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ZEBULON - Mayor Joe Walter, Vice Chairman Bryan Oglesby, Stewart Essary, Dee McLeRoy, John Barker, Sonny Gwyn, David Nix, Bryan Oglesby, CM Brandon Rogers, Kyle Fletcher-IDA Director, Chairman Kel Brannon.
Call to Order.
Approval of the Agenda.
a. Approval of the September 6, 2023 Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda.
Invited Guests a. None
Approval of the Minutes
a. Approval of the July 26th Special Call Meeting Minutes
Approval of the Financials
a. Approval of the August 2023 Financials
Went through financials. Motion to approve the financials. Approved.
Old Business
a. Update on the IGA between the BOC, City of Zebulon, and Authority
Update on IGA (Intergovernmental Agreement). Commissioners met and sent over an updated IGA. Discussion: This is the same one that came out in May. We would have to get approval for purchase of new land from the county. Cannot be put into a trust until after county plan has been approved. Cannot enter into leases without county and must give them 90% of the sale proceeds.
Oglesby. Biggest sticking point. Economic Development projects can have a governmental portion but cannot be a government project.
Rogers. There is not a whole lot I can say. We are still working to try to resolve some of this. Said that he has brought their thoughts to the county.
More discussion: All we need is to get an agreement and then move on to the master plan. This is not complex, but it seems like two attorneys trying to make a complex agreement. Need guaranteed funding in writing. That’s all we need. [Note from the Editor: This would be the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) that has been discussed with the Board of Commissioners since February. There is a link to that joint meeting below.]
There are 3 steps here. 1) Buy the property. We’re willing. 2) All we need is a resolution (MOU) from the county. 3) Then we need to sit down and do a master plan. We need to take care of everyone with the City of Zebulon and the county. We are trying to make one document for all three steps at once, and we don’t have the numbers to do this and we don’t have the master plan.
Question: How do we have another meeting with the commissioners? Oglesby. We had a meeting about this, and it came back with the original document. There was some frustration at this standstill. The comment was made that nobody wins a contest between attorneys. It was emphasized that the public will lose in this.
Consensus: We need a resolution that says that there is a guarantee for the debt of the IDA. Then they can close on this as a tax-free obligation. Can we write one? Let’s just get the property bought. Not worry about future. Just deal with this.
Fletcher asked to meet with Briar Johnson and Brandon Rogers from the county and Development Director Kell Brannon to try to get the resolution.
b. Update on the Millage Rate.
Rogers. 901 appeals were remaining a week ago. 238 in the mail to be resolved or considered. We are getting close to the 8%. Will reevaluate after that. Hopefully by mid to late September might have a millage rate for a workable digest. Maybe by next meeting.
New Business
a. Purchase of Straight Edge Lot in Business Park.
A current lot has an interested buyer. Nothing has happened with that lot since it was purchased. Someone else reached out and has some interest in purchasing that lot. Current owner is ready to sell it back for the original purchase price. [Note from the Editor: All of this will be public at a later time after the purchaser has actually signed the agreement. I like seeing new businesses come into the county to help with our tax base.]
Discussion: If a lot is not developed within 24 months, the IDA covenant says that the next step is to buy it back for original purchase price. No one can resell their lot. Consensus to go by the covenant says.
Motion to execute what is in the covenant and buy back at the sale price. Approved. [Note from the Editor: Kudos to these authority members for doing what their rules say. That may not be a big deal to some people, but as a government watchdog for the past 25 years, I can say that, sadly, this is not always the case with any facet of county government. My policy is to praise the good at every opportunity even more so than calling out the bad because I want to see more of the good!]
Motion to negotiate the new sale price with new company. Discussion. What price? 3.52 acres. The last couple of lots have gone for about $15,000.
Motion to sell for $52,800. Approved.
b and c. Board and Chairman Comments
Oglesby. Suggested that the county and IDA get together to get Fletcher paid. It will be set up like it was before so the line items on the IDA books will be correct.
Does Fletcher need anything? Still learning the job and getting settled in. The phone and computer are dated. Consensus up to $5,000 can be ok’ed by Oglesby and Brannon.
Rogers to check on the specifics. This way expenditures won’t be a problem. Fletcher started officially yesterday. Need new cell phone ASAP.
Motion to authorize purchases up to $5,000 for Fletcher to do her job with receipts. Approved.
Motion to get Fletcher an expense credit card too. Approved.
9. Executive Session
Discussion of the future acquisition of real estate as provided by OCGA 50-14-3(b)(1)
Discussion. Do we need an executive session? No.
10. Additional Comments
11. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn. 8:38 a.m.
Next Meeting is Wednesday, October 4, 2023 at 8 a.m.
Past articles
February 20, 2023 Joint Commission and IDA Special Called Meeting
June 7, 2023 IDA Meeting and History and Background of the IDA