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ZEBULON - The Pike County Board of Commissioners will hold a Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Budget Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 5 p.m. in the main courtroom of the Pike County Courthouse. If more than 17 citizens show up at this meeting, the meeting will be moved to the school auditorium because of state guidelines for social distancing.
[Note from the Editor: This meeting had been set by the prior county manager for the 18th, but apparently he had not checked with the county attorney to ensure that he could attend the meeting on the 18th so the meeting was changed at the last county commission meeting from the 18th to the 23rd.]
Commissioners Tim Guy, Tim Daniel, Jason Proctor, and Chairman Briar Johnson were at the meeting along with County Clerk Angela Blount, Interim County Manager Brandon Rogers, and County Attorney Rob Morton. Commissioner Jenkins could not make it to the meeting tonight.
1. CALL TO ORDER ...................................................................................... Chairman Briar Johnson
2. INVOCATION………………………………………………………………………… Ben Maxedon
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE……………………………………………..Chairman Briar Johnson
4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - (O.C.G A. 50-14-1 (e) (1))
5. COUNTY MANAGER’S BUDGET OVERVIEW AND Q/A SESSION .................................................................................................... Brandon Rogers
Brandon Rogers has worked on this for a week. This is what was presented on the 10th. They have been going through this line by line since then. It’s not quite ready yet.
Presented on the 10th. The only difference between the 9th and the 10th is the raises that were discussed on the 10th.
There have been quite a few changes compared to what they were. He doesn’t want to go through each individual line item until tomorrow when it is finalized. The meeting on the 30th will be the adoption of the budget. If you have any concerns between now and then, we can address it immediately.
Rob Morton advised that Brandon and Kay did went line by line with the help of staff, and it will be completed before the weekend so you will have it to review between now and Tuesday’s meeting. There will be another full meeting to discuss specifics. This is the opportunity for the public to address the draft that was presented in the previous meeting.
From the Post Agenda: "Interim County Manager Brandon Rogers noted the summary draft for the first reading presented to the Board on June 10, 2020 included a budget of $13,601,047.61, revenues and incomes received at $7,134,600.00, that is based off the digest value and right now it is $582,578,727.00."
Commissioner Daniel asked about the millage and summary and was advised that this has rolled back to 12.2465. The current millage rate is 14.262. So we are looking at rolling back about 2 millage points.
Nancy Boren asked for a comparison with last year’s budget. Last year was $15 million for expenditures and this year is $13.67 million.
Nancy said, It seems to me that when I went down to appeal, the line was out the door. How do you anticipate your income when we don’t know the income? She said that this is puzzling because you have to know the income before you can set the millage rate. She was advised that we can’t set the final amount until a majority of the appeals are finalized. She was advised that we are basically looking at the past versus where we are going. This is basically an estimate.
Rob said that fiscal year starts July 1 and has to be set before then. They can make adjustments after the millage rate is set, but we won’t have final numbers until this is sent to and certified by the state. So we are doing the best we can between now and then.
Tim Daniel spoke to Mrs. Boren and said that you’ve seen us doing budget amendments in other meetings that you have attended, and this will be what we are doing with this until we can get it finalized.
There were about 15 people in attendance.
a. FY 2020-2021 Budget ........................................................................ Discussion and Comments
No comments.
8. ADJOURNMENT: 5:17 p.m.
Agenda subject to revision.
Click here to download a copy of the Preliminary Budget Proposal for 2020-2021.
Click here to download a copy of the Summary Draft Proposal for 2020-2021.
Click here to download a copy of the Budget Comparisons for 2019-2020 and the June 10th and the current budget proposals for 2020-2021.