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ZEBULON - The Development Authority met on January 15, 2025 at 8 a.m. at the Pike County Chamber of Commerce. Present were: Briar Johnson, Shane Williamson, John Barker, Dee McLeRoy, David Nix, Bryan Oglesby, Kel Brannan, Kyle Fletcher, Sonny Gwyn, and Stewart Esary.
1. Call to Order - Kel Brannon, Chairman
Meeting called to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda. Approved.
3. Invited Guest - None
4. Approval of the Minutes
a. Approval of the November 2024 Minutes (no December meeting)
Motion to approve the minutes. Approved.
5. Approval of Financials.
a. Approval of November and December financials
Esary. Walked through the profits and expenses. Motion to approve the November and December financials.
6. Old Business
Pike Business Park Update
Fletcher. Harvesting timber even though some mud issues at the Business Park. Martin and Company building is going up now. Working to get permits, address, etc. McNair has put up some tape on the highway. Mark Whitley is going to have more at the February meeting with moving the dirt, etc.
7. New Business
Election of Officers
a. Chairman
b. Vice Chair
c. Secretary
Motion for Kell Brannon to remain the chair. Approved.
Motion for Bryan Oglesby to remain the vice chair. Approved.
Motion for Kyle Fletcher to remain the secretary. Approved.
Additional Comments. None.
Executive Session (for personnel purposes)
8:14 a.m.
Back in Session. 8:26 a.m.
Motion to give Fletcher a 7 1/2% raise. Approved.
8. Adjourn
Motion to adjourn. 8:26 a.m.
Next meeting is February 5, 2025.
Past Meetings that Pike County Times has attended
March 13, 2024 and April 3, 2024 IDA Meeting
August 21, 2023 New Development Authority Director Named
July 26, 2023 Special Called IDA Meeting
June 7, 2023 IDA Meeting and History and Background of the IDA
February 20, 2023 Joint Commission and IDA Special Called Meeting