This online news website is owned and operated by Becky Watts. The Editor can be reached at 770-468-7583 or at editor(at)PikeCountyTimes(dot)com. Pike County Times is a website for citizens to keep up with local events and stay informed about Pike County government. It began on November 13, 2006 as a watchdog on county government and has turned into an online newspaper.
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Members: Tony Watkins, Chairman ● Bennie Evans, Vice-Chairman ● Richard Baskin ● Doug Rounds ● George Granade
All were present except Doug Rounds. There were a lot of people present in the meeting.
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the Agenda
Removed the Irish Hill Subdivision Meeting from the agenda.
David Allen, Planning and Zoning Director, advised that the advertising requirements means an extra meeting on the facility. There will be the same meeting and the same discussion on the 23rd. This will affect the church application and the VA facility. The Planning Commission will not make a recommendation until the meeting of the 23rd.
III. Approval of the March 22, 2018 Meeting Minutes
IV. New Business
Public Hearings:
1) SUB18-02 – James Bowen Jones, property owner and applicant, is requesting final plat approval for a new 19 tract subdivision on 146.38 acres, with lots fronting both New Hope Road and Buffington Road. The parent tracts are zoned A-R (Agricultural-Residential), with approximately 1955 feet of total frontage along the southern side of New Hope Road and approximately 3130 feet of total frontage along the northern side of Buffington Road and approximately 164 feet of frontage along the eastern side of Harden Road. The subject properties are located in Land Lots 159, 160, and 162 of the 2nd Land District of Pike County, Georgia. The parent tracts are further identified as Tax Map Parcel Numbers 089 057 and 089 055C.
This can be decided tonight because it is a zoning action and nothing has changed. This is a 2nd hearing with just a few minor changes.
Mr. Jones spoke on this tonight. David Allen put a condition on one of the driveways and the commissioner who made the motion to approve struck the condition. Chairman Tony Watkins said that the Board still had some concerns about the number of cuts on New Hope Road. Mr. Jones said that acreage is 8 acres or more and having a shared driveway would take away from the rural experience that he is trying to create, but if that is their recommendation, he would accept it.
Discussion: On Lot #13 with the redraw, it’s less than 3 acres. There is a discussion on that lot at this time that has not been resolved. Director Allen asked about the triangular lot on the front. If it becomes unbuildable, it will become a part of the lot behind it.
Motion to recommend approval with conditions: access to one lot from Buffington and shared driveways for 13 and 14 and 15 and 16. And if Lot 13 does not meet standards, it will be combined with another lot.
Further discussion: Mr. Jones said that this has already gone through the Board of Commissioners. He asked about the shared driveways, and said that the Commissioners approved the preliminary plat with driveways on New Hope Road and now the Planning Commission is making another recommendation. He asked if this process is actually starting over. Director Allen said that the Planning Commission is a recommending body only. Tony said that he expected that the commissioners would go with that the commissioners have already done, but that the Planning Commission is still going to make their recommendation anyway. This will go before commissioners on the 24th.
Motion approved 4-0.
2) REZ-18-04 – John W. Edwards, Jr., Allie E. Armistead, and Laurie E. Fisher, property owners and applicants, are requesting a rezoning of the subject property from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to P-I (Professional-Institutional) in order to develop a Veterans Administration Medical Clinic. Proposed zoning decision relates to or will allow the location of relocation of a halfway house, drug rehabilitation center, or other facility for treatment of drug dependency on the subject property (other facility). The subject property, located off of U.S. Hwy. 19 North, has approximately 1370 feet of total frontage along the eastern side of U.S. Hwy. 19 North. The subject property is located in Land Lots 224 and 225 of the 8th District of Pike County, Georgia. The total property area consists of 30.70 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcels #066 052 and 066 054. If approved, a separate Overlay District hearing will be required for this rezoning application.
#2 and #3 will be heard together.
3) REZ-18-05 –JAASEE Holdings, LLLP, property owner and applicant, are requesting a rezoning of the subject property from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to P-I (Professional-Institutional) in order to develop a Veterans Administration Medical Clinic. Proposed zoning decision relates to or will allow the location of relocation of a halfway house, drug rehabilitation center, or other facility for treatment of drug dependency on the subject property (other facility). The subject property, located off of U.S. Hwy. 19 North, has approximately 260 feet of total frontage along the eastern side of U.S. Hwy. 19 North. The subject property is located in Land Lots 224 and 225 of the 8th District of Pike County, Georgia. The total property area consists of 16.16 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel #066 054A. If approved, a separate Overlay District hearing will be required for this rezoning application.
The language in this is according to state law. The signage and advertising had to state specific language.
It is not a halfway house or an overnight facility, but there is some aspect of services that could be offered to treat drug dependency. It is a VA facility similar to others in other cities. Discussion on whether these three public hearings could be combined. They agreed.
Butch Armistead spoke on this. He thanked every veteran in the room for their service. He said that this has flown somewhat under the radar. This is not a federal project. It will be built and the government will lease the facility. It started with five locations and has been narrowed to three. These locations will handle the amount of traffic that is coming to a 55,000 square foot building. This will help handle part of the service from Dublin and Decatur. The veterans in our area are underserved and this will help a lot. Both developers plan to invest $22 million in our county and it will have 200 plus employees. It is our Amazon. Steve Reeves will talk about curb cuts.
Bennie asked about 2 separate zoning applications. There is a 16 and a 31 acre parcel and there is a possibility of putting it between two parcels. They want to handle everything now rather than waiting.
The VA says that they want it to be running by 2021, but Butch said that he finds that hard to believe and it may be 2022 or 2023 before it is rolling.
Chris Curry said that she was honored that Pike County has the opportunity to host this facility. She has a background in drug and alcohol treatment. She has worked through Tricare for 20 plus years and that there have been absolutely no problems working with them.
Gordon Jones said that with all of the tracts that he has looked at, this is the best tract with best road frontage. He said that this spot north of town is going to be the third largest facility in the state when it is built.
Jim Edwards said that he understands complying with regulations, but that the main thing is that the primary purpose of the facility is not going to be drug treatment. This is going to provide needed service locally and will help our veterans and our county too. He read through the list of services that will be provided including telehealth, women’s health, geriatric, etc.
Chairman Watkins said that Director Allen was making sure that the county didn’t err on this. Mr. Edwards didn’t want people thinking that this was only going to provide drug treatment.
Steve Reeves said that this will be 49,000 square feet. 350 parking spaces. He said that if we want this in Pike County, it needs to be on the highway. There is a meeting next week on water and sewer with the city. There are also discussions about how many curb cuts will be allowed. This will meet overlay standards too. This will have trucks in and out and a loading ramp so it will need at least two driveways. There is also the possibility of future development around it. This is being placed in the middle of two properties because the outsides of the other two properties drops off and there is dirt that could be used to do whatever is needed to do.
Bennie asked about requirements for fire protection. Steve said that there are 8 inch water lines coming down from Griffin along the highway. There will be sprinklers, etc. in the building, but the main thing will be pressure on the water.
Discussion: On Monday, April 23, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation on this. Commissioners will meet on April 24th and discuss this.
4) REZ-18-06 – Jerry Colwell, property owner and applicant, is requesting a rezoning of a portion of the subject property from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to P-I (Professional-Institutional) in order to develop a Veterans Administration Medical Clinic. Proposed zoning decision relates to or will allow the location of relocation of a halfway house, drug rehabilitation center, or other facility for treatment of drug dependency on the subject property (other facility). The total subject property, located off of Old Zebulon Road and U.S. Hwy. 19 South, has approximately 2710 feet of frontage along the southern side of Old Zebulon Road and approximately 810 feet of total frontage along the western side of U.S. Hwy. 19 South. The subject property is located in Land Lot 252 of the 8th District of Pike County, Georgia. The total property area consists of 147.50 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel #068 009. The property portion proposed to be rezoned consists of approximately 20 acres near the eastern portion of the property. If approved, a separate Overlay District hearing will be required for this rezoning application.
This is another property that is being considered for the VA facility. It is across Old Zebulon Road from the Christ’s Chapel facility that is being built and behind Dr. Kirby’s office.
I said that I’m in favor of the VA facility, but if we put it here, we need a red light.
Mr. Jones said that he is also in favor of the facility, but this may not be the best location because it is an already congested area. He said that they do not know any of the parties involved here.
Robin Jones said that she didn’t think that this is probably not the best location and that it is already congested.
______ said that she is not opposed to the facility in Pike County and would be looking at the facility from her house now and that the other place would probably be a better location for this facility.
______ also lives on Old Zebulon and is not against the facility, but the traffic is awful there already. He wonders about water and sewerage for a facility for this. Tony Watkins said that the city is involved with discussion about this.
Frank Hollis lives on Old Zebulon and wants a facility for our veterans, but said that any more traffic on Old Zebulon would be bad. It’s very congested and would be a disaster if this facility was placed there.
Discussion: Action will be taken on April 23.
[Note from the Editor: We found out at the next night meeting of the Board of Commissioners that there is a driveway off of Hwy 19 by the library that wasn't discussed at this meeting.]
5) REZ-18-07 – Teramar Holdings, LLC, property owner, and Mount Nebo Baptist Church, applicant, are requesting a rezoning of the subject property from C-2 (General Commercial) to P-I (Professional-Institutional) in order to develop a church facility on the subject property. The subject property, located at 13576 U.S. Hwy. 19 North, has approximately 290 feet of total frontage along the eastern side of U.S. Hwy. 19 North. The subject property is located in Land Lot 91 of the 2nd District of Pike County, Georgia. The property area consists of 4.44 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel #075 111. If approved, the parcel will be combined with Tax Map Parcel #075 111D. If approved, a separate Overlay District hearing will be required for this rezoning application.
#5 and #6 were heard together because they are for the same purpose.
6) REZ-18-08 – Teramar Holdings, LLC, property owner, and Mount Nebo Baptist Church, applicant, are requesting a rezoning of the subject property from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to P-I (Professional-Institutional) in order to develop a church facility on the subject property. The subject property, located of off U.S. Hwy. 19 North, has approximately 188 feet of total frontage along the eastern side of U.S. Hwy. 19 North. The subject property is located in Land Lot 91 of the 2nd District of Pike County, Georgia. The property area consists of 3 acres and is further identified as Tax Map Parcel #075 111D. If approved, the parcel will be combined with Tax Map Parcel #075 111. If approved, a separate Overlay District hearing will be required for this rezoning application.
These two lots will also be combined. Neither C2 or AR have an outright use for a church so it’s better to rezone like this. The church already has an existing location on Hwy 109 East going to Meansville.
Pastor Charles Davis said that they are parking alongside the highway and they don’t have access to any land there so they want to relocate to a bigger acreage. They want to try to build toward the back of the property and leave the front of the property open.
Chairman Watkins asked whether this includes the nursery. It does as well as 3 acres nearby.
Discussion: The same hearing on the 23rd and a recommendation will be made that day.
7) Text amendment to Title XV, Land Usage, Chapter 155, Subdivisions, Section 155.02 (BB) and (CC) Definitions, relative to street frontage and additional interior street requirements for subdivisions.
The Board asked Director Allen to look into this in an effort to promote safety in our county. This legislation would encourage interior streets and stop a lot of curb cuts on the roadway. It would encourage this for 5 or more lots, but if there were 10 or more lots, a design with an interior street would be required per Pike County regulations.
Steve Reeves said that he understands why the Planning Commission would want less curb cuts, but other counties don’t have this. He said that our driveways are already 400 feet apart. He asked some questions about whether 10 curb cuts would be on the main road and the 11th on a back road and the purpose behind this. He suggested looking through the entire subdivision ordinance rather than just forcing new streets in subdivisions that are going to need to be maintained by the county.
Discussion: Another public hearing will be held on the 23rd with a suggestion made to the commissioners at that meeting.
V. Discussion
- Per Section 155.07, Pre-application review of proposed major subdivision on Rose Hill Road.
- Per Section 155.07, Pre-application review of proposed major subdivision on Irish Hill Road.
Discussion on Irish Hill was removed from the agenda at the beginning. The Rose Hill Road subdivision is behind Mountain View Store. This a pre-application review and there will be no decision on it. Chairman Watkins asked if there were any recommendations that could be shared with the applicant. Further discussion included the land use map. Bennie said that this is AR and they are trying to make it into a residential area. He said that Commissioners should have a hearing about changes to the land use map. Director Allen said that he thought that was debatable, but he would pass that on.
VI. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn. 8:08 p.m.
Due to advertising requirements, the Pike County Planning Commission will conduct a special called meeting on April 23, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Pike County Courthouse located at 16001 Barnesville Street, Zebulon, Georgia. The Commission will conduct PUBLIC HEARINGS on the same agenda as listed above.
The Pike County Board of Commissioners will conduct Public Hearings on these items on April 24, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. on the second floor of the Pike County Courthouse located at 16001 Barnesville Street, Zebulon, Georgia.
The public is welcome to attend all of these meetings.
[Note from the Editor: If you appreciate being able to read information from county meetings for free on Pike County Times, please make a donation to Pike County Times through the PayPal link at the bottom of the page or by check to Pike County Times at PO Box 843, Zebulon so I can justify the amount of time that I am spending away from family. It may not seem like much but sitting in a meeting and then typing it up takes a lot more time than you might imagine! Thanks for reading Pike County's only FREE newspaper.]