household items from the burn pile and they burned their storm debris. He said that he believes that there is a member of the EPD here in Pike County who is "overzealous". Said that there has been a pattern with overregulation in Pike County and the area citing an instance of going after pallet companies in this vicinity and some very expensive mitigation that followed. He noted that Mayor Steve Fry in the City of Williamson stood up to the EPD and was successful.
Chairman Doug Mangham - No comment.
e. County Attorney Report to Commissioner
a. Approval/denial to close Johnson Road (District 2) per the request of petitioner Beth C. Jones. County Manager will address.
This is a two mile road with about five people who live on the road though there are some other property owners. CM Sawyer said that he was asked to look into this and found that counties don't usually close roads this long if there are residents or property owners on a road. The problem was explained by the petitioner that there has been a problem with people dumping trash, animal carcasses, etc. in a culvert on Jones Road that goes back 12 years. This is a stream that gives water to a cattle farm and feeds into the Flint River. She said that there are no dumping signs now where there weren't before, but the signs have had no effect on those who dump their trash here. She suggested that the road could be culdesac'ed and that there was a ingress and egress from other roads to property so it would have little effect on property owners. CM Sawyer recommended to commissioners that they ask Public Works Director Todd Goolsby, the Sheriff's Office and CM Sawyer to monitor the road and did not recommend closing the road. Commissioners were advised that all but one of the property owners on the road wanted the road closed.
CM Sawyer advised that there is a new monitoring system in the county and said of those who are dumping on this road and in other places in the county, "Eventually, we will catch you." Director Goolsby advised that this is a problem all over the county.
Motion to follow the County Manager's recommendation to closely monitor the situation. Question whether a time limit to measure effectiveness was needed. Motion was amended to include reporting back to the BOC in 90 days. Approved 5-0.
b. Approval/denial of Resolution to Call for Authorization of Sunday Package Sales, pursuant to SB 10. County Manager will address.
Discussion from the commissioners hinged on the people who have spoken out about this. Commissioner Carol Bass advised that her calls have been 10-1 against it. Commissioner Don Collins said that he felt like the people should decide this. Commissioner Tommy Powers said that he said before that he was "bitterly opposed" to this and cannot support it. Commissioner Tamra Jarrett said that she felt like the people should decide this. Chairman Doug Mangham said that he felt this should go to a referendum.
Motion to put this on a county referendum to let the people vote whether they want Sunday Package Sales. Approved 3-2 with Commissioners Tommy Powers and Carol Bass voting against it.
c. Approval/denial to authorize adding back a new HVAC unit to the original contract with John W. Spratlin & Son, general contractor for the SPLOST Courthouse renovation. County Manager will address.
CM Sawyer advised that there was a problem when the 1995 Air Conditioning units were moved to their new location. He advised of options: 1) do nothing and replace air conditioners as they quit working, 2) add $220,000 back to the Courthouse contract for new units and ductwork, or 3) rethink the position on the metal roof and go back to a composite roof and save $77,000 so the system will only cost $143,000 instead of $220,000. Commissioner Don Collins said that he was in favor of replacing the AC system and ductwork in the first place saying that efficiency would have paid for the difference. Said that he is in favor of adding AC units back into the cost of the project but was against changing the metal roof. Discussion then went to HB 386 which will reduce the amount of money collected by our SPLOST to pay for this. The commissioners were advised that if the county is going to do something, now is the time to do it. Commissioner Jarrett asked questions about air quality and also about composite versus metal roof. Commissionser were advised that efficiency will be much higher and if they replace the units, then the ductwork will be replaced that has been pieced together in that building over the years. Much easier to do when the walls are down already. They were also advised that metal is more historical but composite shingles will last longer. Insulation is different depending on which type of roofing material is used and there is an issue about the sloping parts of the attic that will have to be addressed. Spray foam insulation can be used against the underside of a metal roof whereas insulation will have to be blown in or laid on the floor with composite. CM advised that he didn't care which roof was used before but after HB 386, he now recommends going with the composite roof. Discussion then went to "doing the right thing" on this project and it being something that the county can be proud of before a motion was made.
Commissioner Don Collins made a motion to approve the new AC and keep the metal roof. Motion died for lack of a 2nd.
Motion to go with composite roof and replace the AC. Approved 3-2 with Commissioners Carol Bass and Don Collins voting against it. [Note from the Editor: Thank you to the Commissioners for choosing to clean up the ducts and buy a new system. That makes sense over keeping old ductwork that needs to be routed permanently and not piecemealed like it had been along with paying for everything now instead of a little bit at a time as it breaks and needs to be replaced along with ductwork. Do things right even if it costs some on this side and it will pay for itself in the long run.]
d. Approval/denial of Temporary Construction Easement (30 days) for Motes Road. County Manager will address.
The resident didn't know that the road was private. Motion to approve. 5-0.
e. Approval/denial of letter stating no objection to the State issuing a one-day alcohol license to the Pike County Chamber of Commerce for a golf tournament fundraiser at The Cedars on May 7, 2012.
Motion to approve. 5-0.
f. Approval/denial of adjustment to Budget Calendar for FY 2012-2013. County Manager to address.
CM Sawyer asked for an extension from April 11th to April 24th. Motion to approve. 5-0.
g. Approval/denial of Tax Refund/Relief Application of Dr. Frank Kirby in the amount of $1,713.95 as the County portion of an overpayment for leased equipment erroneously billed as owned (duplicate payment received by the lessor), thereby resulting in overpayment by the business owner.
CM Sawyer advised that staff recommended paying this. Motion to pay this. Approved 5-0.
9. PUBLIC COMMENT- (Limited to 5 minutes per person)
10. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pending and Potential Litigation
Motion to adjourn. 10:33 a.m.