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PO Box 843, Zebulon, Georgia 30295. Click here to donate through PayPal. Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor(@)pikecountytimes.com
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This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022 – 6:30 p.m.
Courthouse, Main Courtroom, 16001 Barnesville Street, Zebulon, Georgia
Courthouse Doors on East/South Sides open at 6:00 p.m.
Town Hall Meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Click here to see the information uploaded with the agenda on the county website.

[Note from the Editor: This is from the official minutes since I was not able to attend this meeting.]

The Pike County Board of Commissioners held its Regular Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Courthouse, Main Courtroom, at 16001 Barnesville Street, Zebulon. Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel convened the meeting and Commissioners Tim Guy, Jason Proctor and James Jenkins attended. County Attorney Rob Morton and County Clerk Angela Blount were also present. (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2)). Due to unforeseen circumstances County Manager Brandon Rogers and Chairman Briar Johnson were unavailable to attend the meeting.

1. CALL TO ORDER ..................................................................................... Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel

2. INVOCATION……………………………………………………………….….…….Silent Invocation

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .................................................................... Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel

4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))

Motion/second by Commissioners Proctor/Jenkins to approve the agenda, motion carried 4-0.

5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
a. Minutes of the June 8, 2022, Regular Monthly Meeting.
b. Minutes of the June 8, 2022, Executive Session.
c. Minutes of the June 21, 2022, Special Called Meeting.
d. Minutes of the June 21, 2022, Executive Session.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve Minutes of the June 8, 2022 Regular Monthly Meeting, Minutes of the June 8, 2022 Executive Session Meeting, Minutes of the June 21, 2022 Special Called Meeting, and Minutes of the June 21, 2022 Executive Session Minutes, motion carried 4-0.



a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments and a summary check register. There are no Department reports as they will be provided during the first Board meeting in July. Revenue/Expenditure Statement and Detail Check Register is included.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to accept reports, motion carried 4-0.

b. County Manager Report

Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ...... $4,384,967.81
Fire Dept. Donations ...... $7,520.67
Cash Reserve Account ...... $417,445.85
Jail Fund ......$32,549.72
E-911 Fund ...... $384,145.81
DATE Fund ...... $39,958.87
Juvenile Court Fund ...... $12,984.27
Residential Impact Fee ...... $1,211,601.80
Commercial Impact Fees ...... $169,879.31
C.A.I.P FUND ...... $37,870.13
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2016 ...... $1,936,106.47
L.M.IG. Grant (DOT) ...... $654,317.12

c. County Manager Comment


d. Commissioner Reports

District 1 – Commissioner Daniel - No report.

District 2 – Commissioner Guy – No report.

District 3 – Commissioner Proctor – No report.

District 4 – Commissioner Jenkins – asked County Clerk Angela Blount to get him the information on county employees, not Constitutional Offices, how many part time employees there are in the county and if the county is paying any benefits for them.

At-Large Chairman Briar Johnson- Absent

e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners

County Attorney Rob Morton stated they have had several Open Records Request this past month, time has been spent assisting various departments.

Notification was received of a fraudulent notary signature that went to the Court Clerk, after investigation it was determined it was originated out of Coweta County. The victim was suggested to address it with Coweta County.

Assisted with the Probate Judge with an application related to a fireworks permit. Commissioner Jenkins asked about the fireworks. Morton replied that the Probate Judge is the one who issues permits for fireworks and she had received an application related to the City of Molena, and his office assisted in researching that process that an individual was requesting.


a. Open sealed bids for review regarding the design and engineering services for the road construction, drainage improvements, and paving for 11.6 miles of unimproved roads in Pike County.

Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel stated the county received one bid. Commissioner Proctor stated the Board could extend the deadline to accept bids for a couple more weeks to see if more bids will be submitted to the county. Commissioner Jenkins asked if there was a big hurry for it. Commissioner Proctor replied he did not think so, the grant has not been approved for Tanyard Road. Daniel stated he believes some of this has to do with the SPLOST. Commissioner Proctor stated he would rather wait until the County Manager is at the meeting and have his say.

Motion/second by Commissioners Proctor/Guy to approve to extend the bid process for two more weeks and open sealed bids for review at the July 22, 2022 meeting, motion carried 4-0.


a. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Charles Steck to use the exterior southside porch of the Courthouse for the Bible Reading on July 14, 2022, from 7:00 a.m. until 8:15 a.m.

Motion/second by Commissioners Jenkins/Proctor to approve use of Courthouse Grounds from Charles Steck on July 14, 2022, motion carried 4-0.

b. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Bryan Richardson with Pike County American Legion Post 197 for National POW/MIA Recognition Program (Display) on September 16, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve use of Courthouse Grounds from Bryan Richardson on September 16, 2022, motion carried 4-0.

c. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Bryan Richardson with Pike County American Legion Post 197 for Pike County Veterans Day Observance Program on November 11, 2022, from 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve use of Courthouse Grounds from Bryan Richardson on November 11, 2022, motion carried 4-0.

d. Approve/deny issuance of alcohol license (Pouring – distilled spirits) for Stacy Johnston, J2 Hospitality LLC d/b/a Slices Pizzeria, 421 Plaza Drive, Zebulon, GA 30295. Applicant has met criteria.

Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel stated the Board of Commissioners approved Stacy Johnston with Slices Pizzeria for his alcohol license (Pouring Beer and Wine) on March 29, 2022. Mr. Johnston has requested a distilled spirits license. The application fee was prorated for the distilled spirits license for six months since the license will expire December 2022.

Motion/second by Commissioners Jenkins/Proctor to approve, motion carried 4-0.

e. Discussion of SPLOST Election Results Resolution and Financial Options.

County Attorney Rob Morton mentioned to the Board of Commissioners previously and provided documentation well in advance of the meeting the proposed elections resolution. The resolution is simply confirming the election results related to the SPLOST, it is kind of a perfunctory action. There is nothing obligating the Commissioners toward any other actions, it is just confirming the election results. Morton stated he mentioned to the Commissioners at a previous meeting that he would invite SPLOST Counsel as well as Financial Advisor, William Camp with Raymond James. The Board was provided with communication from Mr. Camp providing updated information about the trends related to SPLOST and the finances. Since the County Manager is out of town, it is intended that Mr. Camp will coordinate with Brandon Rogers upon his return and provide more specific information related to the options. Morton stated he forwarded to the Board Mr. Camp’s documentation showing the trends and also showing the reason why the county in the past has gone with bond issuance and the 3% bond costs to the county; inflation for asphalt was 16% over the last year. Mr. Camp recommendation is to move forward with the SPLOST Election Results Resolution since it is perfunctory anyway and does not obligate the county into any type of financial obligation. The financing will be discussed at a later date.

Motion/second by Commissioners Jenkins/Guy to accept the Election Results, motion carried 4-0.

f. Approve/deny contract renewal between Pike County Board of Commissioners and the University of Georgia on behalf of The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service.

Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel stated the Board of Commissioners approved the Memorandum of Understanding, between Pike County and the University of Georgia Cooperation Extension, at their April 13, 2022. This contract renewal being presented includes the FY 2022 Salary Limitations and FY 2023 Contribution Rates. County Attorney Rob Morton stated that the Board discussed the modifications that were presented in April, this is not anything new it is just a document formalizing the annual renewal. Morton stated he reviewed the contract and recommends the Commissioners approval.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve the contract renewal, motion carried 4-0. g. Approve/deny Library Manager, Rosemary Bunn, extension of vacation time.

Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel stated Rosemary Bunn has 4 days (32 hours) of vacation time that she has not been able to use due to short of staff. If Mrs. Bunn does not use the vacation time by July 1, she will lose it. Mrs. Bunn is asking for an extension of the 4 days of vacation time until the end of September 2022. County Attorney Rob Morton stated if the Board recalls they received a similar request from Mrs. Bunn in 2019. In 2019, the library went through a significant turnover during that time period and Mrs. Bunn was having to work overtime to cover all the requirements and in the same position now. Morton stated several years ago the county changed its policy to limit the accrual of unused vacation to two weeks. The Board has considered these requests on a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Proctor stated he does not think a 60-day extension is too long and Mrs. Bunn does a good job at the library. County Attorney Rob Morton stated for future reference there has been a suggestion that if the Board is interested in modifying this policy at some future date, to let him know.

Motion/second by Commissioners Proctor/Guy to approve extending Rosemary Bunn 4 days (32 hours) vacation time until the end of September 2022, motion carried 4-0.

h. First Reading of the proposed revision to Section 36.17 of the Pike County Code regarding Military Leave of Absence (MLOA).

[Note from the Editor: Kudos to the Board for following through on this to ensure that our ordinances line up with state and federal law. However, as I understood the issue, the county manager was receiving some type of payment from the county while he was on military leave. Is this allowed? Has every soldier received this same benefit over the past two years? And what is the county's policy on paying soldiers on leave from this point forward?]

County Attorney Rob Morton stated as it has been discussed based on some information brought to the attention of some conflict between the county’s policy and perhaps the Federal and Georgia Laws. Morton presented a modification to Section 36.17 Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) to the Commissioners as the First Reading. The modification states any full-time employee of Pike County who is a member of any branch of the United States Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard shall be granted Military Leave of Absence (MLOA) as allowed and provided pursuant to the applicable Federal and Georgia laws.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve the First Reading of the proposed revision to Section 36.17 of the Pike County Code regarding Military Leave of Absence, motion carried 4-0.

i. Approve/deny SUB-22-06 - Yearwood Family Living Trust owner and Jeff and Ann Yearwood applicants are requesting a major 6-lot subdivision (Red Bird Farm). The applicant is requesting concurrent preliminary and final plat approval. Property Location: 2364 Flat Shoals Road Concord, GA. 30206. Land Lot: 234 of the 9th Land District. Parcel ID: 016 018. Acreage: 93.378 acres. Commission District: 2 Commissioner: Tim Guy. FEMA Data: Does not lie within a flood zone.

Jeremy Gilbert, Director of Planning and Development, addressed the Board stating the request before them is for a concurrent preliminary and final plat approval. Applicant and owner are requesting a 6-lot subdivision with no new infrastructure being proposed. The subject property is currently zoned A-R, Agricultural-Residential, and will be developed according to the development regulations outlined in the zoning code. Each proposed lot will be equal to or larger than the required 3-acre minimum except for Tract F which is being donated to the adjoining property owned by Flint River Chapel LLC, the largest proposed lot being 35.00 acres. Tract F is a non-buildable lot and will have to be combined with Parcel 016 013. Each lot will be serviced by private septic and wells. Pike County Water and Sewer Authority confirms there is no public utilities available nor is the site within 2,500 feet of existing water systems. Pike County Health Department will permit each system as the lots apply for permits. A-R zoning will remain. Under current code, houses will have to be a minimum of 1,500 square feet or more of heated space. The name of the subdivision will be “Red Bird Farm”. This name does not conflict with any other named subdivision in Pike County. Planning Commission and Staff recommends approval of the concurrent preliminary and final plats with one condition. The condition is Tract F is a non-buildable lot and shall be combined with Parcel 016 013 owned by Flint River Chapel, LLC to form a new conforming parcel. Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel asked with combing Tract F, does that make the subdivision 5 lots instead of 6 lots. Mr. Gilbert replied yes, it will be 5 lots total.

Commissioner Guy asked if each lot would have their own driveway or are they planning on having a shared drive. Mr. Gilbert replied based on the layout provided in the preliminary and final plats, it appears there are no shared access easements. County Attorney Rob Morton stated just for informational purposes based on Commissioner Guy question, if there were any shared access there be a required agreement of documentation related to maintenance.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve SUB-22-06 with one condition, motion carried 4-0. Condition is as follows:
1) Tract F is a non-buildable lot and shall be combined with Parcel 016 013 owned by Flint River Chapel, LLC to form a new conforming parcel.

j. Approve/deny SUB-22-07 – Trademark Quality Homes owner and Neal Spradlin applicant are requesting a major 31-lot subdivision (Flint Farms). The owner and applicant are requesting preliminary plat approval. Property Location: Westside of Georgia Highway 18, North of Flat Shoals Road Concord, GA 30206. Parcel number 031 009. Acreage: 109.748 acres. Commission District: 1 Commissioner: Tim Daniel. FEMA Data. Does not lie within a flood zone.

Jeremy Gilbert, Director of Planning and Development, addressed the Board stating the request before them is a request of a preliminary plat approval only and will be brought back later for final plat approval. Applicant and owner are requesting a 31-lot major subdivision with new infrastructure being proposed. The subject property is currently zoned A-R, Agricultural-Residential, and will be developed according to the development regulations outlined in the zoning code. Each proposed lot will be equal to or larger than the required 3-acre minimum with the largest proposed lot being 6.32 acres. Each lot will be serviced by private septic and wells. Pike County Water and Sewer Authority confirms there is no public utilities available nor is the site within 2,500 feet of existing water systems. Pike County Health Department will permit each system individually as the lots apply for permits. The applicant is requesting to construct the subdivision in one phase and will be required to submit full development plans to the County and State for approval. The applicant has received preliminary approval from GDOT, Georgia Department of Transportation, for the proposed location of the entrance. A permit will be required from GDOT before the development permit can be issued by the county. Planning Commission and Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat.

Commissioner Guy stated at the time of approval of other subdivisions in that area, they were approved with homes having a minimum of 1,800 square feet or more of heated space. Commissioner Guy noted he spoke with the developer, and they are good with a minimum of 1,800 square feet or more of heated space and they will be building larger homes than that.

Motion/second by Commissioners Proctor/Guy to approve SUB-22-07 with one condition, motion carried 4-0.
Condition is as follows: 1) All homes must have a minimum of 1,800 square feet or more of heated space.

k. Approve/deny SUB-20-04 - Trademark Quality Homes owner and Scott Greene applicant are requesting a major 46-lot subdivision (The Reserve at Reidsboro). The owner and applicant are requesting final plat approval. Property Location: Eastside of Reidsboro Road North of Midway Road Williamson, GA 30292. Parcel number 052 041. Acreage: 187.995 acres. Commission District: 4 Commissioner: James Jenkins. FEMA Data. Does not lie within a flood zone.

Jeremy Gilbert, Director of Planning and Development, addressed the Board stating the request before them is a final plat approval. The preliminary plat was approved by the Board of Commissioners on July 8, 2020 with a condition regarding the cemetery located on the property having to meet provisions of A & B of Chapter 163.15 of the Pike County Code. Each lot will be serviced by private septic and county water. Pike County Water and Sewer Authority confirms at the time of this report that all water lines have been installed in the development and they are only waiting on final connection to be completed by the county to the current system to provide water to the development. The construction of the connection has been awarded through the bid process and should be completed soon. Pike County Health Department will permit each septic system individually as the lots apply for permits. A-R, Agricultural-Residential, zoning will remain. Under current code, homes will have to be a minimum of 1,500 square feet or more of heated space. However, the applicant is proposing 1,800 square feet on the plat. The proposed street names for the subdivision are “Lakepoint Drive” and “Millie Trail. The proposed road named do not conflict with any other named roads in Pike County. The proposed name of the subdivision will be “The Reserve at Reidsboro. This name does not conflict with any other named neighborhood in Pike County. Planning Commission and Staff recommends approval of the final plat with three conditions.

Conditions are
(1) the Homeowners Association/Developer shall maintain the cemetery located between lots 19 and 20. All requirements of the Pike County Code regarding cemeteries shall be met. The required fence will be installed by the developer before the 10th Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
(2) All homes shall be a minimum of 1,800 square feet of heated space.
(3) No Certificates of Occupancy shall be issued until the water line project is completed by the Pike County Water Authority completing the connection to the current system.

Commissioner Jenkins asked if the concerns of the citizens have been met regarding the cemetery. Mr. Gilbert stated the concerns have been addressed and Mr. David Allen is present, and he may have some additional points if the Board will allow him to speak.

Motion/second by Commissioners Jenkins/Proctor to allow citizen, David Allen, to speak., motion carried 4-0.

David Allen addressed the Board stating he was satisfied with the revised conditions by the Planning Commission. The cemetery is important to the families and looks like it is going to be protected by a new permanent fence. Commissioner Jenkins noted he would like to see the homes have a minimum of 2,200 square feet or more of heated space. Mr. Gilbert noted he spoke with the applicant and asked for the conditions to be listed on the final plat before recording it so it will carry forth with the plat.

Motion/second by Commissioners Jenkins/Proctor to approve SUB-20-04 with three conditions, motion carried 4-0. Condition is as follows:
1) The HOA/Developer shall maintain the cemetery located between lots 19 and 20. All requirements of the Pike County Code regarding cemeteries shall be met. The required fence will be installed by the developer before the 10th Certificate of Occupancy is issued.
2) All homes must have a minimum of 2,200 square feet or more of heated space.
3) No Certificates of Occupancy shall be issued until the water line project is completed by the Pike County Water Authority completing the connection to the current system.

[Note from the Editor: Concerns have been noted previously by members of the public and the commissioners about changing the required square footage in our meetings instead of having the requirements in our ordinances and actually going by our own code. Changes were made in two applications at this meeting in one night so far.) I'm reading this for the first time as I upload this since I was out of the state during the meeting.) I don't have a preference on any of this, but I think that the county needs to be consistent with its rules and the application of those rules. Builders and applicants deserve to know what is expected of them too.]

l. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-22-02 Robert and Marcia Williamson owners and Verizon Wireless applicant request a special exception to create a new 195-foot-tall telecommunications tower on Parcel ID 039-026 located on the Eastside of Beeks Road, North of Hollonville Road, Williamson, GA 30292 in Land Lot 218 of the 1st District. The property consists of 85.31 +/- acres. Per CH156.43, any proposed telecommunications structure must be approved via special exception in the A-R zoning district. Commission District 1, Commissioner Tim Daniel.

Jeremy Gilbert, Director of Planning and Development, addressed the Board stating the request before them is a special exception to build a new 195-foot tall telecommunications tower on the subject property. The subject property is currently zoned A-R, Agricultural-Residential. New cell towers are only permissible via a special exception request. Per the A-R zoning code, towers must be constructed as monopole designs and have an interior setback from property lines of 200 feet. The applicant has submitted the enclosed information packet which includes a site plan, visual impact study, co-location study, FAA no hazard determination and as-built engineering plans. Based on Chapter 113.23 of the Pike County Code, requirements for the special exception process states: The Board of Appeals shall consider the following criteria, including compliance with this ordinance, in determining whether to approve an application for a Special Exception. The plans submitted does meet all the criteria requirements. The cell tower will be more than 1,000 feet away from the nearest residence and more that 200 feet from all property lines. The application was heard by Planning Commission and the Planning Commission and Staff recommends approval with two conditions. Conditions are (1) A building permit is required before construction can begin on the cell tower, (2) All applicable codes shall be met for the construction of the cell tower. The Planning Commission did recommend a third proposed condition, a light be installed at the top of the cell tower based on the FAA regulations. According to the FAA regulations, the tower height does not require a light.

Vice-Chairman Tim Daniel stated he was in that area and there is no cell coverage. If the Chairman was at the meeting tonight, he would tell you that he has to go outside in the yard to talk on the phone.

In Favor
Wendy Doyle (Representative for Verizon Wireless)
Jack Johnson
Patricia Beckham

No one came forth.

Motion/second by Commissioners Guy/Proctor to approve SE-22-02 staff recommendation with 2 conditions , motion carried 4-0.
Conditions are as follows:
1) A building permit is required before construction can being on the cell tower.
2) All applicable codes shall be met for the construction of the cell tower.

10. PUBLIC COMMENT (Limited to 5 minutes per person)

a. David Allen to address the Board regarding the Pike County Animal Shelter.

David Allen addressed the Board stating one of the fairy tales from out past is “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, in which the kingdom has a great parade to pretend that they like the emperor’s new wardrobe. Finally, a little boy points out the obvious “the emperor is naked”. Mr. Allen stated he will have to be the little boy and go on record to give the public a real assessment of the Pike County Animal Shelter. The Animal Shelter has a nice sign on County Farm Road that says “Shelter” and there is a nice bronze plaque on the new building that says, “Pike County Animal Shelter Established 2021” and it has all the current Commissioners names on it. There was a nice ceremony and balloons the day it was dedicate. But the shelter is naked. There is no operating shelter, and there are no plans to have an operating shelter for the foreseeable future. There is a timeline from one Commissioner; the county can have a shelter when the roads are paved, and the county has a fully functioning paid Fire Department. Mr. Allen stated he does not know what money tree the county will pick to get a paid Fire Department, but that probably will not happen over the next decade. If you read between the lines, the county will not have an operational shelter for another decade or two.

Some updates for the public on the non-operational shelter include:
(1) No provision for shelter activities in the recently approved budget,
(2) No provision in the recently approved SPOLST for shelter operations, nor was there ever a real desire to put in the SPLOST, even at the low rate of 15%,
(3) No work that Mr. Allen is aware of about finalizing intergovernmental agreements with the cities to help pay for shelter operations,
(4) No update on the reallocation of Impact Fees to divert some money to Animal Control functions. This was talked about 2 years ago. There were 83 new home lots just approved tonight. Assuming the $300 per house that was proposed by Mr. Allen 2 years ago to go to Animal Control, that would be close to $25,000 from the residential house lots approved tonight that has now fallen though the cracks,
(5) The Shelter Ordnance that the Animal Advisory Board worked hard on last fall, pro bono, is now collecting dust. No word on it ever coming up for the First Reading, and Mr. Allen doubts the majority of the Board of Commissioners have read it,
(6) The county has been told that the generous endowment that the Chandlers provided to make the “shelter” building possible will just be used for future dangerous dog cases. That was not the intent of the Chandlers CLC Foundation.

The county is a long way from the shelter that the signs suggest the county has. Pretending the county has a shelter when everyone knows the county does not is really a slap in the face to the Shelter Board and to the Chandler’s and their foundation. It is also highly misleading to all citizens of the county. Mr. Allen stated to either take the “shelter” wording off the building on County Farm Road, or at least put an asterisk and some fine print under the word. Stop looking foolish like the emperor in the fairy tale.

b. Ruth Chandler to address the Board regarding the Animal Shelter Ordinances.

Ruth Chandler addressed the Board stating she is presently the Secretary of the Animal Control Shelter Board. Mrs. Chandler stated she understands that the Board of Commissioners has a very difficult job and many priorities. But, working towards a goal of opening an animal shelter, Mrs. Chandler is requesting the Bord of Commissioners to review the ordinances provided. The ordinances were drafted by a Board that does not include an attorney. The Animal Control Shelter Board would like to ask Mr. Rob Morton to attend an Animal Shelter meeting and help them understand what good ordinances for the Shelter Board would be and then they could do any further investigations to see if systems were needed to be in compliance with the State for funding in next year’s budget. There are several Pike County citizens who inquire about the Animal Shelter. Mrs. Chandler believes this deserves to be one of the Board of Commissioners priorities. The Animal Control Shelter Board would like to see the ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners by next years budget.

[Note from the Editor: IMO Animal Control is a county-wide problem that needs to be addressed with the cooperation of the cities and the county. Both should be paying to be a part of a county-wide animal shelter that will also provide animal control officers as needed throughout the county. Maybe work on a payment plan per population that is similar to the LOST (Local Option Sales Tax) negotiations? The Animal Shelter has been built with a donation from the Chandler Family. The county should keep its promise to open the shelter and do whatever is needed to open the facility -- as soon as possible. Next year would be acceptable since it will take time to work through the specifics.]



Motion/second by Commissioners Proctor/Guy to adjourn at 7:28 p.m., motion carried 4-0

[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]

Submitted 7.23.22