Pike County Times
The Pike County Times, PO Box 843, Zebulon, Georgia 30295. Click here to donate through PayPal. Becky Watts: Phone # 770-468-7583 editor@pikecountytimes.com

This information has been gathered and sent to the Pike County Times.com by citizen Don Bailey, Chairman of Friends of Pike County Animals. Friends of Pike County Animals Website

Known/Reported Pike County Animal Cases
January 1, 2006 – March 30, 2010

(Data collected through opens records request from the Pike County Sheriff’s Department)

Pike County Sheriff’s Incident Reports (761)
Dog Bites 132 (38 humans, 54 dogs, 11 cats, 8 horses, 5 cows, 6 goats, 6 chickens, 1 lamb, 1 rabbit, 1 pig, 1 pigeon)
Aggressive Dog(s) 63, Aggressive Cat(s) 2
Animal Cruelty 49 - (41* dogs, 2 cats, 4 horses, 1 goat, 1 pig (shot) (*21 dogs shot, 1 dogmutilation, 3 dogs possibly poisoned, 1 dead dog in dumpster)
Welfare Check - 7 dogs
Missing animals 19 (17 dogs, 1 cat, 1 goat)
Stray Animals 422 - (150 dogs, 168 cows, 2 bulls, 58 horses, donkeys or mules, 15 goats, 9 pigs, 3 cats, 17 unknown)
Injured Animal 57 - (25 dogs, 2 horses, 2 cows, 25 deer, 1 fox, 1 raccoon, 1 bat)
Other responses 10 (nuisance animals and DNR referrals)

Community Progress to Date

January 27, 2009. The Pike County Board of Commissioners (BOC) voted to designate land for the county animal control facility. This area is known as the “old chipper site” adjacent to the county public works facility and the Women’s Detention Center.

April 2009. The Pike County DRAFT Animal Control Ordinance was turned into the county attorney and the BOC. Citizen comments from the Animal Control Workshop in October 2008 were incorporated into the DRAFT.

June 09. The Pike County Sheriffs Dept was provided training (at no cost) on how to prosecute animal cruelty cases by the Georgia Legal Professionals for Animals (GLPA).

September 2009. Formal presentation of four sets of oxygen recovery masksfor pets to the BOC and fire departmentfor the citizens of Pike County and animals on behalf of the members of FPCA and their supporters.

May 2010. FPCA 3rd Annual Wishful Pet Poster Contest at Pike County Primary and Elementary Schools.

May 2010. The FPCA and Pike County Horse Club is sponsoring the 1st Pike County “Dog and Pony Show” (and Other Critters too) at Chestnut Oaks.

The Real Numbers

A YES Vote for the 2009 SPLOST would have provided $150,000.00 for acquiring, constructing, and equipping the Pike County Animal Shelter.

Land acquisition costs - $0. County owned land has already been designated.

Animal Shelter Budgets from Neighboring Counties. Heard County's 2009 Budget was $105,000. Upson County's 2009 Budget was $112,000. Meriwether County's 2009 Budget was $163,000.

Labor Assistance - Edd Sanders, Warden at the West Central Pre-Release Center, has verbally agreed to establish a non-revenue labor agreement with the county.

City Assistance – Each City has provided a Letter of Commitment and Financial Support to the Pike County Board of Commissioners.

Building – The Hollonville Fire Station Kit was purchased for $18,000 in September 2008. Utilizing Heard and Meriwether County design plans will provide additional cost savings.

Friends of Pike County Animals Works for Animal Control


Dear Editor:

On 11 June 2008 I appeared before the Pike County Board of Commissioners and County Manager to provide an update so we could work together to find solutions to the animal control issues we continue to have within our community. In August 2007 the Friends of Pike County Animals was formed to provide a venue to discuss animal control assistance and issues, establish a partnership with local veterinarians and mobile spay and neuter clinics, establish rabies clinics twice a year, and provide public education through numerous available resources and sponsorship programs.

Some of the Friends of Pike Animals achievements:

• During the month of January 2008 we completed the library display at the J. Joel Edward Library and held a free drawing for the items used in the display. Four overall winners were selected from the seventy eight children who participated in the drawing.

• In May 2008 we sponsored a Wishful Pet Poster Contest at the Pike County Primary and Elementary Schools (K-5). A Wishful Pet could be an imagined pet or a real pet the student would be responsible for. The poster was to include an explanation of the pet owner’s responsibilities, what it eats, grooming instructions, and habitat. Ribbons and awards were handed out to the winners and the winning posters will be displayed in business organizations throughout the county during the next few weeks.

• June 28 2008 we will be holding a Yard Sale Benefit in Concord to raise funds for Friends Projects.

• We are in contact with Mobile Spay and Neuter Clinic and are discussing the establishment of a Tri-County agreement (Upson/Lamar/Pike) to assist each other when the spay/neuter clinic is scheduled. Pike County could be on a list for quarterly clinic.

• Starting in September we will be sponsoring a Kind News Subscription to the J. Joel Edwards Public Library and to the Pike County Primary School Media center on a trail basis. Kind News encourages good character and emphasizes humane values, such as responsible pet care and respect for wildlife and habitats.

Just Some Numbers?

1 deceased, 14 shot, 32 wounded, 216 missing, 21 treated cruel, 72 attacked, 23 vicious, and associated damage costs are unknown.

This may sound like some information you might hear in a war zone, but these numbers reflect the actual incidents reports in reference to Animal Control Issues completed by the Pike County Sheriff’s department from 1 Jan 06 to 1 Mar 08. Animal Control Incident reports from other Pike County Law Enforcement Agencies is not available.

• During an office visit with the Sheriff Thomas we discussed the current animal incident numbers, lack of assistance when deputies respond to an incident, and failure to provide more detailed reports to assist citizens in filing for damages. I provided him with information from the Georgia Legal Professionals for Animals, Inc., reference no cost assistance and training seminars on how to prepare documentation/evidence ref animal cases. MAJ Neal is in contact with the organization and is attempting to arrange a training seminar.

• During and Office Appointment to the Magistrate Court office I attempted to obtain the information on the number of animal incident/related cases that have appeared before the court and cases in which damages were awarded. The office was not able to provide actual number of cases but informed me very few plaintiffs have been awarded damages. The GLPA training could provide some assistance and magistrate judges are encouraged to attend.

Information History

• Article obtained from the PJR 7/20/05. Commissioners nibble at dog ordinance here. CATF will check into it. “Work on a dog ordinance, it’s an ongoing problem.” “It’s something on the front burner for sure.”

• PJR Headlines; Jan 07 Prater Case Animal Cruelty; Jan 07 Mrs. Delores Smith Attacked By Dogs; Feb 07 Molena Service Dog attacked by pit bull; May 07 Mrs. Smith passes due to injuries sustained from attacks; Nov 07 Cattle Attacked.

• BOC Animal Control Work Shop was scheduled on 13 Feb 08. The County Manager and Commissioner Willis attended.

• Animal Control referendum. During the Board of Commissioners regular monthly meeting on February 26, 2008 the BOC unanimously voted to place on the November ballot an Animal Control referendum for the citizens of the county to vote on. I passed via email to County Attorney information ref establishing the referendum and previous examples of other GA counties completing the process.

Draft Referendum

“Should the Pike County Board of Commissioners adopt an animal control resolution establishing an animal control ordinance and an animal control department to be funded by the county budget beginning the 200?-200? Fiscal year?” Such an animal control department would include, but not be limited to, an animal control officer, an appropriate vehicle, an animal control facility/shelter, and an operating budget."

**Note. Not sure if the timeline has passed for us to get this referendum through the GA State Legislature to be included in the upcoming election.

• Political Forum. Submitted Animal Control referendum information and question to the Pike Co Farm Bureau/Chamber office to be included during the upcoming political forum.

The Pike County Board of Commissioners’ and County Manager has already been provided:

• Letters. Intent and support to assist the county with operational expenses were submitted to the County Manager from all five city Mayors and council members.

• Budgets. Copies of the Meriwether County’s Animal Control Ordinance (written by our county attorneys), Operating Budget ($135,000+), and POC for their Architectural Plan and Shelter Design, shelter construction costs ($348,000-cost overrun due to Hurricane Katrina) and Upson County’s Animal Control Ordinance and operating budget ($98,000).

• West Central Probation Detention Center (WCPDC). Verbal agreement with Warden Ed Sanders. Animal Shelter support can be accomplished through a non-revenue labor agreement with the county. The Warden was even optimistic about the possibility of establishing a Guide Dogs for the Blind or Dogs for the Deaf training center at the detention center.

In Order to Move Forward the Following Actions must occur:

• Animal Control Referendum. Need to ensure the action is processed in time for the ballot.

• Animal Control Ordinance. The County Attorneys should be able to expedite the process since they assisted Meriwether County.

• Provide County Land for animal shelter. Area footprint about 1.5-2 acres. Location within close proximity of women’s detention facility best site. Last site next to Sheriffs Firing Range unusable. Possible landsite, borrow pit area next to the WCPDC. Establish an agreement with city of Zebulon for water and sewer to offset costs of shelter.

• Funding. If the resolution is passed a commitment to fund, build, and operate the animal control shelter.

• Impact Fees. Spoke with Bill Ross and Associates in reference to questions to Impact Fee usage for Animal Control Shelter and Budget. He stated the State Attorney General has already made an Unofficial Opinion to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs which does not allow impact fees to be used. Research conducted reflects the DCA lists Animal Control and Shelter Fees under the Revenue Colum Uniform Chart of Account Code, 34.6100. (No unofficial opinion located).Click here for DCA pdf.

Pike County currently has no solution for animal control and our neighboring counties cannot assist us with this burden. Dumping animals is illegal. Unvaccinated animals are illegal and unhealthy. Puppy mills are illegal. Animal Cruelty is illegal. There is no limit on the number of animals citizens are allowed to keep on their property however, if they are not responsible for their animal’s vaccinations, food, shelter, or control, the owners should be subject to the Georgia Laws and Statutes already in place.

We (FOPCA) have been working on education, community involvement and awareness, law enforcement assistance, and are in the process of raising funds to help with animal shelter construction costs. Our hope for our community is to help itself. Change is constant. How we will change will be left up to the actions of the Pike County Citizens.

Thank you for the continued support.
Don Bailey, Chairman-Friends of Pike County Animals
Meansville, GA

Known/Reported Pike County Animal Cases from 2006 – 1 March 2008 (385)

Pike County Sheriff’s Incident Reports (44)
Dogs Shot - 3
Dog Bites - 19 (9* humans, 5 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats, 1 chicken)(*1 death due to injuries)
Aggressive Dog Incidents - 9
Stray Dogs - 4
Lost/Stolen animals - 1 (dog)
Welfare Check - 1 (dog)
Animal Cruelty Responses - 7 (3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 goat, 1 dog mutilation, 1 dog poisoned)

Pike County Sheriff’s Miscellaneous Incident Reports (341)
Dog Attacks/bites Responses - 53 (11 humans, 20 dogs, 5 cats, 7 horses, 4 cows, 2 goats, 2 chickens, 1 rabbit, 1 pig)
Aggressive dogs - 14
Stray Animal Responses - 195 (79 dogs, 72 cows, 2 bulls, 28 horses, donkeys or mules, 3 goats, 4 pigs, 2 cats, 5 others)
Animal Cruelty Responses - 14 (12 dogs, 2 horse) (2 dogs possibly poisoned)
Animals Shot - 11 (10 dogs, 1 pig)
Injured Animal Responses - 31 (12 dogs, 16 deer, 1 bat, 1 horse, 1 calf)
Missing Animal Responses - 16 (14 dogs, 1 cat, 1 goat)
Other Responses - 7 (possible rabid pig, accident involving cow, nuisance raccoon, possible diseased dog, noise complaint, cat attack, snake in residence)

Just Numbers ?
(Information provided by the CDC and GA Dept of AG)

It has been estimated that about 4.5 million people (nearly 2 percent of the American population) are bitten by dogs each year. 800,000 people sought medical care, half of these were children. Of these, 386,000 sought treatment in emergency rooms and 6,000 were hospitalized.

The bite of an adult dog can exert up to 200 pounds per square inch of pressure, resulting in crush and puncture injuries. No breed is guaranteed to be 100% bite-free or attack-free. There is no known cure for Rabies once symptoms become evident (untreated) and death is almost certain.

Between 1979 and 1998, 58 percent of human deaths involved attacks by unrestrained dogs who were on their owner's property at the time of the attack.

60 Percent of the fatal dog bites attacks by unrestrained dogs that occurred off the owner’s property in 1997 and 1998 involved attacks by more than one dog.

17 states accounted for the 27 dog bite fatalities that occurred in 1997 and 1998.
Georgia accounted for three of them.

Due to the high cost of dog bite liability claims, some insurance companies have blacklisted certain breeds (dangerous dogs) and are refusing to provide homeowners insurance to those whom own these dog breeds. According to the Insurance Information Institute, liability claims have increased from $250 million in 1996 to $310 million in 2001.

New GA Vehicle License Tags are to help dogs and cats. More than 21,000 tags were sold netting more than $450,000 to the program, to help pay for the spay and neutering procedures in all GA’s 159 counties.

Known/Reported Pike County Animal Cases (Feb 8 -May 31, 2007)

Pike County Sheriff’s Incident Reports (4)

Dog Bites (1) Three dogs attacked a youth at a bus stop

Vicious Dog Incidents (3) During one incident the citizen shot the dog. The same dog was reported to have attacked and killed the citizen’s dog before this incident.

Pike County Sheriff’s Miscellaneous Incident Reports (37)

Dog Attack/Bite Responses 12 (6 humans, 4 dogs, 2 horses)
One incident involved a child being chased by a dog. The same dog attacked a neighbor’s dog before this incident.

Stray Animal Responses 15 (6 dogs, 4 cows, 5 horses)

Animal Cruelty Responses 3 (2 dogs, horse)

Animals Shot 1 (dog)

Injured Animal Responses 3 (2 dogs, calf)

Missing Animal Responses 1 (goat)

Other Responses 2 (cat attack, snake in residence)

Known/Reported Pike County Animal Cases for 2006 - 02/2007 (253)

Pike County Sheriff’s Incident Reports (19)

Dog(s) Shot (2)

Dog Bites (6)

Vicious Dog Incidents (2)

Animal Cruelty Responses (7) (3 dogs, 1 cat, 1 goat, 1 dog mutilation, 1 dog poisoned)

Lost/Stolen Dogs (1)

Welfare Check (1) dog

Pike County Sheriff’s Miscellaneous Incident Reports (234)

Dog Attacks/bites Responses 23 (4 humans, 6 dogs, 3 cats, 3 horses, 2 cows, 2 goats, 2 chickens, 1 rabbit)

Stray Animal Responses 151 (53 dogs, 65 cows, 2 bulls, 22 horses, donkeys or mules, 3 goats, 3 pigs, 3 others)

Animal Cruelty Responses 11 (10 dogs, 1 horse)

Animals Shot 8 (7 dogs, 1 pig)

Injured Animal Responses 25 (7 dogs, 16 deer, 1 bat, 1 horse)

Missing Animal Responses 12 (11 dogs, 1 cat)

Other Responses 4 (possible rabid pig, accident involving cow, nuisance raccoon, possible diseased dog)

