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City of Williamson
Regular Monthly Meeting
May 12, 2022 at 7 p.m.

WILLIAMSON - Those present include Council members Carol Berry, Angela Martin, Steve Davis, Tom Brown by phone, (Stephen Levine not present), Mayor Steve Fry, City Attorney Rob Morton. I. CALL TO ORDER, INVOCATION, PLEDGE, WELCOME……….Mayor Steve Fry

II. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1))

Motion to approve the agenda

III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))
A. Minutes from Meetings held 4,7, and 29 April, 2022

Motion to approve the minutes. Approved 4-0.

Financials. As of today, General fund balance $501,587. SPLOST 68,662.10. Water enterprise fund balance $237,590.89. City funds $807,839.99.

Motion to accept the report. Approved 4-0.


A. City Clerk Report

Welcome to the new City Clerk, Pamela. I will continue to learn and get things figured out and organized for y’all. So far, it’s been pretty normal business, and it’s a pleasure to be here.

B. Council Member

Steve Davis. Recovering from back surgery.

Angela Martin. Distilled spirits later. No stop sign at Wisteria Lane. That and the street signs haven’t been put up yet. We’ve asked to get them made. Mayor Fry is going to check on this.

Carol Berry. At Old Fayetteville, the stop sign needs to be replaced. 3 kids on dirt bikes doing wheelies in front of my house. Worried about children. The Sheriff’s Office has been notified already.

Tom Brown. What are we going to with 2nd District with commercial traffic? No thru trucks signs have been delivered. Speed bumps are going to be installed by the city. Weight limit sign? Will the Sheriff’s Office enforce this? Rob Morton is going back to the previous minutes for the weight limit. The Sheriff’s Office is going to be checking on this. The arena is vacant again with no perspective tenants. No big trucks should be coming down this road. From March 3, there was discussion on this. Motion was approved, but no details about who is following up on this. Deputies have been sitting up on the Hwy 362 sign a lot this week. Mayor Fry will have them keep an eye out. Rob is going to follow up on this.

C. City Attorney Report


D. Mayor’s Report

Mayor Fry said that there is still some little issues with water at the library. The water pressure is low there, and we don’t know why yet. City property survey updates. We still have a few pieces that we have not surveyed. Some of it says “No Data” on QPUblic. Need to check the property lines. Produce stand is now corrected.

E. County Matters

County matters. Rob Morton. The county is looking at options since Veterans Ambulance has given its notice for June. County is continuing the budget process. May 26 is the next reading. County Manager has sent out letters regarding LOST negotiations. If an agreement is not reached by the end of the year, then no one will get these funds. Williamson gets an amount every month. It is important to designate someone to do this. Early voting is ongoing. The upcoming election includes the SPLOST. He encourages everyone to vote. SPLOST distributions have helped Williamson.

Mayor Fry. We get about $63,000 from LOST each year. That is a major part of our budget. There is a May 24, 2020 meeting tentatively scheduled for LOST.

Dwain Penn asked why Paul Gerald was at the Concord meeting. Rob Morton said that the deadline on the Comprehensive Plan Update is in October so a task force is working on this. Paul Gerald may have been helping them with this on the Steering Committee.

F. Library Report

Library Report. Toddler Time – 47 people there. Craft day – 67 people. Mayor Fry said that he only budgeted $400 for the year. Already brought in $472 already. Working on the FB page.


A. Update on Distilled Alcohol Sales in Williamson

Whistle Stop. They have 51 signatures on it that need to be verified. 20% of registered voters is required for this to go to a referendum. Distilled package sales. The referendum can be done a couple of ways.

Motion for a referendum to be put on the November ballot. Steve 2nd. 3-1 with Carol Berry opposed.

B. Personnel Policy Development

Personnel Policy. Will revisit later.

C. Water System Repair and Improvement Discussion

$237,000 in that account. Trying to get a grant to cover the rest of the needs. Motion to ask Carter and Sloope to do the environmental review to get these grants. 2nd Steve. Approved 4-0.


A. Presentation and Discussion Regarding Possible Benefits Package

Colonial life out of Newnan. $50,000 life insurance policy. Not major medical insurance, this is supplemental so the money comes back to the person. Different types of insurance are available: accident, disability, cancer, dental with a rollover benefit, vision, orthodontic, hospital confinement, no co-pay for telemedicine visits including mental health visits, etc. Also veterinarian card. Also many types of life insurance. Anyone who works through the City of Williamson can be a part of this. Open Enrollment is next Thursday the 19th.

B. Landscaping Bid Review

Continue to try to get other bids. Looking for one that may have been allowed by email. Motion to allow everyone a chance to cut from the last meeting. Approved 4-0.

C. Storage Shed for City Hall Discussion

Looking to reorganize and do an inventory at the same time.

D. Procedures Manuals Review

Try to give everyone a copy of the current codes so there can be a review every day. Rob Morton suggested that the clerk be the monitor of all of the codes so we can keep everything in one place for the final copy.

Dwain Penn said that he was happy with the length of the meeting.

Question about an earlier motion about short term rentals earlier that the Planning Commission needs to look at? This is being handled on a state level. Rob Morton will check on this to see what needs to be given to the Planning Commission. There are criteria for the county that could be used for basing our Williamson rules.

VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-3, If Needed)

IX. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Requested.


Motion to adjourn. 8:00 p.m.

Submitted 5.26.22