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ZEBULON - The J. Joel Edwards Public Library Board of Trustees met on February 13, 2025. Present were: Grant Rowe, Janice Cairns, Susan Goodwin, Patsy Page, Joy Walker, Nicky Manley, and Amber Dean. Natalie Marshal, the Executive Director for Flint River Regional Library System (FRRLS), was also there. She has 10 years as Director. Almost 20 in the library system.
Call to Order.
Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda. Approved.
Approval of the Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes. Approved.
Financial Report
the current treasurer isn't responding to anyone. The auditors asked him to fill out a questionaire, and it wasn't done. We have essentially been without a treasurer for some time. At some point, we need to address this matter. Maybe table financial report until after new business. Motion to table. Approved.
Report from FRRLS Director Natalie Marshal
Advised that the Digital Connectivity Grant was granted. This covers hotspots and data. New hot spots are going out. $85,000 grant for the next 2 years.
New equipment will be coming to the library through Georgia LibPac.
GPLS (Georgia Pines Library System) salary and survey is ongoing. Trying to get pay parity. Director of Statistics did a comprehensive salaray survey. Waiting on results maybe later this month. This will be a compilation of data from across the entire state.
Library Board Training. Another next Thursday.
2025 Legislative Session. Advocating for funding for books, materials, repairs, Lib Tech, etc. Accepting projects for the next legislative session.
Manager Report.
December. Santa came, crochet class, book club and story time.
January. Movie day. Book club. Story time.
Izzy McClelland started working here. Her artwork is displayed. Wants to do illustrations for kids’ books.
Talking with Pike Manor and Senior Center. 34 people for a movie yesterday.
Toddler Time. 21 kids here.
Jujitsu class. Baby Doll Story time. A lot of new people.
Went to Life Springs and read to over 100 kids.
Met with Friends of the Library.
Paint and Sip. Book Club.
Closed Feb 21 for in-service training in Griffin.
Mayor’s Reading Club.
All of Pre-K is coming for a field trip.
March. All of 1st Grade coming.
April 21-26 is Employee and Volunteer Appreciation. 5 staff and 3 volunteers who are regular and 2 more who have applied.
Met with the Art Council, and they want to team up to put out displays. Maybe find a place for Slow Exposures, etc.
Natalie. Training will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with speakers on different topics including customer service.
All of our staff will be there except for one person.
Question. How much emphasis is put on safety, fire, and CPR? Natalie. We did this last year so it won’t be the emphasis this year. Usually do this every couple of years pretty regularly.
Fire Department came in and did a walk through. Chief and a fire fighter. Fixed an exit light and did some safety items as they were directed.
Natalie. Lauren has been coming down to make sure that the Square reports are in order. Working with Tory on Quickbooks, and Natalie said that the FRLS can help do this job as Treasurer.
Motion for Susan as Secretary. Approved.
Motion for Janice for Vice Chair. Approved.
Motion for Grant for Chair. Approved.
Natalie. The biggest role is that you’re the third signer is on checks. There is oversight, but it doesn’t have to be as in-depth.
Janice resigned as Vice Chair and said that she will be the Treasurer. Motion to nominate herself. Approved.
Motion for Amber for Vice Chair. Approved.
New Business
Curtis has not responded to emails, phone calls, etc. since the audit started. He was the third signer on the checking account. Grant, Alla, Curtis. A letter is needed from the Board asking the bank to add Janice and Tory. Motion that we sign a letter to remove Alla and Curtis and add Janice and Tory. Approved. Natalie asked about what meetings he has missed, and if they were in place.
Anthony. Suggested talking to Angela about how to do this.
This would be the second meeting in a row rather than three meetings in a row. Natalie said that we have follow the bylaws as they are written. Three consecutive meetings is normal for most library boards. Grant said that he would call Angela tomorrow.
Motion to discuss the acquisition request. Approved.
The new tables look nice. Tory presented her wish list. Talked with staff too.
Teenagers and tweens. Beanbag chair. $130 * Needs to be vinyl or have a removable cover.
Little ones. Smaller beanbag chair. $44
Lighting over in the teens and tweens area. It is dark in the afternoons. There are only 2 sets of lights.
Tutoring, etc. is over there. Need a lamp to lighten the area. $80
Study cubicles have been removed. A couple of display tables that look like cupcakes to display artwork, books, etc. $330 each
Tables in the kids’ section. One wobbles. The other is broken. Asking for one rectangular table. $340 Need an ice machine. The one in the fridge isn’t working anymore. Would like another refrigerator, but the wiring isn’t good for an actual fridge. Table top ice maker. $250
A portable speaker for story time to help with field trips and story time. $35
10 foot parachute for toddler time. $20
Discussion. Grant. Concern about the lamp because it may not be bright enough. Maybe ask Ken to look at it again and see if it can be brightened.
$1559 without shipping and taxes. Going to remove the lamp, and some things are cheaper. Suggested setting up a Prime Business Account if the county doesn’t have one. Motion to approve up to $1,500 for needed items. Approved.
Back to the audit.
Walked over the findings at the end of the report. The auditors made a recommendation for an outside bookkeeper to do duties or provide additional training. Grant. This audit is from the previous year, and there were changes over the past year. No continuity. Quickbooks training has been ongoing at the Library with the Regional Staff. Everything is set up and ready for a new start with new staff and new procedures. This is protection for the library and everyone who is working here.
The Regional Financial Staff Member said that she would need to talk to someone at the auditor’s office. Invoices, cancelled checks, and backup for checks and balances is needed. Changes have been made including backing up Quickbooks. Double checking behind each other is important and built into procedures. There will be a report that goes with invoices, etc.
No action is needed at this time but will continue moving forward with new procedures.
Motion for the Chair to respond to the auditors on the audit. Approved.
Motion to adjourn. 6:01 p.m.
Here are most of the meetings that Pike County Times has attended over the past 6 years.
To read about the April 4, 2024 meeting, click here.
To read about the September 15, 2023 meeting, click here.
To read about the June 8, 2023 meeting, click here.
To read the April 12, 2023 County Commission Write Up entitled "J. Joel Edwards Public Library Board of Trustees to Meet in January; Transitioning to a New Normal," click here.
To read about the March 9, 2023 meeting, click here.
To read about problems with Rogers' funding of the library from the May 26, 2022 county commission meeting, click here.
To read about the November 14, 2019, 2019 meeting where the board worked together to pass their bylaws, click here.
To read about the May 9, 2019, 2019 meeting, click here.
To read about the March 1, 2019, 2019 meeting, click here.
To read about the February 14, 2019 meeting, click here.
To read about the January 10, 2019 meeting, click here.
To read the December 26, 2018 article entitled "J. Joel Edwards Public Library Board of Trustees to Meet in January; Transitioning to a New Normal," click here.
To read about the December 13, 2018 meeting, click here.
To read about the November 8, 2018 meeting, click here.