Pike County Times
The Pike County Times, PO Box 843, Zebulon, Georgia 30295. Click here to donate through PayPal. Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor@pikecountytimes.com
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This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012 – 9:00 a.m.
Courthouse Annex, 79 Jackson Street, Zebulon, Georgia

All five commissioners were present with Interim County Clerk JoAnn Wrye to record the meeting, County Attorney Tom Morton as legal counsel, and Court Reporter Yvonne Langford who will transcribe the meeting. County Manager Mike Phillips was sick and could not attend the meeting.

[Note from the Editor: Former County Clerk Teresa Watson's last day was Friday and County Commission Office HR Clerk JoAnn Wrye was appointed as Interim County Clerk at the Special Called Meeting on Monday. Mrs. Wrye will serve as the interim until a person is chosen to fill this position. The county is accepting applications until September 30. Information on this position is listed below.]

Pike County Board of Commissioners seeks a County Clerk. Position is highly responsible and requires a knowledgeable, capable individual who can work under confidential situations, stress and time limits. Requires flexible time and attendance at all BoC meetings, am or pm. May also be assigned other projects by, and answers to, BoC and County Manager. Provides comprehensive support for County Manager and BoC. Overall responsibility for keeping records as guided by law and ordinance and ensure compliance with Open Records/Open Meetings law. Produces agendas, post agendas, minutes, budget preparation, legal advertising, correspondence, board appointment maintenance, records all official records and contracts, keeps calendar. Required to attain "Certified County Clerk" status in timeframes est. by State. Must possess high school diploma, at least 3-5 years of prior experience in government and preferably have advanced degree. Successful candidate must submit to Pike Co. Personnel Policy for drug testing and background check. Excellent benefits package. Equal Opportunity Employer and drug-free workplace. Minimum salary $34,393; commensurate with experience. Please submit applications (available at www.pikecounty.ga.gov) and support documentation to: Pike Co. Board of Commissioners, Attn: County Manager, P.O. Box 377, Zebulon, GA 30295-0377, Tel. 770-567-3406, Fax 770-567-2006, email: cm_pikeco@att.net.

1. CALL TO ORDER ..................................................................................... Chairman Doug Mangham

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .................................................................... Chairman Doug Mangham

3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. 50-14-1 (e) (1))

4. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - (O.C.G.A.§ 50-14-1(e) (2))
Minutes of the August 28, 2012 Regular Monthly Meeting.


a. Edd Sanders, Pike County Family and Children Services Board, desires to address the Board regarding the request of the J. Joel Edwards Public Library for new computers for public use from impact fees.

Mr. Sanders attended a Georgia Association of DFACS Board Meeting earlier this year which outlined changes with food stamps and Medicaid that could go strictly online as early as October 1, 2012. He notified all parties who would be affected by this change earlier in the year and has been working with these parties to plan for this change. DFACS does not have any available room for additional computers so the next place that people would go is to the Public Library. There recipients who have never used a computer would encounter a lack of staff to help train them because the librarians' primary job is the library and not assist DFACS. And they do not have a scanner so anyone with birth certificates and other required information will have to go to the DFACS office to get this scanned to their accounts. [Note from the Editor: Security would be an issue too. Unfunded state and federal mandates do affect us here in Pike County. Keep that in mind as you go to the polls in November.] Mr. Sanders researched this to find out what other counties are doing and what kind of facilities Pike County has available for the 4,000 plus citizens in our county who will be affected by these changes to the Food Stamp program. He advised that three computers will be needed. "Highball" estimate for installation, wiring, desk and chair for each computer would be about $4500 compared to an earlier estimate that it could be as many as 20 computers at $20,000 or more. He said he would rather have to ask for more computers that have some sitting in collecting dust. The biggest concern in this is making sure that the elderly and the very young you need this program are not hurt by these mandatory changes. At one point, these changes were described as sounding like a "train wreck" and it was said that we didn't invent the system, but we have to live with it.

Update 9.15.12

b. Don Bailey, Chairman of Friends of Pike County Animals, desires to address the Board regarding animal control issues.

Don Bailey spoke before the commissioners and reviewed if all that has transpired since 2008 with Friends of Pike County Animals. There's been a workshop on the animal control ordinance, training was provided to the sheriff's office that cost and the county nothing, pet recovery masks were provided to Pike County Emergency Services that cost nothing to the county, budgets and blueprints have been provided to the county for a future animal control shelter at no cost to the county, worked with the board of commissioners to five county land for a future animal control site, worked with the sheriff's office to set up a procedure for lost and found pets that cost the county nothing Click here to read about this program, and has provided education to school students and citizens in our county through the annual Wishful Pet Contest and Dog and Pony Show. Mr.Bailey then walked through the history of animal control since his neighbor, Delores Smith, died after being attacked by dogs on three different occasions. He said that we lost a citizen and paid a lawsuit; if not now, when can we get animal control? He said that he has talked to three county managers since 2008 and feels like it is time for commissioners to take a stand and stop passing the buck on animal control in Pike County. He asked commissioners to review the plan on animal control and asked for a commitment on animal control in Pike County even if it turned out to be a five year plan.


a. Monthly Reports submitted from County Departments and County Authorities, including a Revenue/Expenditure Statement for all departments, and a summary check register.

b. County Manager Report
▫ Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
The County Manager was sick and could not give this report however, Mr. Tom Morton gave some insight on some of these items.

• Update on County finances for the following funds/accounts:
General Fund - $28,574.84
Jury Account - $0.00
Cash Reserve Account - $501,274.45
Jail Fund - $18,654.73
E-911 Fund - $175,756.91
DATE Fund - $26,174.80
Juvenile Court Fund - $13,709.78
Residential Impact Fees - $272,171.20
Commercial Impact Fees - $17,819.49
General Obligation SPLOST Tax Bond Sinking Fund, 2011 - $1,286,372.47

c. County Manager Comments

- Courthouse renovation update.

- Update on any pertinent departmental issues.

Mr. Morton advised that our county manager meets with all department heads and the county attorney each Monday and it seems to be very efficient.

- LOST Renegotiation efforts complete with no mediation/arbitration required.

LOST negotiation has finally been resolved. The affidavit of percentages has been filed with the state. The final percentages are as follows: Zebulon 11.88%, Meansville 3%, Concord 3.55%, Williamson 3.4%, Molena 4.17%, and Pike County 74%. Click here to read from the August 22, 2012 LOST negotiation meeting.

- No draw as yet to the recently approved TAN line of credit.- The concept of some type of animal control is still being researched.

d. Commissioner Reports

District 1 Carol Bass said that she was impressed with the Molena fire station. She said that the county is going to have to do something about animal control and because the state is not going to allow them to keep kicking this can down the road. She commended those who have dedicated their time for the past four years to animal rescue. She said it is time to step up and take responsibility (as a commission) and hopes that these dedicated volunteers can help with an answer. She said she would even consider moving animal rescue efforts to county property and ask for a "fruitful workshop" on animal control. Question whether the agenda needed to be amended or they could just make a motion. Mr. Morton advised that this topic came up during discussion in the meeting and they do not need to amend the agenda. Commissioner Carol Bass made a motion to schedule an animal control workshop on a Saturday to encourage citizen participation and see what they can do as a board to support the efforts of the citizens. 2nd by Commissioner Don Collins. Discussion to have this soon. Approved 5-0.

District 2 Tamra Jarrett commended the fire station/City Hall building in Molena as well. She also commended Don Bailey and Friends of Pike County Animals for the work done in our community. She added that citizens also need to take personal responsibility for their animals because no law 9on animal control) will stops things from happening without citizens taking personal responsibility for their pets.

District 3 Tommy Powers thanked Interim County Clerk JoAnn Wrye for taking on this responsibility. He also thanked Don Bailey for the work that he has done in the county. He said that he knows animal control has been put on the back burner several times and says that at some point the county will be able to do something about animal control. He said it is time to move forward and try to do best we can.

District 4 Don Collins said that two kittens were dumped at his house this week. He said that they are beautiful and anyone who would like one can contact him. He also agreed that it is time to deal with animal control. He also said that there is a District 4 meeting on October 31 that commissioners could attend as a group in Warm Springs.

Chairman Doug Mangham - None.

e. County Attorney Report to Commissioner


a. Changes to the form requesting use of Courthouse grounds to provide for accommodation of other County facilities, i.e. Meeting Room, carried over from the August 28 Regular Monthly Meeting. Due to unexpected sick leave absence of County Attorney, this will be continued to a future meeting.

Motion to continue to the next meeting. Approved 5-0.

b. Implementation of Vehicle Use Policy carried over from the August 28 Regular Monthly Meeting. Due to unexpected sick leave absence of County Attorney, this will be continued to a future meeting.

Motion to continue to the next meeting. Approved 5-0.

c. Consider one appointment to the Pike Area Transportation Committee (PATC) for a 2-year term set to expire 7-1-2014. With no applications, this item will carry forward to the next meeting.

Motion to continue to the next meeting. Approved 5-0.

d. Consider one appointment to the Pike County Family and Children’s Service Board to fill an unexpired 5-year term set to expire June 30, 2016. Applicant has met all criteria.

There were two applications received for this appointment. Both meet all qualifications. Trudy McDermitt and Sue B. Linn. Motion to appoint Sue B. Lynn. Approved 5-0.

e. Consider one appointment to the McIntosh Trail Council on Aging to fill an unexpired 4-year term set to expire September 1, 2016. With no applications, this item will carry forward to the next. meeting.

Interim county clerk Wrye noted that two applications were received at the office after this agenda was typed up. Commissioner Carol Bass recused herself from this vote and completely left the room. Two applications were received for this appointment and that both met all qualifications: Patricia Beckam and Connie Green. It was noted that Mrs. Beckam is already on one board. Motion to appoint Connie Green. Approved 4-0-1 with Commissioner Bass abstaining from this vote.

f. Consider renewal of Personal Property Verification Program Contract with Traylor Business Services to provide for services to the Pike County Board of Assessors for the current fiscal year for the budgeted amount of $10,000. Board of Assessors and County Manager recommended approval and the Board at its August 28th meeting directed the return of this contract in order to have the second year’s notation at $20,000 removed from the cover letter (actual contract was unchanged).

Motion to approve. 5-0.


a. Consider approval of tax refunds for a special homestead exemption, as provided in O.C.G.A. §48-5- 48, for qualified disabled veterans or their unmarried surviving spouse or minor child, in an amount totaling $7,117.92 as requested by the Pike County Board of Tax Assessors.

Commissioner Bass noted that there is one person with no forwarding address. The amount that would be refunded is $1223.92 on a property that was foreclosed. This amount will be refunded if that person can be located. Motion to refund up to $7117.90 based on information provided by the tax office. Approved 5-0.

b. Establish a date for a Board Workshop to address the Sign Ordinance.

Motion to ask the county manager to schedule this meeting by coordinating with commissioners when he returns to the office. Discussion that commissioners did not want to wait until the next meeting to set up this workshop. Approved 5-0.

Motion to ask the county manager to schedule this meeting by coordinating with commissioners when he returns to the office. Discussion that commissioners did not want to wait until the next meeting to set up this workshop. Approved 5-0.

9. PUBLIC COMMENT- (Limited to 5 minutes per person): None.

Prior to the ending of this meeting, Commissioner Bass asked about the letter from Mr. Ingram of of the Molena fire station contract. Motion to amend the agenda for discussion about the lease in Molena and other fire stations in the county. It was noted that this fire station was built with Molena's SPLOST money and that the county also pays rent to Zebulon and Concord. There is also a contract with Meansville. When this meeting is held, the fire chief, the county manager, and a representative from Molena need to be included. It was noted that the county wants to be fair to everyone.



Motion to adjourn at 9:37 a.m.

Agenda subject to revision.
