Pike County Times

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Editor Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor(@)pikecountytimes.com
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Ribbon Cutting Held for Pike Senior Center Walking Track
By Editor Becky Watts

ZEBULON - On Friday, April 21, 2023, Pike County Building and Grounds and Pike County Public Works helped to make this 1/16 of a mile walking track a reality for the Pike County Senior Center. Dave Lamb from the Council on Aging for Pike and Spalding Counties and Commissioner James Jenkins (along with several others from neighboring agencies) were on hand to celebrate the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Dalton Thiel and Ken Lalumiere from Building and Grounds and Todd Goolsby from Public Works were gracious as Pike County Times asked question about the walking trail. Dalton said that it was great for them to be able to do this for the seniors and praised Public Works for their work on the track. Ken advised that the funding was handled over two budget years with the mulching done last year and the trail finished up this year.

It took about a day and a half in all to accomplish. The underbrush had to be mulched, the track graded, crush and run placed, and the three benches placed around the track. The benches were placed in a way that there is a bench to rest on at each side of the track.

There are plans for maybe a deer feeder and/or some bird feeders and maybe some more bird houses for later.

Lavetrece "L" Walker, Director of the Pike Senior Center, obtained a $2,000 Mom and Dad Grant that provided several walking canes that will be for use at the center and a pair of Skechers tennis shoes for each member of the Senior Center so they can comfortably walk their new track!

If you are 60 or older, you can be a part of the Pike County Senior Center and their festivities there in Zebulon as well as trips taken all over the state. Click here to find out how you can join: https://www.facebook.com/PikeCoSC.
