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Zebulon City Council Meeting - December 10, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
By Editor Becky Watts

ZEBULON - Zebulon City Council met on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 6 p.m. at City Hall. City of Zebulon Mayor and Council consists of Mayor Joe Walter and Council Members Pro-Tem William Thomas, Mark Nalls, Claude Hollis, and Jeffrey Sawyer. (Mayor Walter only votes in the event of a tie when a third vote is needed to break that tie.) City Administrator Larry Mitcham, City Clerk Amanda Burbage, and City Attorney Rob Morton were also present along with members of the public.

• Call to Order. 6:01 p.m.

• Invocation/Pledge

• Approval of the Agenda

Jeff Sawyer asked to add Personal Policy for consideration and discussion. Add to Items for discussion but move Executive Session first. Motion to approve. Approved.

• Public Hearing – Rezoning of Faith Baptist Church from Institutional to Highway Commercial



Kacie Edwards is here to answer any questions on behalf of Jason Leatherman.



Motion to close the Public Hearing. Approved.

Planning and Zoning is recommending approval. This is the commercial corridor so it is appropriate. It was Institutional as a church but was also a motel in the past. Staff has recommended approval as well. Motion to approve. Approved.

• Public Presentation/Invited Guest

Larry Lynch – 2024 Citizen of the Year

Mayor Walter. In light of your many years of service to the city as mayor and serving on several city boards and the school board, you were chosen as Citizen of the Year. Walter said that Lynch still has lots of ideas that he shares and is thinking about the community after all these years. We appreciate your help.

• Approval of the Minutes

Called Meeting November 12 and the Special Called Meeting December 4, 2024. Motion to approve November 12.


Motion to approve December 4 as revised. Approved.

• Mayor’s Report

Read to the children at the Library on November 14. Will be going back in January. A lot of fun talking to them about Civics. GMA is promoting reading in January of 2025.

Meeting with John Stover with Carter and Sloope projects. Requested a meeting with the Tax Commissioner.

• Department Reports

1) Police Department – November 2024 Statistics.

Sgt. Chad Morris. We are patrolling the neighborhoods looking for porch pirates. We’ve done that every year. No problems so far.

2 arrests. 26 citations. 19 warnings. 9 incident reports. 10 accidents. 86 calls for service in the month of November. GSP works wrecks if there are major injuries.

Still working on getting access to Johnson’s computer. [Note from the Editor: Interim Chief Michael Johnson resigned earlier this month.]

Mayor needs a year end summary for the next meeting.

2) Public Works Director Rod Wilson.

Mr. Wilson is on vacation tonight. We are working on several projects that we will discuss in January.

•City Administrator’s Report

Mitcham. Think we are doing well this year. Will still approving charges back to this year’s budget until everything is finalized. Walter. Looks like we are good on our revenue. The last court session of the year has been held, but any court fees from this year with go in this year’s budget.

City Attorney. Corrective action has been taken to ensure that anyone who has missed court can get with the City Clerk and get back on the next calendar. Can send a notice that will eventually make those who don’t come to court can lose their driver’s license. Need to make a motion to walk through this process for issuing citations for failure to appear. Motion to ask the court for consideration of issuing a citation for failure to appear. Approved.

1) Approval of the November 2024 Financial Statement.

Motion to approve. Approved.

2) Submittal of City Council and Planning Commission and Downtown Development Authority Meeting Dates Morton. These can be modified if needed throughout the year, but this can be posted in the paper for the public. Sawyer won’t be here for the February Council Meeting. Discussion. Sawyer may not be available on the 11th. Motion to approve these dates. Approved.

3) Other items.

Cami Hoopes is working with the City. Becky Harris applied for and requested to be the Administrative Assistant Deputy Clerk position. Cami is going to do Becky’s former job.

• City Attorney’s Report


• Unfinished Business


Moved Executive Session here to discuss personnel and potential litigation.

Motion to go into Executive Session.

6:29 p.m.

Back in Session. 7:29 p.m.

Morton. Asked for motion to request GBI investigation into police department matters. Motion. Approved.

Based on this, asked for a motion to bring together the paperwork to make this happen. Motion. Approved.

Sawyer’s Earlier Request

Sawyer. Modify that all rehires have to be approved by Mayor and Council city-wide, all departments. Motion. Approved. [Note from the Editor: Because this was moved until after the Executive Session, it appears to be related to Brazer and Hemphill. According to Brazer’s POST record, Brazer has a voluntary resignation dated October 22, 2020. He was rehired as a Corporal at ZPD on August 8, 2023 where he worked until August 2, 2024, when he was terminated from employment along with Hemphill. There will be more on the circumstances of that voluntary resignation at a later time.]

• Items for Consideration and Action

1) Consideration of the Written Request for an Independent Hearing Officer

Motion to move forward with setting a date as soon as possible to reschedule the hearings. Approved.

Discussion of a date for that hearing. This will be a called meeting per Zebulon policy with notification to the media and the public. Thursday, December 19 at 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

2) Approval of Martin Luther King Day Parade Application

Application from the MLK Committee for Parade on January 20. Fuller Chapel to the Courthouse and back to Fuller Chapel. Motion to approve. Approved.

Walter. Zebulon United Methodist Church has been blessed to be able to meet at Fuller Chapel. Thankful that we can support them too.

3) Approve CMEBS Life and Health Program Declaration Page

Do other items first.

4) Holiday Calendar

Motion to approve the holiday calendar. Added Juneteenth. Approved.

5) Approval of GEFA Lead Service Loan for Line Replacement – Accept/Authorize

Grant funds to find galvanized and lead service pipes in the city. The city has the responsibility to replace the city side. Found galvanized pipes in the city. This grant will help with the replacement. Up to $440,000. Around $200,000, we won’t have to pay back. This gives us funds for someone else to do the work. Have to do at least 20. Probably more. If we don’t borrow it, we don’t have to pay it back.

Motion to accept the $440,000 grant fund and the paperwork to authorize this. Approved.

6) Approval of FY 2025 Budget

Already held a public hearing. Motion to approve and authorize signature of the resolution. Approved. Back to authorization of GMA Health page and will discuss healthcare costs next year. Motion to approve #3. Approved.

7) Activate Bicentennial Committee

Mark Nalls, Larry Lynch, Hope Shavers, Edward Alexander, Rufus Clemmons, Jim Totten, Annie Mae Gwyn, Kacie Edwards, Abigail Blount, Harlie Walley from the Chamber, and Heather Maddox.

Motion to authorize activation of the committee, make the appointments, and set up liaison from the City on this. Approved. Staff can help with anything that is needed. Brainstorm for the first couple of meetings and then move forward. They used to meet in the fall back in 1825 so our founding was likely in the fall. We do have some money budgeted for this.

8) Board Appointments

Downtown Development Authority and Planning Commission Accepted applications. Open seats are as follows: 4 for DDA. 6 for Planning Commission.


4 open spots.

Mr. Lynch did not want to serve another term. Have 3 applications for 4 spots. Readvertise 4th spot. Beverly Walter, Trudy McDevitt, and Chris Curry.

Motion to approve all three. Approved.

Planning and Zoning Commission / Design Review Committee

3 year terms. Supposed to be staggered. 6 open spots. 7 applicants.

Stefanie Forsyth and Wendy Sawyer. 3 year terms. Motion to approve. Approved. Sawyer abstained from the vote.

Floyd Miller, Jr. and Rufus Clemmons for 2 year terms. Motion to approve. Approved.

1 year appointment. 3 applications for 2 appointments. Beverly Walter, Trudy McDevitt, and Larry Lynch.

Motion to appoint Beverly Walter and Trudy McDevitt for 1 year terms. Approved.

Mark Nalls said that he will start attending some of the DDA and Planning and Zoning Meetings.

• Public Comment David Paulson. Sawyer made a motion to fine someone for a failure to appear. My understanding is that if you fail to appear, they lose their license and then add a fine and thinks that is excessive. Said that he’s been pulled over a couple of times by the City of Zebulon. You want to give someone an extra fine when they already have their license suspended? It seems unjust and asks them to reconsider. Walter said that the motion is up to the Municipal Judge and we’ll take this under advisement.

Becky Watts, Pike County Times. Concerned with having to give a physical address to speak. Understands the Council wanting to know who lives within the actual city limits because those are their constituents, but sees having to give a physical address for the record as a security issue.

• Councilmember Reports

Trying to update the employee report.

Hollis thanked Becky Harris for help with garbage pickup.

Nalls. Irate neighbor said that he wanted to pay his water bill in advance and was told that it wasn’t available yet. He doesn’t want his water cut off if he’s out of town on business. Walters. Staff is aware of the issue and will give him the documents that he has requested so this won’t be a problem in the future.

Walter is working on water and sewer ordinances and that can be discussed at a future workshop.

There is a community in New York that honors their veterans with banners each year. A gentleman wants to honor our veterans like this. This is going to be a process, but the City is going to look into acting on this banner.

• Final Adjournment

Motion to adjourn. 8:12 p.m.

For more information on the Zebulon Police Department, there are previous articles that tie into this meeting.

"BREAKING NEWS: Zebulon City Council Fires Two from Zebulon Police Department Including the Chief" can be read in full with no paywall at pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BREAKINGNEWSzebulonpolicedepartment8.6.24.html

"BREAKING NEWS: ZPD Appeals Hearings Postponed" can be read in full with no paywall at pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BREAKINGNEWSappealshearing12.4.24.html

Past articles on Chief Hemphill include:

"BREAKING NEWS: Pike County Times Investigates Hemphill Pullover Video and Police Radio Band Allegations Part 1" which can be read in full with no pay block at www.pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BREAKINGNEWShemphill10.12.22.html

"BREAKING NEWS: Pike County Times Investigates Hemphill Pullover Video and Police Radio Band Allegations Part 2" which can be read in full with no pay block at www.pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BREAKINGNEWShemphill12.8.22.html

"BREAKING NEWS: Zebulon City Council Gives Disciplinary Action to Zebulon PD Chief; Part 3 of Investigative Series" which can be read in full with no pay block at www.pikecountytimes.com/secondary/BREAKINGNEWShemphill12.20.22.html
