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ZEBULON - Members present: Mark Whitley, John Blakeney, Nick Adams, and Jeremy Craig. Everyone but BOC Chairman Briar Johnson is here tonight. CM Brandon Rogers is here as a guest. Discussion on sanitary sewer with Pike Plaza.
Mark Whitley has attended a couple of meetings with service provided by the City of Zebulon. Who will put it in and pay for the expense of putting it in?
City of Zebulon looking to do this through some loans. They are discussing this soon. It may be just us doing the billing for the sewer or we may be a part of the infrastructure on this. The City may know more at the next meeting.
If they can get the funding, they may provide the infrastructure costs. We have not made any kind of commitment on the infrastructure.
Should be we consider this? We have talked about this. We haven’t been in the sewer business up until now. There are pluses and negatives on this. We haven’t looked at revenue possibilities on this. Maybe we can have some more info at the next meeting.
It’s something that will need some solid decisions in the next 60 days. Be thinking on this issue because we will need to make some decisions on how deep we want to be on this.
Motion to go into Executive Session. 6:07 p.m. [Note from the Editor: Sound carries in this building so I went outside and worked while executive session was ongoing. CM Brandon Rogers came out of the meeting when I did, but he went in at some point for the discussion.]
Back in Session. 7:17 p.m.
Motion to adjourn. 7:17 p.m.