This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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Many members of the public were in attendance at this meeting. All five commissioners were also in attendance along with County Clerk Angela Blount, County Attorney Rob Morton, and County Manager (CM) Brandon Rogers.
1. CALL TO ORDER .................................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION………………………………………………………………………Karen Brentlinger
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))
CM Brandon Rogers made the motion to remove item F from the agenda. Motion to approve as amended. Approved 5-0.
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
a. Minutes of the August 12, 2020, Regular Monthly Meeting.
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
a. AmeriPro EMS Representative.
Ameripro EMS Representative. One of the co-owners of Ameripro, Larry Richardson, spoke to commissioners. Graduated from Henry County, went into the Marine Corps, and began his career at Clayton County Fire. Worked in fire and EMS but wanted to change the business so he got a higher education and worked with the co-owner to start Ameripro because they wanted a company that nobody else has. We focus on service in our community in our hospitals and our patients. We have about 200 years of experience in 911 in both rural, private, and urban areas. We had to hire the right people in order to make the business how we wanted to make it and that had a lot of experience. Bought all ambulances new and exceed state standards. All have a cardiac monitor and a wifi hotspot as well as GPS tracking. The trucks have vents on them which is important during this COVID time. They built a service model that people could look at and trust. Professionalism, commitment, and integrity to core values. The same service level as a helicopter minus the nurse. They have bariatric transport. They also help with hazard management. About 275 personnel. In the entire metro Atlanta area. The reason for their success is their commitment to core values. Insurance coverage is great with cameras to track their drivers. That includes emails going to the shift supervisors if someone breaks the speed limit. They self report on their metrics monthly. They use third party billing to ensure compliance. Through theirs first and then a second rigorous compliance with the billing company. Offer CPR training and work with the Scouts to work with the community. Heavily involved in the community. There are billing portals for their customers so it’s easily accessible. They have liability and insurance to help cover the company so it protects the county. We look forward to partnering with Pike County.
Chairman Briar Johnson. ALS. Advanced Life Support. 2 ambulances 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days per year. He asked about obtaining records. (Cherry Thomas spoke about problems obtaining records from Grady in the Town Hall portion of two meetings including this one.) Toll free number to pull the CAD notes and EMS charts. They operate out of Florida and Georgia. This is a passion of mine, and we look forward to serving you.
b. Veterans Medical Transport Representative.
The owner from Veterans, Moe Farrah, spoke to commissioners. They have been in business for 10 years in Georgia. Bases in Dekalb, Fayette, and Spalding. 25 ambulances. About 22,000 calls last year. That includes 15 to 20% ALS and critical calls. Community comes first. I have waived close to a million dollars worth of transport money that community services could not pay. I believe doing a good job and giving back to the community is the key to a successful ambulance service. Community outreach to educate EMS, paramedics, etc. in the county will be important to them. We will be here to serve Pike County.
Toni Biles spoke on behalf of the company. She wants to see our EMS first responders provided with training to give more advanced care to our citizens until the ambulances can get there because Pike County is a huge county and first responders often arrive first. Let us help educate our first responders so they can help us better. We can also offer them a job too. We can work with the community to help make us safer.
Tommy Bowden also spoke. Been in public safety since 1981. He said that Veterans is community oriented with health fairs and working with the fire department. We have our own in house billing and a 3 step process for quality assurance before it goes to billing or the state. We have 5 trucks out of Griffin. If we are granted the contract, we would move into Zebulon. 2 ALS trucks plus these other 5 trucks in the county with paramedics, etc. if the main trucks are out on a call. This will help avoid delays with calling for mutual aid, etc. He said that he has worked in Pike County and likes Pike County.
Chairman Johnson confirmed 2 ambulances 24 hours/7 day a week/365 days per year. Then he asked about billing with Ms. Thomas’ problem with our current ambulance service. 8-12 hour turn around time, and we can get any medical records out of our program and print it out and put in her hand. Tommy said that he gives out his cell phone number and she could talk to billing and the manager. It’s real easy to get to.
Y’all have been backup as an ambulance service. Are y’all the primary 911 ambulance service for in a county or city right now? No. There’s about 75 years of 911 EMS services just in the people who were there that night.
a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments and a summary check register. There are no Department Reports as they will be provided during the first Board meeting of September. Revenue/Expenditure Statement and Detail Check Register is included.
b. County Manager Report
Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ........................................................................................ …$1,803,563.89
Fire Dept. Donations ........................................................................................ $6,169.42
BOC – Jury Account………………………………………………………………$0.00
Cash Reserve Account ........................................................................ ….....$107,571.05
Pike County CD Special Revenue funds………………………………………….$0.00
Jail Fund ........................................................................................................ $32,562.86
E-911 Fund .................................................................................................... $31,704.63
DATE Fund ................................................................................................... $54,684.67
Juvenile Court Fund ....................................................................................... $11,435.72
Residential Impact Fee ................................................................................ $678,275.35
Commercial Impact Fees ............................................................................. $134,016.92
C.A.I.P FUND ............................................................................................. $177,058.04
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2016 ................. ..$1,509,209.50
L.M.IG. Grant (DOT)………………………………….…………………..$261,119.65
c. County Manager Comment
CM Rogers said that the county has qualified for the initial 30% of the CARES Act funding and we are working toward the rest. Sept 1 is the deadline. Tax appraisals. As of last week, we have completed 150 to 200 appraisals. We’re expecting the same this next week. Hopefully we’ll be around 400-500 appeals that will be reviewed. We’ll know more on Sept 9.
We’ve had 4 road closures due to the rain: Hunter, Second District, Bethany Church, and Melville Brown Roads. Melville Brown was repaired and is now open.
d. Commissioner Reports
District 3 Commissioner Jason Proctor. The rain has begun again and Public Works is losing a day here or there working on the roads. He is suggesting that if we lose multiple days in a week, we need to make them up.
Need to look at our policies and ordinances on building and zoning. Subdivisions and hotels and motels need to be written. Maybe even add a hotel/motel packet.
District 4 Commissioner James Jenkins. We have had problems with broadband have been ongoing for years and are county wide. He reached out to AT&T and has handouts with Don Barbour’s contact info with AT&T. He said that with a big enough outcry, maybe AT&T can do something for the county. New subdivisions are getting fiber but existing subdivisions can’t get it. AT&T may be interested in coming with the growth coming to the county.
Don Barbour - Regional Director - External Affairs for NW Georgia and Fulton. 404-345-2447.
Chairman Briar Johnson recognized elected officials who were in attendance at the meeting: Ginny Blakeney-our incoming Probate Judge, Steve Fry-Mayor of Williamson, Beth Camp-Republican Elect Representative in the District 131 November Race. He also said that Michael Powell will be speaking about the need for people to fill out the census. If we can get 20,000 people to fill out their census, it could help with our internet issues.
e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners
A lot of times, citizens and commissioners don’t realize that ordinance violations are being prosecuted. We are preparing for hearing each month and pleas are often being entered. There was a case in which an animal was injured that was owned by the Board of Education. Restitution was owed but not part of the court sentence so a modification was filed to get reimbursement for the vet bills. The defendant decided to go ahead and pay the vet bills before it went to a court hearing. You don’t always hear about things like this.
a. Discussion of Ambulance Contract.
Ambulance contract. CM Rogers advised that we put this out for bid. Grady has advised that they have decided not to pursue their contract with us. We anticipate around November 10 to be their potential end date.
Grady has to offer us a transition. Based off of the date, we’re anticipating November 10. How long will the transition take to get a new service in here? It could be as little as 30 and as many as 90 days.
Chairman Johnson asked about redoing the RFP. Is that something that we could look at doing if the Board wanted to do that. County Attorney Morton advised that they have always reserved the right to reject all bids. The last RFP was a pretty quick turn around. The two companies who did respond went over and above work on this. If we put it out, it would have to be back by September 9 for a vote. 7 days is all we can do.
Chairman Johnson said that we have nothing against these two companies. We have a budget to abide by. Our lowest bid is still above the $350,000 that we were expecting Grady to stay on at. There are some budgetary issues that will have to be decided one way or another. Veterans bid $400,000. Ameripro bid $635,000 for a 1 year contract, $660,000 per year for a 3 year contract. $700,00 per year for a 5 year contract.
Make a decision tonight or wait? Commissioner Jenkins made a motion to send it out for RFP again. Announce it tomorrow and send it back out with a deadline for September 8 so it can be discussed it at the September 9th meeting. We will open bids and discuss at the same time.
Chairman Johnson advised the Ameripro and Veterans that this was nothing against y’all. He asked the two companies to do what you can and send it back in. Rob Morton asked for an executive session to discuss the possibility of potential litigation.
Executive Session. 7:15 p.m.
Back in Session. 7:25 p.m.
Vote on the motion rejecting the current bids and putting out for RFP again. Approved 5-0. Opens back up tomorrow and will close on the 8th at 5 p.m. Sealed bids will be opened in the September 9th meeting.
Click here to read the update on Grady from open records requests that were filled two days after the commission meeting.
a. Consider two appointments to the West Georgia Region 4 EMS Council to fill a two-year term, set to expire June 30, 2022. Applicants have met criteria.
Applicants are Toni Biles, Chris Stanley, Mike Singleton, Jimmy Totten, and John Hanson. CM Hanson noted that John Hanson withdrew his application prior to the meeting. Recommendation to reappoint Jimmy Totten and appoint Mike Singleton. Motion to accept the recommendation and appoint as the CM suggested. Approved 5-0.
b. Approve/deny issuance of alcohol license (Pouring – beer, wine and distilled spirits) for Jeremy Crumbley d/b/a Pedro’s, 212 Plaza Drive Zebulon, GA. Applicant has met criteria.
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
c. Approve/deny Chairman Briar Johnson to execute County Manager Brandon Rogers contract.
No discussion. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
d. Approve/deny Health Department Paint and Flooring.
Three bids for the interior painting for the Health Department.
Martin and Company Painting - $18,600
Middle Georgia Painting - $14,200/ $13,200 if they are not responsible for the floors. The walls will be done first so they the bid was based on $13,200.
McDaniel Painting - $15,500
CM Rogers recommended Middle Georgia Painting. 15% of this will be picked up by the WIC program. The county's portion will be $11,220.
Three bids for the flooring of the Health Department.
Zebulon Floor Covering - $33,620.71
Cleveland Carpets and Floors - $32, 090.68
Martin Floor Surfacing - $37,790.00
CM Rogers recommended Zebulon Flooring. 15% of this will be picked up by the WIC program. The county will only pay $27,021.93 for the flooring.
Commissioner Proctor if county employees could do this painting instead of bidding it out. CM Rogers advised that we have 2 fulltime employees who could do this, but we don't have the capability to do this project in house because they have day to day responsibilities and could not do this and those too so that limits their time for outside projects.
Motion to approve the county manager's recommendation. Approved 5-0.
e. Approve/deny Animal Control concrete bid.
Three of the bids. The lowest bid was Iturve Concrete at $9,000, but they were not able to respond to us so we could get together with them and view some of their work. This is the second time that this has happened. We have tried to use them in the past, but this will be complicated with drains and offsets so Brandon recommended going with Superior Concrete because we have worked with them before and know that they are capable of doing the work. Their bid was for $10,850. MRJ Construction also bid $15,450. Motion to approve and second. Discussion: Commissioner Briar Johnson said that he talked to a commissioner in another county and they didn’t seal the floor as a preventative for Parvo. He was told that they had to tear the whole building down because they didn’t seal it. He said that we need to have the floors sealed. Brandon said that we have some options that can seal it after the fact. Approved 5-0.
[Note from the Editor: Here is a notice about the groundbreaking ceremony scheduled for next week.]
Public Invited to the Animal Shelter Groundbreaking Ceremony
The public is invited to the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Pike County Animal Shelter Facility on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 following the adjournment of the 9 a.m. regular scheduled county commission meeting. Members of the community are invited to witness and celebrate this important milestone of community development.
As part of the ceremony of events, the CLC Foundation, Inc. will be thanked for their generous donation to the county for the purpose of funding the initial build out in order to develop a more complete animal control service and facility for the Pike. Mrs. Ruth Chandler of CLC Foundation, Inc. will comment on the selection process and how the project came to be, and County Manager Brandon Rogers will provide building specs and more information from the structure to come.
The county encourages attendees to follow recommended COVID-19 guidelines which include staying home if you are ill/not feeling well, washing your hands, maintaining social distancing, and wearing a face covering is recommended but not required.
The Pike County Animal Shelter Facility is located at 956 County Farm Road. You can read about the donation that is making this possible by clicking here.
f. Approve/deny Coronal Solar Farm Tax Abatement.
This was removed from the agenda at the beginning of the meeting.
g. Open sealed bids for review for the Auditing Services for Pike County.
CM Rogers opened these sealed bids at the meeting.
Clifton, Lipford, Hardison & Parker, LLC
Year 2020 $43,500.00
Year 2021 $43,500.00
Year 2022 $43,500.00
TOTAL $130,500.00
Driver Adams + Sharpe
Year 2020 $36,880.00
Year 2021 $36,880.00
Year 2022 $36,880.00
TOTAL $110,640.00
Mauldin & Jenkins
Year 2020 $28,900.00
Year 2021 $29,400.00
Year 2022 $29,900.00
TOTAL $88,200.00
Motion to accept the bids. Approved 5-0.
[Note from the Editor: There is a note at the top of the page that explains how to look at in depth information for the following items as well as other items that are already listed including our financials. Pike County is very open with the information that is put out to the community prior to a meeting so the community can see what is being voted on at meetings.]
h. Approve/deny consideration to abandon unused portion of Williams Drive.
This had already been partially done by Steve Reeves so we were able to get it back quickly. This is for .14 acres. There is an issue with trespassers on the property, but we will stop at the owner's gate. This is the beginning of the process that will include a public hearing before this is finalized. Motion to proceed with abandonment process on the unused portion of Williams Drive. Approved 5-0.
i. Approve/deny consideration to abandon unused portion of Fire Tower Road.
There are two sections of Fire Tower Road. North side on Hwy 41. South side of Hwy 41. There are two driveways with one on each side. Because of the driveways, we can’t abandon the entire road. We will maintain part of the road and then abandon the rest of the road. This is also to get the process of abandonment started. North is almost impassable. The south is a little better maintained, but it will be on the property owner if we abandon a portion of it. The portions we are looking to abandon are not very widely used. It’s used as a truck turn around and that is the only use for it. Motion to begin the abandonment process. Approved 5-0.
j. Approve/deny regarding SUB-20-07 – Chad Proctor, owner and applicant is requesting concurrent preliminary and final plat approval for a 12-lot major subdivision. Property Location: 1141 Pine Valley Road Meansville, GA. Land Lot: 138. District: 8th. Parcel ID: 094-004. Acreage: 138 acres. Commission District: 3rd. Commissioner District: Jason Proctor. FEMA Data: The northwest corner of the subject property lies within a flood zone.
Planning and Development Director Brad Vaughan spoke about this proposal.
Planning and Development Director Brad Vaughan advised that this is a major subdivision on the west side of Pine Valley Road. This is part of the 322 acre parcel of what used to be the Pine Valley Girl Scout Camp. Each will have private sewer and well. The property owner will release a right of interest for the county have right of way for maintenance. DJP Hills is the name of the subdivision. The owner will be requesting agricultural use to be reinstated by special exception. No interior streets. Asking for approval of preliminary and final plats because they are identical. Planning Commission and Director Vaughan recommend approval. Commissioner Proctor stated that the applicant is his brother so he will abstain from the vote, but he noted that this is not the actual Girl Scout Camp but is across the street. Chairman Johnson said that he has no monetary interest in the property but is an employee of the applicant so he is also abstaining. Motion to approve. Discussion: These are big lots. Clarification from Rob to ask commissioners to include a condition for the applicant to meet with the County Manager and Director of Public Works regarding the release of interest for right of way. It was included in the motion. Approved 3-0-2. [Note from the Editor: Kudos to Jason and Briar for abstaining on this.]
k. Approve/deny SUB-20-08 – Matt Armstrong, owner and Steve Reeves, applicant are requesting a preliminary and final plat approval for a boundary change and reduction of lots to a minor subdivision within three-years of the initial split. Property Location: 13656 Ga Hwy 18 Zebulon, GA. Land Lot: 157. District: 1st. Parcel ID: 050-012A. Acreage: 18.45. Commission District: 4th. Commissioner District: James Jenkins. FEMA Data: Does not lie within a flood zone.
Planning and Development Director Brad Vaughan spoke on this. He said that there was a typo from his office and the property address should be 13656 Hwy 362. It is currently AR (agricultural-residential). It was originally divided in 2019 but our ordinances read that if a minor subdivision is changed within 3 years, it has to come back before the commissioners for a final plat. Staff recommends approval as does the Planning Commission. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
l. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-20-04 – Frances Chapman, owner and Keith Ballard and Robin Cochran, applicants are requesting permission to create a private condo community for independent senior living restricted to ages 55 and up. Property location is at 15177 Zebulon Road Griffin, GA. Land Lot: 104. District 2. Parcel ID: 074-089.
Action: Discuss/approve/deny
Chairman Johnson explained the process. 20 minutes in favor. 20 minutes in opposition. Close the public hearing. Discussion by commissioners and then a call for a vote.
Planning and Development Director Brad Vaughan said that this is approximately 1900 feet inside of the Pike County side by the Spalding County line. They want to create a private condo community for ages 55 and up. The proposed design doesn’t fit our ordinances so this is before commissioners as a special exception. 8.6 acre tract of land with a private drive and 15 duplexes. 2200 feet of living space with 1100 feet for each side of the duplex. They would like to put in a sewer system and have a gated community. This would have to abide by overlay rules. There was a lengthy discussion last night. Click here to read about that meeting.
Jerime Buffington talked about the special exception process allows commissioners to have a lot of control over this. He read the definition of variance and said that it didn’t fit. He said that special exception would do what was needed. State code allows local governments to approve up to 10,000 gallon a day community systems. Pike County has approved this on other projects including one of his projects. He asked them to consider buffers between properties and leaving the site wooded as much as possible. People may not even know it’s there driving by. A large creek is on the site and a lot of green space. He said that he can’t promise what it will look like in the future, but his client has a business model that can tell more.
Matt Wood said that he has been helping Robin with this property. He said that residential is one of the uses that is allowed on this corridor. He also said that it was brought to his attention that there was a group message with dissenting type votes with regard to this project, and he was disappointed to find out about that. [Note from the Editor: I obtained this text message series by open records request to see what Matt was talking about. The text was sent on Tuesday morning by the county manager regarding the meeting from the night before. The county manager sent the group text message to all of the commissioners, the county attorney, and the county clerk advising his opinion on this project. Three of the commissioners responded without any in-depth discussion. Commissioners can speak to each other outside of meetings, but they have to be careful about having a physical meeting of any sort where three are present because that would be a quorum.]
The email read as follows:
“Good morning. I was able to catch up with a couple of you last night after the meeting. I just wanted to give you all my opinion on the senior condos. I would not approve the special exception for the AR lot. If you deny the request and force them to rezone PRD this will limit the locations available in the future for any projects that might come down. If you approve the AR special exception you might start getting more requests in the future for additional lots further from the city limits. If you need me to get any additional info today before the meeting let me know.”
James Jenkins answered, “No approval from me.”
He then answered again, “I told Matt Wood last night I am against.”
Timmy Daniel answered, “Yep. AR is certainly not the zoning for something like this.”
Briar Johnson answered, “Agreed.”
[Note from the Editor: This text message appeared to be an easy way for the county manager to contact commissioners to voice his opinion and ask commissioners to let him know ahead of time if they needed anything from him. If this had been an email, there probably wouldn’t have been any mention of it in the meeting because there probably wouldn’t have been any responses since everyone tends to think of open records with email. I have expressed my concerns about this easy method of correspondence in my customary way by asking the everyone to act without the appearance of impropriety. I didn’t see any intent to go around majority discussion rules with this text message, but it would be better to act in such a manner that no one can be accused of any ill intent in the future.]
He said that we have a VA coming here and we have no zoning to allow vets to move to town close to it. He said that he appreciated hotels and motels coming up previously in the meeting because we don’t have anything to govern hotels and motels or multi-family at this time. He said that we need something to avoid negative type growth. This will be serving the elders in our community who want no maintenance and don’t have to worry about the safety of their home or stuff because they have neighbors right on top of them. He also said that he understands people are upset and afraid of this becoming section 8 housing in 5 years but he said that these two would be willing to put in a restriction for anyone over 55 for 20 years. This has a 20 year business model, they have no intention of selling it in five years, and they are more than willing to sign whatever restrictions are needed in regard to the use of this property. People are concerned with 30 units on a septic system but said that our neighbors over in Fayette and Coweta Counties have put something into place encouraging this and it’s 2020 so there are many options to make sure that sewer is handled the correct way. We have the VA coming in 2 years with nothing to say how we are going to control or promote it. He said that counties north of us resisted and every time somebody wanted to do something they had to sue to get it done so it turned into Tara Boulevard. If we have to continue to sue our county to get things done here, we’re gonna have Tara Boulevard because we won’t be able to control what is going on and that is a major problem. There is going to be a demand for housing here for senior citizens who want to be close to the VA and there is going to be people outside of the county who want to move here. We don’t necessarily need a single family house on 2 acres with 2,000 square feet. He said that Robin has already had 20 inquiries to reserve a space. He said that it’s easy to say why not put it in Zebulon or Concord because they have sewer and said that we have 5 ½ acres here to work with the sewer and that it’s more than enough. He said that he is all for doing additional research on the decentralized sewer system if needed on this but emphasized working together on this project to get this done. He said that he thinks we have become a county of resistance and we have our own little cancer culture going on with people jumping up and saying, “No we don’t want that!” every time someone wants to do something. He said that there was an antique store on a major thoroughfare that had to threaten to sue you guys to get it approved. We don’t want to continue going down this path to get sued every couple of months or years when someone has something for good quality growth. He said that people who lose a spouse and have large acreage have nowhere to live among people their age if they want to sell their property. The only place they can go is from their place to Pike Manor. He said that Robin has agreed to put some additional security measures in place for the property. He called these condos and then said, Let’s be honest, they’ll be duplexes and they’ll be rentals. He said that they never should have been classified as condos. It should have been classified as multi-family for 55 and older. He said that it has good sight lines with a decel lane and a gated entrance. There will be adequate parking off the street and sidewalks for exercise with 5 acres of green space. Emphasized design with seniors in mind. 1100 square feet of living space with 2 car garages and covered porches with a total of 3000 square feet under roof. These will be smart homes with amenities to make life easy for the residents. Robin has worked with seniors for the past 22 years and knows what they are looking for. And he said that the rent will be a little higher than most of us would want to pay with many of the residents being on social security, pensions, etc. He said that residential is the least intrusive development that could go in there along the corridor with a land use map that will allow commercial, residential, or industrial. He said he supports this with the condition that it be used for 55 years and older and that they would be happy to sign something for the next 20 years.
There was about 4 minutes left at this point.
Robin Cochran spoke and said that she has served a lot of people in this county and that she knows what they need. She said that she has had to turn people down (at Pike Manor) and that some were paying $3000 a month in their 60’s because they didn’t want to be home alone. She said that the biggest thing people need as they age is socialization, and we have nothing here in the county for in between. She said that she thinks it would be a disservice if the Board can’t find a way to make this happen. She said that she is willing to look at any kind of conditions that they want to place on the property and that if they don’t do this, we’re not keeping our people at home.
Matt added that this could add about $30,000 in taxes a year.
Brent Davis said that he owns property about 1 ½ miles south of this location. He said he went to the Appeals Board meeting on Thursday night and nothing was approved to change it from 1500 square feet to 1100 square feet. He also said that this project has changed from 1 car garage to 2 car garage. And last night it was said that the homeowners association would be in charge of the road, but there are no homeowners so there can’t be a homeowners association. In 2009, duplexes were repealed. He said that a duplex is a duplex and if we lower our standards to 1100 square feet, we’ll have to make that exception for anyone else who wants it. We cannot stop growth, but we can control what kind of growth we have here. Said he’s all about people using their property as they see fit but it needs to be in the correct place. He expressed concern on this location because there is a homeowner in Hidden Falls whose property jets out in a finger toward Hwy 19. He said that the project is a good idea but not in the proper location. He also said that there is a possibility of people from an adjoining property coming onto the property even though it’s gated. He asked them to turn this down because it will set a horrible precedent for our rural areas because people will pick the smallest lot that they can and pack as many people as possible into it. He ended by saying, I know y’all wouldn’t want to live next to it either.
Billy Daniels owns land directly beside this. He says that he has had people in the condos on the other side of us coming down to his property and that he’s not saying it would happen right now (to this property), but he thinks that it would happen down the road. He is concerned with his property value as the first house with 9 acres inside the county line. He is totally against this and said that there may be a need for this but doesn’t think that this is the right location for it.
Jeff Ray owns property across the street. He doesn’t think it will be a good thing for his neighborhood. He has a concern about the septic. He said that he talked to a septic guy today and that there was 60 feet of drainage on average depending on the soil for one bedroom in one home. There will be 60 bathrooms which is 7,200 linear feet for a drain field. He said that Brad (Vaughan) brought up the McLeRoy complex has their own drain field, but it’s composed of 7 ½ acres and there probably isn’t 60 bathrooms in that place. These people will be there all day too since they won't be leaving to go to jobs. He asked how restrictions could be put on this. He said that if a 30 year old couple came in and wanted their kids in our school system, could you stop them? No because it’s discrimination. What happens in 20 years if it has a cap on it? This is rental property, not homeowners. The business will take care of the streets, and if it gets run down in 20 years, it will be hard to get anyone to pay their hard earned money to pay to live in a shabby apartment. He asked commissioners to vote against this.
Closed with about 13 minutes left because no one else wanted to speak.
DISCUSSION: None. Commissioner Jenkins said that a lot of time and effort went into this to make it happen, but he made the motion to deny. 2nd from Tim Guy. Discussion: Commissioner Tim Daniel said that he understands how they think that the best avenue to take is a special exception because we don’t have the zoning for this but said that it might fit in another zoning classification.
Commissioner Tim Guy said that commissioners are trying to bring what is needed here and we’re trying to stand up for the community. He said that we are talking about affordable homes for elders. What’s affordable? He asked if he could ask a question. He asked what the rent was going to be. Robin said that it would be $1395 per month and that she sent a business package to all the commissioners and that this was in there. Tim said that he wanted everyone in the room to know that we’re trying to bring what was needed to Pike County and trying to put things in place to work together as a community. We don’t want Pike County to look like other counties. Tim said that he thought it was disgraceful that Robin had said that she charged someone $3000 for rent. Robin said that was at Pike Manor where there was 24 hour care. Tim said it was taking advantage of the elderly. Briar stopped the conversation at that point between Tim and Robin because it was starting to get heated. Tim said that the Board is working together as a board trying to bring what is needed to Pike County. This was denied in a 5-0 vote.
a. Cherry Thomas to address the Board regarding choice for Ambulance Service Contract.
Cherry Thomas left the meeting before she could speak though she has spoken to commissioners in a Town Hall about having problems obtaining medical records from Grady EMS.
b. Michael Powell to address the Board regarding Census 2020.
Michael Powell said that Pike County is at 65.1% self reporting for the Census 2020. Hard copy, phone, or internet response. He thanked them for their help and asked to continue their help to show that we have 20,000 citizens in Pike County. This opens up the county for funding for the county. Region 4 Public Health achieved accreditation in our region and this allowed them to apply for higher levels of funding alongside cities like LA, New York, Chicago, etc. 20,000 is like that number for applying for grants and benefiting the county. It could also help with childhood/adult food assistance programs, assistance for those transitioning out of homelessness, healthcare facilities, public transportation, schools, etc. It could also benefit us with our schools if Department of Education budgets keep getting cut. He thanked them for their help and asked for their continued support.
Motion to adjourn. 8:29 p.m.
Agenda subject to revision.
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