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ZEBULON - The Board of Tax Assessors met on December 19, 2023 at 11 a.m. for a regularly scheduled meeting. Board members Tim Ingram, Kristen Cudnohufsky, Chair Lyn Smith, and Vice Chair Gary Hammock along with Chief Appraiser Greg Hobbs, Emily Morris to take the minutes, County Attorney Rob Morton, County Manager Brandon Rogers, County Commissioner James Jenkins, and Becky Watts from Pike County Times.
I. Call to Order - 11:03 a.m.
II. Approval of the agenda. Approved 4-0.
III. Invoication
IV. Pledge of Allegiance
VI. Public Comment
County Manager Brandon Rogers. Said that he reached out to the Chairman to help the Board learn how meetings are conducted if y’all want the help. Discussion: Consensus that this would be fine.
VII. Invited Guest. None.
VIII. Chief Appraiser Report.
Update on appeals. 227 active. 133 sent 30 day notice. 803 resolved. 165 waived. 4 withdrawn. Said that they will continue to work this to 0.
Working on getting pricing on a proposal to put boots on every parcel (1/3 each year in a 3 year cycle).
Monitors installed yesterday.
Welcome to Tim Ingram. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
IX. Old Business.
Approval/Denial of 2023 Appeals with Fair Market Value Revision Lyn and Linda Smith.
Motion to approve. 2-0-2 abstained. This doesn’t pass. Lynn cannot vote because this pertains to him. Kristen abstained lack of knowledge.
b. Approval/Denial of 2023 Waivers (13) with Fair Market Revision.
Waivers are not uploaded to the website because of personal information. Kristen made a motion to provide waivers with redacted information with the packets. Discussion: Morton explained why this was asked for. (Kristen looked these over on paper from Greg Hobbs.) Approved 4-0.
Motion to approve the waivers for today. Approved 4-0.
c. CUVA Correction. Corley.
Left off by error for 2023. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
d. Correction of Cadenhead.
Physically went to the location. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
e. Correction on Broome.
They didn’t get CO til the end of January. Agreed on 80% for the year. Motion to approve. 4-0.
f. Correction on Perkins. House on wrong parcel. Discussion. Greg doesn’t have this parcel with him. Motion to postpone. Approved 4-0.
g. Correction of Homestead Hayes.
Discussion: He didn’t submit income on time so he is eligible for 65 and older. Greg has copy of this because it has his social security number, etc. on it. Kristen tried to examine this prior to the vote. Motion to approve. Approved 3-0-1 with Kristen abstaining lack of knowledge.
h. Approval/ Denial of the 2024 Meeting Schedule.
Continued from the last meeting. 2 members won’t be here on January 23 because of class (Kristen and Tim). Also moving the January 2 meeting to the 4th so the meeting isn't the day after a holiday. Recommendation for January 4 and 18 so everyone is here. All of the rest of the meetings will be on Tuesdays.
Kirsten. Do we want to continue discussion about night meetings? Lyn. Can we look at this after we continue the schedule? Gary. I don’t see anything about night meetings on here. Greg. I have another job after 5 p.m. Kristen. I motion that the last meeting of the month be at 6 p.m. Motion fails for lack of a second.
[Note from the Editor: Night meetings were a part of the discussion from the last meeting even if they were not specifically written as a part of this particular agenda. The Georgia Open Meetings Act can be examined at length by clicking here.]
2. Personal Property
a. Bussell. 2016 Chevrolet, Express Van 2500.
$9,000 private sale. Base price average is $11,250. Average price is $16,005. Work van with 178,000 miles. Usually go with average price paid for tax purposes according to NADA at $16,005. Motion to value it at $16.005. Approved 4-0.
b. Ogletree. 2007 Cadillac Escalade.
191,000 miles. Average $5190. Trade in $17,090. Tag on it bought for $10,275. NADA price $5,190. Motion to go with $5190. Approved 4-0.
c. Cain. 2013 Toyota Camry LE.
$13,125 average price. Tag office $10,250. Motion to leave it with $10,250. Approved 4-0.
d. Blohm. 2010 Mini Cooper.
129,000 miles. Average sale price is $6,550. Tag office $4,650. Motion to leave it at $4,650. Approved 4-0.
X. New Business
a. 2024 Mobile Home Digest.
Discussion. There were about 290 when Greg started. Now at 243. We have taken several off of the digest as time has gone by. Motion to approve. 3-0-1 Kristen abstained for lack of knowledge.
b. Approval/Denial Non-disclosure agreement.
Motion to approve. 3-0-1 Tim abstained for lack of knowledge.
Real Property.
a. Fair Market Value Revisions with 31 with 30-day approvals.
Motion to approve. 2-0-2 with Tim and Kristen abstaining for lack of knowledge.
b. Approval/Denial of 2023 Appeals with Fair Market Value Revisions over the 30%. 3 approvals.
Motion to approve. Discussion: All of the others around her were at $80,000. We recommended having it at $80,000 for one year in fairness to her. Approved 3-0-1 with Kristen abstaining for lack of knowledge.
c. Approval/Denial of 2023 Waivers (26) with Fair Market Value Revisions. Approved 4-0.
d. Approval/Denial of Correction for Lynch. Buildings were on the wrong parcel after this was split. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
e. Approval of Department of Revenue 2024 Disabled Veterans Homestead Exemption amount of $117,014.
Department of Revenue sets this. Disable veterans won’t pay any taxes unless this is over the $117,014. Approved 4-0.
f. Approval of Department of Revenue 2024 social security maximum for homestead exemption amount of $91,728.
Department of Revenue sets this. The amount that is deducted from their retirement, social security, and pensions where they are retired. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
g. Approval/Denial effor of Simpson/Lane property.
Discussion: A lot of the things that were corrected are brought to the office by the buyers. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
2. Personal Property
a. Removal of aircraft no longer owned for 2023.
It is owned in Henry County. Motion to approve. Approved 4-0.
Executive Session. 11:43 a.m.
Back in session. 12:21 p.m.
Motion to readvertise 2 open positions for appraisers with Appraiser I qualifications. Approved 4-0.
CM Rogers. 2 open applications to complete the board are before the Board of Commissioners. Neither were there at the last meeting but hopefully will be at the next meeting in January.
Becky Watts. Thank you for the information that is going online. It makes things open and transparent. Thank you for the tremendous amount of work that goes into this!
Gary. The classes for new people are not offered all year long. Hopefully the new appointment will be able to go to school as soon as possible.
XII. Board member reports. None.
XIII. County Attorney Report.
Motion to adjourn. 12:27 p.m.
Here are links to past meetings that Pike County Times has attended.
BOARD OF ASSESSORS REGULAR MEETING - September 19, 2023 - 11:00 AM