This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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[Note from the Editor: How many fire calls were made this month? How many calls were made to animal control? How long did it take Grady to respond to an emergency medical call? (Under 10 minutes) What is this about Marc Broussard coming to a benefit in Pike County if approval is given at this meeting?! Click on the link above and scroll through the enormous amount of information that is being provided to citizens prior to each meeting. If you don't know what is going on in the county, it's because you're not looking. I appreciate the openness of our county commission.]
All five commissioners and County Manager John Hanson, County Attorney Tom Morton, and Jo Ann Wrye to take the minutes.
1. CALL TO ORDER .................................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION…………………………………………………………………………….Ben Maxedon
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ................................................................... Chairman J. Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))
5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
a. Minutes of the July 25, 2017 Regular Monthly Meeting.
a. Employee recognition for service to Pike County
Sibley Norton has been with the county for five years. CM Hanson said that Officer Norton is very professional, carries himself well, and does an excellent job for the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Thomas said Officer Norton started out in the Jail and does a fine job for the Sheriff's Office. He said that Officer Norton is a lifetime resident of Pike County and said it is good to see that you can return something to your own community.
Kevin Boyt has worked for the county for ten years. CM Hanson thanked Kevin for his years of service and said that he does an excellent job in doing the inspections for the county. He said that Kevin is very fair and honest in his job. CM Hanson said that he has not received one call complaining about Kevin in the four years that he has been County Manager. Planning and Development Director David Allen said that Kevin is a very hard worker, is super busy and still helps out in the office, and that he rarely out sick. He said that Kevin does a great job.
a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments and a summary check register.
b. County Manager Report
Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund ............................................................................................... $763,607.89
Fire Dept. Donations ........................................................................................ $4,659.40
BOC – Jury Account………………………………………………………………$0.00
Cash Reserve Account ........................................................................ ….....$506,265.06
Pike County CD Special Revenue funds………………………………………….$0.00
Jail Fund ........................................................................................................ $21,570.94
E-911 Fund ...................................................................................................... $5,509.67
DATE Fund ................................................................................................... $42,785.93
Juvenile Court Fund ....................................................................................... $11,799.49
Residential Impact Fee ................................................................................ $490,099.15
Commercial Impact Fees ............................................................................... $35,912.47
C.A.I.P FUND ............................................................................................... $13,242.99
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2016 ...................... $942,072.22
L.M.I. Grant (DOT) ..................................................................................... $538,712.66
c. County Manager Comment
There will be a workshop next Thursday. The public is invited.
Few trees down that have hampered the paving process, but the county is continuing the work.
Georgia Military College will be opening an extension of the Fayette campus in Zebulon at the Opportunity Center. Announcement later today. An Associates Degree will be available here in Pike County. Open enrollment college. They are looking forward to working with Southern Crescent and Gordon College. Click here to read this article.
Water Authority has shown an interest in refinancing their loan. They are working to save money by making payments on this each year to bring it down from a 40 to a 15 year loan by October. This is another step in reducing debt.
d. Commissioner Reports
No comments with exception of Chairman Johnson thanking Vice-Chair Tim Daniel for leading the last meeting.
e. County Attorney Report to Commissioners - None.
a. Consider one appointment to the Pike County Tax Assessor Board to fill a six-year term, set to expire August 31, 2023. Applicant has met criteria.
Reappointment to the Board of Christopher Tea. Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
b. Consider one appointment to the J. Joel Edwards Public Library Board to fill a three-year term, set to expire August 31, 2020. Applicant has met criteria.
Curtis Ward is the applicant. CM Hanson said that he has no recommendation and recommended accepting additional applicants. No motion.
[Note from the Editor: I did not understand this at the time, but I missed the 8:45 a.m. Town Hall Meeting some time back when he addressed the commissioners about the Library Board budget.] This info is from the County Manager Report and can be read in full by clicking on the link at the top of the page: Curtis Ward is an existing member of the Library Board and the only applicant here today. However, CM Hanson did not recommend him because of the way that Mr. Ward addressed the commissioners and CM Hanson at an earlier Town Hall Meeting and did not recommend his reappointment to the Board.
c. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-17-05 – Homer L. Gibbins Sr., property
owner, and Homer L. Gibbins Jr., applicant, are requesting a special exception in an A-R zoned
district to allow for a General Home Occupation (boxing lessons at home gym). The subject property
is located adjacent to 1903 Harden Road, and has approximately 80 feet of frontage along the western
side of Harden Road and approximately 894 feet of frontage along the northern side of Glover
Road. The subject property is located in Land Lot 128 of the 8th District of Pike County,
Georgia. The property currently consists of 65.91acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel
#090 007.
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
This went before the Board of Appeals on July 20. Recommended with conditions: Monday-Thursday 6-9. This approval is tied to the current owners and cannot be transferred to future owners. No parking on the right of way and access only through Harden Road and not Glover. Signs shall comply to the county sign ordinance.
Planning and Zoning Director David Allen further advised that this is a small boxing gym in an accessory building. Fits maybe 15 people.
Homer Gibbins, Jr. gave an overall of his boxing career. It was started with father and son for two family members. Some people wanted to start boxing to lose weight. Found out that needed to get information for a business so they have put in for this before the Commissioners. Encourage working out, builds strength, etc.
Homer Gibbins, Sr. said that a couple of his grandkids were interested in training. Then there were kids from school who wanted to train and adults who wanted to come out and train too. They charge for adults so kids can be free.
Motion to approve with conditions. Approved 5-0.
d. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding Approval / denial of the private
maintenance covenant for a proposed private street, required per Code Section 155.02 (Y)(2). Also,
approval / denial of the road name “Oconostota Road” for the proposed private street. The proposed
street right-of-way will be located off of Harden Road, Land Lot 128 of the 8th Land District, and is
further identified as Tax Map Parcel #090 007.
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
Shared driveway/easement and they want to convert this to a private street. They would like to have a family subdivision there. Commissioners would need to approve the maintenance agreement for the road and the name. It is the same as others in the past. This is the Gibbins property but there is also a Buffington who needs to be added to the covenant agreement.
Motion to approve. It was clarified that the county will not do any upkeep on this road. Approved 5-0.
e. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding SE-17-06 – Steven H. Pierce, property
owner, and Michael Pierce, applicant, are requesting a special exception in an A-R zoned district to
allow for an annual, outdoor benefit concert on the subject property. The subject property, located
off of Jonathans Roost Road, has approximately 1485 feet of frontage along the northern side of
Jonathans Roost Road and approximately 2830 feet of frontage along the eastern side of Jonathans
Roost Road. The property is located in Land Lot 123 of the 1st District of Pike County, Georgia.
The subject property consists of 97.78 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel #049 003.
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
This went before the Board of Appeals on July 20. Approval with conditions. No parking on the right of way. Only approved for one charity concert on a single day of the year. Approval is good for 24 months and will have to be reviewed again and approved before another 24 month cycle. Violations will result in the withdrawal of that approval. Completely over by 12 a.m. with gate open no earlier than noon and music stopped by 9 p.m. No serving of alcohol. Litter must be removed within 3 days after the end of the event. Porta johns need Health Department approval and same for food. This approval will not be transferrable to future owners. The 501c3 must be established prior to the event. Traffic control devices shall be used and a minimum of 6 deputies. The applicant will work with the county on the road before the event and the road will be in identical or better condition after the concert. A fire truck and ambulance will be on hand at the event.
If this is approved, this event will not occur on the same property next year. Next year and every year after, this event will be at the ball fields on Twin Oaks Road so this would be a one time event on Jonathan’s Roost Road. Event will be held on September 23, 2017. The certificate of incorporation was given to the commissioners to show that this is for scholarships.
Cory Dogue. This is someone who was born and raised here and is them giving back. Honoring Brandon Brown.
Terri Patterson. She lives out there. Her children attend Pike County Schools and had the great privilege of having Brandon Brown for a teacher. Brandon made such an impact on our community and our children. There aren’t a lot of $25,000 scholarships being passed out in Pike County. Can’t see any opposition to helping Pike County children be successful.
Mike Pierce. Trying to help out some kids who might not have had an opportunity to go to college and it’s a way to remember Brandon Brown. 2 local bands - Calista Clark, Jonathan O’Steen, and Nashville recording artist - Mark Broussard will be there. Family friendly event. If he had known that the Rec Fields were an option, he wouldn’t have been asking to hold the event where it is now, but they are.
Brett Macy. Live adjoining the Pierces. Initially was opposed so the issue is not the cause. His concerns are addressed in a letter and it sounds like those issues have been addressed. Moving it to the Rec area makes a lot of sense. He asked where it would on at the property. David Allen showed him where it would be. He was concerned about noise, etc. but said that if they are going to move it next year, I don’t think that my wife and I have opposition to this. He stressed that he and his wife are not against the cause but they had concerns about the intrusion. He said that he is not really opposed.
Chairman Johnson said that most of his questions were answered by the County Manager. They’ve already talked with Todd about the condition of the road and the applicant has already offered to assist even with the condition of the road if it needs grading.
David Allen said that he needed to talk to County Attorney Rob Morton about the two year process because it will be held at two different locations.
Tim Guy said that he thinks that this is great personally. He stood out and did good things for his community.
James Jenkins thanked the Pierce Family for what they are doing and made a motion to approve this for two years so if there is a problem with the Rec Authority they don’t have to do this again. Second by Tim Daniel.
Approved 4-1. Chairman Johnson said he was opposed to the second year approval at the same location. [Note from the Editor: I'm not sure why this was approved for two years at the same location. No one was against the cause for the concert, just the location and most of those concerns were alleviated with a one year deal at this location and the promise to move to the Rec Fields next year.]
f. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public input regarding Text amendment to Title XV, Land Usage,
adding new Chapter 167, Ga. Highway 18, Ga. Highway 109, and Ga. Highway 362 Overlay
Districts Ordinance, relative to establishing design standards for certain commercial, industrial, and
institutional developments along these specified Highways.
Action: Discuss/Approve/Deny
This went before the Planning Commission on July 13. Recommend approval with changes. Response to Dollar General on Bottoms Road. We have standards on the Hwy 19 Overlay District but not down that way on Hwy 18. This is modeled after the Hwy 19 Overlay District. Building materials, landscaping, etc. are addressed. The main thing that triggers it are any new commercial, industrial, etc. as well as a certain amount of square footage and expansion for existing developments. The Planning Commission had a question that the County Attorney’s Office that needed to be answered regarding Adult Entertainment.
Tim Guy asked about the size of the building and the Overlay regulations. David Allen confirmed this.
Tim Daniel asked if this would affect the Dollar General that is asking to come in the future. CM Hanson said that if this is the norm, we are making this a condition of the zoning. This will be on larger businesses that are over 5,000 feet including garages and other building that come in. This is to keep the curb appeal looking nice in Pike County and important for those who want to build in the county to know up front what is required. This requires the business to go by our sign ordinance. Changes can be made between now and the 2nd reading. Tim Daniel asked about 4 prohibited uses. What about the other 3? Is Adult Entertainment different than junkyards, etc.
Motion to approve the 1st reading. Tim Daniel seconded with condition that the County Attorney reviews this. Approved 5-0.
g. Approve/Deny Per Code Section 155.03(A), alterations to existing subdivision plat off of Old Madden Bridge Road.
Combining into less lots and absorbing a lot with 5 acres and a house into a 35 acre plot. Basically combining two of these lots. Close to where they are talking about putting the solar panel farm.
Motion to approve. Approved 5-0.
10. PUBLIC COMMENT- (Limited to 5 minutes per person) None
12. ADJOURNMENT: 10:02 a.m.
[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]