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ZEBULON - Pike County Retired Educators Association (PCREA) held the 6th meeting of the 2024-2025 school year on February 24th. There were 19 members present.
St. Patrick's Day was recognized and we carried through with the theme GREA, Georgia Retired Educators Association, has for this year, HATS OFF TO EDUCATORS.
President Diane Beres called the meeting to order.
Jamie Crawford gave a beautiful devotional entitled, "Earthly Water vs Living Water."
Barbara Messer had previously provided the minutes of our last meeting.
Judy Turpin gave the Treasurer's Report.
Diane Beres reported that PCREA Scholarship time is coming soon. She and others would be going to Pike County High School and have an information table for students with questions. Applications are welcomed.
A nominating committee for next year's PCREA officers was chosen.
The Door Prize was won by Brenda Yert.
The Guest Speaker for this month's meeting was Ace Amerson, owner of Lifsey Springs. The information he shared with us was very educational. Geographic, scientific, historic! Vast knowledge about Pike and surrounding counties, our natural water and our land. Surely we thank him very much.