This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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Click here to see the documents that have been uploaded with the agenda on the Pike County government page.
This was a regularly scheduled meeting with Commissioners James Jenkins, Jason Proctor, Tim Daniel, Tim Guy, and Chairman Briar Johnson in attendance along with County Clerk Angela Blount to take the minutes, and County Attorney Rob Morton. County Manager Brandon Rogers was unable to attend the meeting.
1. CALL TO ORDER ...... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION ...... Silent Invocation
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ...... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))
[Copied from the Post Agenda verbatim.]
County Attorney Rob Morton requested the agenda to be amended to add to the County Attorney Report for reconsideration of SUB-23-02, James B. Jones, per the discussions in connection to litigation.
Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Daniel to approve the amended agenda, motion carried 5-0.
[End of copy from the Post Agenda.]
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
a. Minutes of the May 25, 2023, Special Called Meeting.
b. Minutes of the May 25, 2023, Executive Session.
c. Minutes of the May 30, 2023, Special Called Meeting.
d. Minutes of the May 30, 2023, Regular Monthly Meeting.
e. Minutes of the May 30, 2023, Executive Session.
[Copied from the Post Agenda verbatim.]
Motion/second by Commissioners Daniel/Proctor to approve the May 25, 2023 Special Called Meeting minutes, May 25, 2023 Executive Session minutes, May 30, 2023 Special Called Meeting minutes, May 30, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting minutes and the May 30, 2023 Executive Session minutes, motion carried 5-0.
[End of copy from the Post Agenda.]
a. Employee Recognition for service to Pike County.
• Sherlonda Parks – Planning and Development. Sherlonda has been with the county for five years. Chairman Johson praised for her work ethic and often staying after hours to ensure that things were done in a timely manner. Planning and Development Director Jeremy Gilbert reiterated Johnson's words and also said that Sherlonda was a joy to work with.
7. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONS, DEPARTMENTS, COMMITTEES, AUTHORITIES a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments and a summary check register. Motion/second by Commissioners Daniel/Guy to accept the Department Reports, motion carried 5-0. b. County Manager Report
Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ...... $4,171,021.69
Fire Dept. Donations ...... $7,722.83
Cash Reserve Account ...... $467,641.47
Jail Fund ...... $3,207.68
E-911 Fund ...... $602,521.70
DATE Fund ...... $39,300.82
Juvenile Court Fund ...... $13,738.17
Residential Impact Fee ...... $1,129,402.47
Commercial Impact Fees ...... $166,276.28
C.A.I.P FUND ...... $346,458.26
General Obligation SPLOST 2022-2028 ...... $1,391,554.71
L.M.I.G. Grant (DOT) ...... $721,906.82
c. County Manager Comment: None
d. Commissioner Reports
Chairman Johnson. With the calendar falling the way that it does, the employees only have one day off instead of a 4 day weekend with July 4 falling on a Tuesday. Motion to allow employees to have July 3 off (this year ONLY with both July 3 and 4) as a paid holiday well as July 4. Approved 5-0.
e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners
Discussion was held on a subdivision plan that commissioners denied in late April. After litigation and previous discussions including owner James B. Jones and his attorney, Mr. Mayfield, it is back before you for reconsideration.
[Note from the Editor: Here are my notes from the April 25, 2023 meeting aout this: "Gilbert said that this is concurrent for 13 lot major subdivision. No new infrastructure installed. AR. 3 to 8.44 acres. Private septic and well. 1,500 square feet. Woodcreek Subdivision. Staff recommended approval. Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of both together based on purpose of the Subdivision Ordinance. Chairman would like to see this as brick, stucco, etc. as siding. And also to consider preliminary only because there may be some water issues there.
Johnson asked to elaborate on why there is a yes with one and a no from other. Gilbert read from the ordinances to answer for Planning and Zoning Board. They said that this is not a low density use because not AR use according to our ordinances. Definition of low, medium, and high density is in our ordinances. Motion to allow Scott Mayfield to speak. Approved 3-1 Proctor opposed.
Representing the owner, applicant, and builder Mr. Jones. Represents Lamar County so has a unique perspective. We meet or exceed the requirements as the code is written now. He said that a drone did an aerial on this. He is ok with brick or stucco, but he is not ok with final plat approval being stopped based on water. Motion to deny based on the Board’s recommendations. Discussion. Guy said that he thought it would be wise to look over this. Denied 3-1. Guy opposed. End of 4.25.23 notes.]
53.17 acres was divided into a 13 lot major subdivision on Adams Road in Meansville. Staff recommended approval. Pike Planning and Zoning Board recommended denial. This is in an AR zoning district. Placed before you for reconsideration today. Need a motion per discussions in executive session. Motion to approve with staff recommendations. Motion to approve. 3-2 with Jenkins and Proctor opposed.
a. Approve/deny agreement between Pike County and Hofstadter and Associates, Inc for engineering services.
Morton has reviewed. Page 7 section 6d. Heard in Superior Court in Bibb County but needs to be heard here in Pike County. Discussion concerning extra engineering done regarding ROW engineering. Land surveys not in this contract addresses this concern. Recommendation to approve with change on Superior Court in Pike County. It only becomes active if the county is awarded the contract. Motion to approve with section 6D saying Pike County Superior Court. Approved 5-0.
a. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Charles Steck with on Friday, July 14, 2023, from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. for Statewide Bible Reading.
This is an annual event that has been held for several years. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
b. Approve/deny Reidsboro Road Waterline Project permanent utility easement.
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
c. Discussion of the Fire Protection personnel hours.
77 hours mentioned in an email. Morton – Recommendation that matches the county manager’s recommendation. Update to policy that allows them NOT to be full-time until they are scheduled for 77 hours in a 2 week period. 3 days per week and not exceed overtime. This will keep them in part-time status so it does not interfere with full-time jobs. Motion to approve 1st Reading. Approved 5-0.
d. First Reading of Amendments related to HB 1405 and changes to Zoning Procedures Law.
Morton – Last year legislation was adopted that modified Zoning Procedures Law. Necessary while we are in transition. Planning and Zoning Director Jeremy Gilbert is working on changes to zoning code. While we are waiting for this change, HB 1405 specifies changes. Most relate to notification times, how appeals go to the courts, and special exceptions specifically changed to a special use permit that will go before the Pike Zoning Board rather than to the BOC. Gilbert added that this go to the Planning and Zoning Board and will come back for a Public Hearing as well as a 2nd reading.
Even though we are under a moratorium. We have to approve this by July 1. This will be implemented as we move forward.
Jenkins. How are you coming on the code? Through residential, commercial, and now up to flood plains, Flint River corridors, and then to subdivision and sign ordinances. August 9th deadline is coming but am working toward that. Motion to approve the 1st reading. Approved 5-0.
a. David Penland to address the Board regarding a recent bull riding event that was held at Shadow Rock Arena.
Penland spoke on behalf of Nancy Boren who lives next door. This has been going on since 2014. Last week sent a letter that enclosed 7 pictures of what she had to deal with on weekend of May 5 and 6 during the bull riding event. The lighting used in the area was pictured from her driveway. Lit up the parking as well as her driveway and house. The lights from traffic are not shown, but anyone leaving and taking a left, a stream of headlights went into their homes.
Her driveway was mistaken as the entrance by one person and left deep ruts as he turned around. Litter, beer cans, and garbage were left behind. As big of a success as it was for the arena, it was not for her.
He pointed out that the calendar leading up to this had many events that had little disruption for the neighbors. It is my opinion that the event on May 5 and 6 was not an equine related event as contemplated and should not be allowed in the future. There was harmony between parties for the past year before this. Property owner used property without disturbing the neighbors.
If events like this continue to happen, this will end up coming back before you. We ask that in the future that consideration be given to the neighbors of the area and large bull riding events not be allowed to be held there.
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION - 9:29 a.m. a. County Attorney Rob Morton request Executive Session for consultation with the county attorney, or other legal counsel, to discuss pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial actions brought or to be brought by or against the county or any officer or employee or in which the county or any officer or employee may be directly involved as provided in O.C.G.A. § 50-14-2(1), germane to pending or potential litigation.Back in session. 10:14 a.m.
[Note from the Editor: The attorney working with the county on Kay Lander's case went back into Executive Session when he was called back there. How do I know? I watched and I asked questions afterward. That's my job, right?]
Back in session at 10:14 a.m.
[Note from the Editor: Chairman of the Library Board Anthony Vinson addressed the commissioners prior to the meeting during Town Hall and chastized them for not even mentioning the grievance of a hostile work environment by Library Manager Rosemary Bunn against County Manager Brandon Rogers or the report that was submitted to the Board of Commissioners a month ago. I was not there but pulled this together from what County Attorney Rob Morton said as well as a direct question to Vinson about the topic of his discussion that was given without a written script.]
County Attorney Morton advised that commissioners were addressed during Town Hall related to the Appeals Committee involvement in a grievance as well as the issues raised in the report of the Appeals Committee. He then provided a statement on the behalf of the Board of Commission saying that the report from the Appeals Committee was received by the BOC. He said that policies and procedures of the county are being thrown into view at this point in time. He said that any issues related to the policies that were identified will be considered as the review of the county’s code is being made.
12. ADJOURNMENT - 10:15 a.m.
Motion to adjourn. Approved 5-0.
[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]