This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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All five commissioners are here along with the County Clerk Angela Blount, County Manager (CM) Brandon Rogers, and County Attorney Rob Morton.
1. CALL TO ORDER .................................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION…………………………………………………………………..……Silent Invocation
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
a. Minutes of the June 9, 2021, Regular Monthly Meeting.
b. Minutes of the June 9, 2021, Executive Session Minutes.
All approved at once. 5-0.
a. Michael O’Quinn to address the Board regarding National Association of Counties, NACo.
Michael O’Quinn asked them to consider becoming a member of NACo. There are benefits for the county including notification of grants from the federal level, etc. The reason that they encourage counties to join is because they are the lobbying arm for ACCG whereas ACCG only lobbies at the state level. We are slated to receive about $3 million and said that we should have gotten about half of it right now. He said that this money would have gone to the state rather to the county if it hadn’t been for NACo without going through the state to get that money. He said that there is strength in numbers and that every little bit helps. More than half of the counties in the state are members.
a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments and a summary check register. There are no Department reports as they will be provided during the first Board meeting in July. Revenue/Expenditure Statement and Detail Check Register is included.
Motion to approve reports. Approved 5-0.
b. County Manager Report
Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ........................................................................................ …$2,360,936.68
Fire Dept. Donations ........................................................................................ $6,420.00
Cash Reserve Account ........................................................................ ….....$307,589.51
Jail Fund ........................................................................................................ $29,087.89
E-911 Fund .................................................................................................... $90,029.09
DATE Fund ................................................................................................... $53,644.55
Juvenile Court Fund ....................................................................................... $12,223.03
Residential Impact Fee ............................................................................. $1,019,195.71
Commercial Impact Fees ............................................................................. $179,953.77
C.A.I.P FUND ............................................................................................... $39,479.64
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2016 ................. ..$1,625,047.64
L.M.IG. Grant (DOT)………………………………….……………….…..$451,110.78
c. County Manager Comment
CM Rogers thanked the fire department for their work that helped them pass the inspection from the state. They have improved over last year.
Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the concert and fireworks show. It was a big event for Pike County. They made sure that everyone stayed safe before and during the event. Click here for pictures and a thank you to the community and volunteers.
We received a resolution from the DA’s Office. This will allow employees to become members of the state retirement system. County Attorney Morton has looked this over and approved it. It was received last minute so it wasn’t on the agenda. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
Thank you to David Reeves for speaking during the Town Hall and thanked all of the applicants for applying. There were nine!
Reminder that July 5, the offices will be closed in observance of the July 4th holiday.
d. Commissioner Reports
Tim Daniel: Didn’t know until recently that we weren’t members and want to look into this.
Jason Proctor: Suggested getting board specific applications rather than just a general form. He also asked if someone could tell him why soccer and cheer are different than the Rec Department. He said that it isn’t a problem but was curious. Rob said that this was done between these entities and Rec Authority and that someone from that Board could likely let him know.
James Jenkins: He and John Hanson had this discussion about NACo several years ago and thinks that it is a good idea.
Briar Johnson: Said that there will likely be some discussion about the nine applicants.
e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners
County Attorney Rob Morton: Letter was received today about opiods litigation bankruptcy protection. This allows them to move forward with the distribution of the funds. It won’t be a huge amount, but the plan must be approved before they can move forward. Response is needed by July 1. Motion to go with Counsel’s suggestion to move forward. Approved 5-0.
There will be some appeals for the Board of Equalization starting next week. This will move forward with commercial properties. He commended Chief Appraiser Greg Hobbs for his work on this.
Planning and Development Director Jeremy Gilbert is working on issues with the county and doing a great job.
Airfi contract with the Water and Sewer Authority is being discussed and finalized.
Waterlines are being dedicated to the county just outside of Williamson. This will go to the Water and Sewer Authority.
a. Consider one appointment to the Pike County Board of Health as an acting physician to fill a six-year term, set to expire June 30, 2027. Applicant has met criteria.
Benjamin Williams from Zebulon has met criteria. Motion to approve the continuation of his service on this board. Approved 5-0.
b. Consider one appointment to the Pike County Board of Assessors to fill a six-year term, set to expire June 30, 2027. Applicant has met criteria.
Jenna Rae Overton of Milner, Jessica Rowell of Concord, and Lynn Smith of Molena are the applicants. County Manager Brandon Rogers made the recommendation to reappoint Jessica Rowell. CM Rogers and the Chief Appraiser Greg Hobbs recommended renewal of Mrs. Rowell. Approved 5-0.
c. Consider four appointments to the Pike County Parks & Recreation Board to fill a three-year term, set to expire June 30, 2024. Applicants have met criteria.
Jay Cory Brinson of Zebulon, Preston Scott Smith of Milner, Rebecca DeGraff of Concord, Charles Barrow of Griffin, Willie Johnson of Zebulon, Jerry Todd of Meansville, Eric Lewis of Meansville, Joshua Follett of Zebulon, and Matthew Wood of Griffin are the applicants.
CM Rogers thanked the applicants again. There are 2 recommendations.
Rec Authority recommended Lewis, Wood, Johnson, and DeGraff.
CM Rogers recommended Lewis, Todd, Wood, Smith. He believes that regardless of who you pick, you will have an outstanding board. All are outstanding and have met the qualifications.
Chairman Johnson asked that Childress said that they spent and hour or so looking over those applications and asked the board to honor their choices. They understand that the final choice does stand with the Board. Commissioner Tim Guy said that he feels that the Rec Dept knows their crew, and he made a motion to go with the Rec Dept’s recommendation. Motion fails for lack of a second.
Jason Proctor spoke for over an hour with Childress and explained his position: Brinson for baseball, Smith for softball, DeGraff already on the board and doing a good job, and Wood for soccer. He thinks that this represents a majority of the sports that are out there at Rec now.
James Jenkins said that he’s been out of this 7 years and that he trusts Jason because he’s out there a lot now and trusts his opinion.
Approved 4-1 with Tim Guy in opposition.
Chairman Johnson thanked everyone one more time. And it was confirmed that first timers were here. CM Rogers did an interview with Mrs. DeGraff, but she was not required to be present because she is currently on the Rec Authority Board.
d. Consider use of Courthouse Grounds from Charles Steck to use the exterior southside steps of the Courthouse for the Georgia Bible Reading Marathon on July 14, 2021 from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m.
This is an event that has been approved in the past. There is no conflict. CM Rogers said that this is a statewide event so we are only doing an hour here in Pike County. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
e. Approve/deny issuance of alcohol license (Pouring – beer, wine, and distilled spirits) for Tracy Wallace d/b/a Barnstormer’s Grill and Event Center, LLC, 349 Jonathan’s Roost Rd, Williamson, GA. Applicant has met criteria.
Motion to approve this for new ownership. Approved 5-0.
f. Approve/deny Public Defender’s Office contract for FY 2021-2022.
This is an annual contract. It has been shared with the county attorney who has ok’ed it and CM Rogers recommends approval. Approved 5-0.
g. Authorize Chairman Briar Johnson to execute the Department of Family and Children Services County Budget for Fiscal Year 2022.
This is an annual contract. The only question he had was verifying whether the county would ok DFCS keeping any remaining fund balance at the end of the year. They would come back to the Board and ask for approval before spending them. Why are we changing that? County Attorney Rob Morton said that they have given the county back extra funds in the past, but he didn’t know that this was required. Jason Proctor made a motion that if they don’t use their funds that they give it back. Last year they had a position that wasn’t filled and gave the money back because of COVID. This was a special circumstance so the Board would have been ok with them keeping. Motion to allow them to keep the funds on this position if it is not filled if there is money left over—basically allow the signature and approval of this agreement. Approved 5-0.
h. Accept deed/dedication of Buffington Road Right of Way.
County Attorney Rob Morton said that he has not received the executed deed and asked to postpone the approval or approve pending the county attorney receiving and ok’ing the document. Motion to approve the document pending the county attorney receiving it and ok’ing the agreement. Approved 5-0.
i. Consider Resolution to adopt ACCG Defined Benefits.
The Tax Commissioner employees are not in a state program—just the Tax Commissioner. Please approve pending this change so it can be completed by July 1. Motion to approve pending the change to include the employees in the Tax Commissioners’ office. Approved 5-0.
j. Approve/deny Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Amendments.
The office had a very busy week and this is still being done. Asked for a motion to postpone. Motion to postpone. Discussion: There is a 60 day window after July 1. Approved 5-0.
k. Discussion of Fiscal Year 2021-2022 committed funds.
CM Rogers asked for funds from this year to accompany their projects to next year.
Tax Assessor’s Office. Land Assessment Update $30,000. Deed program to allow employees to stay in field and complete paperwork as needed – $10,000. Still have $94,000 in their budget to cover this.
Probate Judge. Continue renovations to her office. $14,000 in her budget. Asked $4500 to be committed to next year’s budget for renovations and updates.
Rogers reminded commissioners that we are not through with the end of the year yet.
Building and Grounds. Upgrades from CARES funds $8000.
Animal Control. Funds to complete the facility. $55,000 to move forward into next year’s budget.
CDBG Grand Fund. 4755.88 remaining to commit to next year to pay for contribution to that grant.
Itemized fund balance with earmarks for next year’s budget. This is being done so the funds do not go into the General Fund and have to be re-committed. Any remaining funds not used by July 1, 2022 will go back to the General Fund Balance.
Motion to commit these funds from this year’s budget to next year’s budget. Approved 5-0.
l. Approve/deny the 2022 LMIG Road Project.
This has been discussed in other meetings. Vega, Country Brown, Blanton Mill, Twin Oaks, and McDaniel Road. Concord Road was supposed to be on here, but there is a bridge that needs to be done in 2024 so we are going to wait. Are we going to pave the little piece of dirt road before Twin Oaks? Yes.
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0. This is picking up on that list of roads that we have already.
m. Discussion of empaneling an interview committee for the position of Fire Chief.
He asked the Board to start a 5 person panel for this. He has reached out to some individuals on this who could help. EMA Director, a Veterans Ambulance employee who is also a volunteer fireman, Zebulon Police Dept, Coroner, and volunteer in Lamar, A volunteer with SO and FD. All are in agreement with the panel. These people interact with the fire department on a regular basis. Reached out to a LT. in the fire department too. 5 people with Brandon as well as the commissioners if they want to come to the interviews. CM Rogers wanted to give some recommendations.
He doesn’t completely understand how this works. He doesn’t want his lack of knowledge to hurt the county. Commissioner Proctor asked why we are doing this differently than the other departments. CM Rogers said that this would be a way to get an unbiased opinion on this. Rogers said that either he or the Board should do the actual hiring of this position.
Discussion: Chairman Johnson is not happy with so many people on the board. Proctor said that the commissioners should make the final decision. What should we budget for a fire chief or a timeline to get to the scene or who is in charge of the scene? These are questions that Rogers doesn’t know the answer to. Do commissioners? If you bring us a list of 5 names, Tim Daniel said, I don’t have a problem with it if you need someone to help narrow it down because you need that expertise to help understand it. Tim Guy is ok with a committee. James Jenkins said it isn’t a bad idea but he could go either way. Rogers said that their insight is needed. Proctor doesn’t want commissioners relying on the committee and not researching it. Johnson said that he is ok with a committee. Rogers asked this to be resolved so the county can start getting resumes in for the interview process. Johnson said that this won’t hurt us. They can do the original vetting and present names to the county commission. County Attorney Morton asked them to clarify how many and whether a former fire chief is included.
Motion to include a 5 member committee at the discretion of the county manager. Discussion: This committee will not make any decisions on this. This is the County Manager’s decision with the approval of the County Commission. Approved 3-2 with Proctor and Jenkins opposed.
Click here to read "BREAKING NEWS: Panel to Help with Hiring Process of Fire Chief."
n. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-21-04 – Applicant, Jessica Booker and
Owners, Toney and Jessica Booker, are requesting permission to operate a general home occupation,
Hair Salon. Property Location: 5660 Highway 18 West Concord, GA 30206. Land Lot 200 of the
9th Land District. The subject property consists of 3.8 acres and is further identified as Parcel ID: 032-
007C. Commission District 1, Commissioner Tim Daniel. FEMA Data: Does not lie within a flood
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
General occupation. Hair Salon in a separate building.
Recommendations: 1) business license 2) proper signage 3) limit of 3 parking spaces before approval. This has been done and is recommended for approval.
Jessica Booker. Their residence, and she wants to work from home. She will only have one person there at a time.
Motion to approve with conditions. Approved 5-0.
o. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-21-05 – Applicant and Owner, James
Woodrow Gibson is requesting permission to allow for temporary living quarters due to medical
hardship. Property Location: 2510 Kings Road Meansville, GA 30256. Land Lot 35 of the 9th Land
District. The subject property consists of 4.6 acres and is further identified as Parcel ID: 060-043.
Commission District 2, Commissioner Tim Guy. FEMA Data: Does not lie within a flood zone.
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
Special exception for a camper for a caregiver for the Gibsons. Board of Appeals recommend approval. Pike Co Health Department to ok the water. Requirements also include setbacks, annual renewal, no use as rental property, and require a medical note from provider and it has been given as a service that is needed.
Tommy Pope sent a letter in support of this application that was made a part of the record.
The Gibsons are here but would prefer not to come to the microphone.
Motion to approve with stipulations. Approved 5-0.
p. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-21-06 – Applicant and Owner, Alton
Turner (STS Development) is requesting permission to reinstate agricultural use in a named
neighborhood, Durham Farms. Property Location: 3465 Hollonville Road Williamson, GA 30292.
Land Lot 216 of the 1st Land District. The subject property consists of approximately 30 acres and is
further identified as Parcel ID: 039-009, 039-009A, 039-009B, 039-009C, 039-009D, 039-009E, 039-
009F. Commission District 1, Commissioner Tim Daniel. FEMA Data: Does not lie within a flood
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
Special Exception to allow residents to keep and raise livestock within the development for those over 3 acres. It was unanimously recommended for approval by the Board without conditions.
Alton Turner said that we didn’t realize that there were rights lost, but he asked that these rights be reinstated.
Logan Jones owns a 12 acre tract and owns horses. He would like this to be approved.
This has to be done before this a named subdivision. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
a. Steve Reeves to address the Board regarding Commercial Development and Appeal Application.
Back in March, there were changes to our ordinances. Before agricultural wasn’t allowed, but now it has to be asked. He doesn’t remember having to ask permission to grow crops, and this is having to be done now too. The project south of town will grown and process for commercial sale. That’s a commercial enterprise. We don’t have a commercial definition in our ordinance.
There is a difference between hobby and commercial. There are a whole of issues with that property. He said we have rules for what we do on our property. This project was started while we had a zoning administrator. It was a hobby then is what he was told. They shouldn’t be allowed to operate a commercial entity without coming before the Board. If you don’t enforce the code, you’re saying it’s ok.
He is asking that this project be brought before the Board if needed for conditions. You’re here to serve us. He has filed an appeal on this.
Executive Session. 8:02 p.m.
a. County Attorney requests Executive Session for consultation with the county attorney, or other legal counsel, to discuss pending or potential litigation, settlement, claims, administrative proceedings, or other judicial actions brought or to be brought by or against the county or any officer or employee or in which the county or any officer or employee may be directly involved, as provided in O.C.G.A. §50- 14-2(1), germane to potential litigation.
Back in session 8:34 p.m.
Motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
Agenda subject to revision.
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