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ZEBULON - The American Legion seeks young adult citizens to attend this year’s Georgia Boys and Girls State sessions. This American Legion program is a course of instruction in, as well as, a practical application of the fundamental principles and procedures of city, county and state governments under the American democratic system. A session, usually lasting five days (Boys State: 8-14 June 2025 and Girls State: 8-14 June 2025), and are conducted with top-ranking high school boys and girls as citizens.
Under the guidance of skilled counselors and other staff members, these boys and girls learn and then practice through self-government, and the duties, responsibilities, and privileges of American citizenship. This program offers training in the practical processes of self-government and good citizenship as practiced in a democratic society.
At Boys and Girls State, the "citizens" study local, county and state government processes. They do this by setting up their own miniature city, county and state governments and administer them according to the laws of the state of Georgia. Boys and Girls State citizens participate in mock political parties, and elections are held to fill city, county, and state positions. Activities include legislative sessions, campaigning, party rallies, debating and voting. The citizens also receive special instruction in Parliamentary Procedures. The delegates actively learn government processes.
This learning experience better familiarizes the participants with their duties as United States citizens and encourages their participation in the democratic process as they progress into adulthood. The Boys/Girls State programs include the following objectives: develop leadership and pride as American citizens, educate young citizens about the American system of government, instill a greater understanding of American traditions, and stimulate a desire to maintain the American democratic government processes.
The selection criteria to be eligible to attend Boys and Girls State is being a legal resident of the United States, currently in the 11th grade and at least one more semester remaining before graduation, keenly interested in government and current events, and demonstrating a high moral character, strong leadership abilities, and above-average scholastic achievement. The program is challenging; however, completion of Boys or Girls State looks good on university/college applications and even initial job resumes.
The Pike County American Legion Post 197 is sponsoring two boys and two girls which include the program fees. Both Boys and Girls Sessions will be conducted at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA.
Those who think they meet the selection criteria and are interested in attending Boys or Girls State, have questions concerning the programs, or would like more information and application paperwork can contact Bryan Richardson at 678-764-2611 or email
The deadline for application paperwork is 25 April 2025. Additional information can be obtained from the websites: Boys: and Girls: